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Roadpro Dome Problem


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Just before I left the UK for a trip down through France and onward to Barcelona I tested my satellite tv system and it worked fine. As soon as I arrived in France, Cite Europe, the dome refused to lock onto any satellite and it has failed to do at every aire in France.


I have searched this forum and find that satellite frequencies have changed, could this be the problem or is it something else?

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The Roadpro domes search for satellites by a different method to Oyster and others who have been affected by channel re-allocations and is therefore not subject to this problem. It sounds as though yours has developed a problem of its own though. Does it still not lock on to any satellite? If so it could be a hardware problem like a failed LNB (rare but not impossible) Can you hear it buzzing and whirring as it searches? Contact your supplier for assistance, if it was fitted by a Roadpro approved dealer it carries a five year warranty.



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As you are in Barcelona it might just be that you are out of range for the channel you have selected. Try searching with SKY news selected. Its also worth trying ASTRA 1 if you have a FTA receiver, at least if it locks on to that satellite you can rule out a faulty LNB and dome equipment.



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Hi John


which make of dome have you got ?


I had one of the last camos dome's, before Roadpro went over to their own make.


It was a heap of rubbish.


It was always a toss up if it worked or not.I had at least three different faults over nine months


I ended up on the forcourt at Daventry and it would not work at all after a day's fiddling with it.


Roadpro to there credit took it all off and started again with a new set-up.The new Roadpro dome seems ok now


As I understand the situation Camos were trying to play one Korean manufacturer off against another in the interest of profit and perhaps quality suffered a bit.


Sorry but it an't much help in getting you Eastenders this holiday.





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Hi Scramblers,

I arrived in France and I have had the same problem.

I contacted Conrad anderson as it is still under warrenty they told me that they have changed the sattelite configurations and it has thrown a lot of people out.

To get around this is to go to a sat specialist and get it set up again "this is not cheep".

If you are away from home and want to wait until you get home a way to get around it is to go on to sky news channel 501 if using Sky box then switch off your dome only and this will stop the dome revolving then try to see if you can get the channels that