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Asda Parking

mike warland

Asda Parking  

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I have just received a parking fine at Asda Weston super Mare for not parking between the lines with my Camper of £60 reduced to £30 if paid within 14 days. Apparently they have a firm called TCP in Perth Scotland operating this for them. I spoke to Asda customer services who said its nothing to do with them anymore ( its their carpark and their store) so it has to be paid or go to court. I have spoken to Morrisons and Sainsburys and both state they have no such policy in force and to speak to individual managers to confirm.

Si if you have a camper/motorhome which does'nt fit in the bay DON'T go to Asda find a Morrisons or Sainsbury's instead.

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We frequently use the Asda car park at Chandlersford  Southampton.and my 8 mtr van takes up two spaces we have never had a problem there and there are  notices everywhere regarding parking restrictions and length of stay, 2/12 hrs,many other Campers and large vehicles use the  car park too, so did you park badly causing obstruction I wonder ?
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Its not a fine, its an invoice. Don't answer or communicate with them, they will keep sending letters to you and will threaten you with bailiffs and court summons.

Google CAG and go to the Parking Fines section, there is a lot of info there.




jhorsf web adrress is just as good.



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mike warland - 2012-07-02 4:22 PM


I have just received a parking fine at Asda Weston super Mare for not parking between the lines with my Camper of £60 reduced to £30 if paid within 14 days. Apparently they have a firm called TCP in Perth Scotland operating this for them. I spoke to Asda customer services who said its nothing to do with them anymore ( its their carpark and their store) so it has to be paid or go to court. I have spoken to Morrisons and Sainsburys and both state they have no such policy in force and to speak to individual managers to confirm.

Si if you have a camper/motorhome which does'nt fit in the bay DON'T go to Asda find a Morrisons or Sainsbury's instead.









Just out of interest, how long was you parked there for ?


We`ve never had a problem at any of the supermarkets and we always

take up at least 2 bays.......but......we always park well out of harms way

and not like some you see getting as close to the entrance as possible.

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Guest JudgeMental

Had a problem in Bordeaux on way back from Spain...An irate French women started shouting at me that I had taken up 2 parking places...as I have a panel van I was within the white lines and a likle french car had actually parked in what was left of the space behind moi...


Her parting shot, after I given her some of my best anglo saxon lingo was YOU...YOU.... TOURIST! which she spat at me venomously...I jut laughed (Ha hA .HA) and told her where to go in the finest English tradition..


God I hate the French (and no it was not an asda but probably the most expensive supermarket in Christendom :D)

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Our local Sainsburys has a camera and matrix display system just installed. As you approach the entrance your reg number is flashed up on the matrix display together with the time you should leave the car park,which is 2 1/2 hours. The only problem is that on the same site is an Argos superstore,Homebase, a Rotten Ronnies (McDs) and the Sainsburys with a cafe,that isn't long enough!

I sometimes wonder if these stores want people to shop there. I can understand the limits if the store is in an area where drivers will park up and go elsewhere:a local hospital car park had a car in for 2 weeks whilst the driver went on holiday and the local pub car park was used by people leaving their cars and taking a bus which stopped outside to town for their shopping. The knock on effect was retrictions on the local roads and the hospital charging.

However the Sainsburys store is in a rural area so people need the car to go shopping.

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Somewhere I have a photograph of a 36ft American R-V parked over 4Bays of Asda at Portleven in Scotland. 2 couples and a dog e-route for a wedding in Aberdeen!!, having breakfast in the Cafe and loading "essential supplies" for the "stay" I`ll try and attach it!!


No one bothered me?


In fact when Walmart Took over Asda I asked the manager at one HULL one if I could overnight as per we have done umpteen times in the USA, He wasn't very impressed and said so!!


Silly Really as Motor home users spend money in the store.


Link to Martin Moneysaving .com etc:- http://www.moneysavingexpert.com/reclaim/private-parking-tickets


Have had my current one (Only 32ft). Plus a car on toad. Into Morison's several times, a couple of Tesco`s. Even a Liddle, Always take up at least 2 or 3 bays, but try to stay on the perimeter at all times.




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I have found this information very helpful, and it would appear that these privatly owned supermarket carpark wardens have no powers to fine anyone.


It goes without saying that responsible parking should still be applied, but in future if I overstay the so called max time, by say an hour, is to completly ignore any worthless fine ticket.


I take it that council run car parks do not come into this category.

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JudgeMental - 2012-07-02 5:40 PM


Had a problem in Bordeaux on way back from Spain...An irate French women started shouting at me that I had taken up 2 parking places...as I have a panel van I was within the white lines and a likle french car had actually parked in what was left of the space behind moi...


Her parting shot, after I given her some of my best anglo saxon lingo was YOU...YOU.... TOURIST! which she spat at me venomously...I jut laughed (Ha hA .HA) and told her where to go in the finest English tradition..


God I hate the French (and no it was not an asda but probably the most expensive supermarket in Christendom :D)


Gosh Eddie you do have some bad experiences in France and seem to come across the most grumpy French people in the whole country. As we have mentioned before we almost always find French pople charming, helpful and with a good sense of humour. The people we find most difficult are some Brits we meet on our travels who are arrogent, loud and unpleasant.

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Guest JudgeMental
robertandjean - 2012-07-03 1:05 PM


JudgeMental - 2012-07-02 5:40 PM


Had a problem in Bordeaux on way back from Spain...An irate French women started shouting at me that I had taken up 2 parking places...as I have a panel van I was within the white lines and a likle french car had actually parked in what was left of the space behind moi...


Her parting shot, after I given her some of my best anglo saxon lingo was YOU...YOU.... TOURIST! which she spat at me venomously...I jut laughed (Ha hA .HA) and told her where to go in the finest English tradition..


God I hate the French (and no it was not an asda but probably the most expensive supermarket in Christendom :D)


Gosh Eddie you do have some bad experiences in France and seem to come across the most grumpy French people in the whole country. As we have mentioned before we almost always find French pople charming, helpful and with a good sense of humour. The people we find most difficult are some Brits we meet on our travels who are arrogent, loud and unpleasant.




Hardly surprising as you are so besotted with the French idle...rose tinted glasses I fear, but then again ignorance is bliss...


I always find it an immense pleasure to run into fellow countrymen....


how the incident above started was she parked so close to me I could not get out of the van..What ws more shocking was the prices in supermarket *-)

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No I only have a camper van and was just over the line as the car next to me was right on his line. Customer services at the Weston super Mare store told me they have received several complaints regarding tickets ,as the warden there is quite aggressive however they have refused my appeal and told me if you can't park in the bay don't stop.

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mike warland - 2012-07-03 1:35 PM



No I only have a camper van and was just over the line as the car next to me was right on his line. Customer services at the Weston super Mare store told me they have received several complaints regarding tickets ,as the warden there is quite aggressive however they have refused my appeal and told me if you can't park in the bay don't stop.


If that was their attitude, I would write and complain to ASDA head office.


Must say our local ASDA and Tesco's are v/good and do let charitable organisations use their facilities.



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TCP (Town and City Parking) don't seem to be very popular with Asda customers. Here's another discussion about them: http://forums.moneysavingexpert.com/showthread.php?t=4034557


Assuming that you did actually go into the store and spend money, I would write a letter of complaint to


Jeremy Kinsey

General Store Manager


Phillips Road


BS23 3UZ


and ignore the 'invoice'.



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The ASDA store at Cribbs Causeway Bristol at the side of the M5 at J17 used to allow HGV overnight parking on ntheir top car park..they had a cracking cafeteria the food was well priced and decent..and the added bonus of getting some shopping in..fresh fruit and veg and topping up the fridge in the truck was a bonus..(not all us truck drivers ate burgers and chips)..but after a while it got silly..the place was haunted by Eastern European drivers staying all over the weekends urinating and pooing everywhere and even having strip washes in the toilets!!

The management stopped it eventually..I did use it before it got silly on the top car park on a number of occasions when I was a HGV driver..but at times truck drivers are their own worst enemy...the whisper goes around and everyone uses it..then the privilidge is withdrawn because too many abused it...

I did use it on one occasion overnight in my motorhome as I was passing through and it was getting a wee bit late for a site...but I explained to the store manager when I asked to overnight who actually remembered me from when I used to deliver to the store..and the brief was no mess and away early...we left at 07;00 the next morning and had brekky at Grahams at Bridgwater..40 minutes later heading for Cornwall...No harm in asking they can only say NO!!!

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We had a similar experience last year at ASDA – we had overstayed the maximum 3-hour limit. I ignored the Help Desk saying that it was none of their concern as the car park was managed by TCP and insisted on speaking to the store manager. I told him in no uncertain terms (polite but very firm) that I was not going to pay the ‘fine’. I pointed out that we had just spent over £400 pounds in the store – new specs for me and a month's groceries shopping. I also pointed out that although they may have another company managing the car park, in the eyes of their customers it was still ASDA’s car park.

He took my details and promised to call me at home. Two hours later I had a phone call to say the parking ticket had been squashed. I’ve heard nothing since.

I also e-mailed ASDA but did not even have the courtesy of an acknowledgement.

So I suggest you have a word with the store manager, especially if you are a regular customer there.



We've ever had a problem parking our camper there, which at 6m takes up two spaces

Cattwg :-D

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robertandjean - 2012-07-03 1:05 PM

You do have some bad experiences in France and seem to come across the most grumpy French people in the whole country. As we have mentioned before we almost always find French pople charming, helpful and with a good sense of humour. The people we find most difficult are some Brits we meet on our travels who are arrogent, loud and unpleasant.


Just to balance this equation we too have always found (most) French people tolerant and sometimes even helpful - it certainly helps you try to speak their home language - well you are in their country after all - at which point they have even been known to demonstrate that their English is in fact far better than my French.


There can be a reserve about some French people which can be seen as arrogance but no more so than Brits abroad and on balance France is a much more pleasant country to tour by Camping Car than the UK will ever be - at least in our lifetime!

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Hi Mike,

After reading your post I decided to re-send an e-mail to ASDA regarding a similar experience – I’d not received a reply the first time.

This morning I had a phone call from Joseph at ASDA’s Customer Care. He was very understanding and we had quite a long chat regarding the parking of larger vehicles and overstaying the time limit at their car parks. I suggested that they need to rethink their parking policy and he sympathised saying that the more complaints they get the more likely that this would happen.

He also endorsed my advice to speak to the store manager.

Joseph’s telephone number is 0800 952 0101.

Hope this helps to get your ‘fine’ quashed – mine was after talking to the store manage.

John :-D

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What exactly is this complaint going to be pray tell ?


The OP admitted to "Not" parking within the parking boundaries/lines the need to do so would have been clearly displayed on various signs and also the "charge" that he would incurr if he did so, the old saying "its a fair cop" springs to mind. Owners of private land can have whatever rules and charges they want relating to the use of there car park. So again I ask what exactly is the complaint going to be based on. Oh and for the record I have been caught by a supermarket car park charge of £50 for parking in a disbled bay, I deliberatly did this in order to save my bodywork from the inevitable runaway trolley as the bays are allways wider. I accepted that I did not abide by the land owners rules and promply paid my £50 charge.


I dont see why some peeps are up in arms over these charges, if there were no rules then they would have people like me taking up 4 spaces to protect my car and wagons, MH and certain travelling sorts taking up residence.

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I was thinking along those lines ips... :-S


...but I suppose we both missed something...and that was,*lawfull* or not "..rules only apply to *other* people.." (..and especially *not* to us MHers... (lol) )


They'll be something to complain about,when due to "inconsiderate" parking,this store decides to stick up a height barrier... *-)

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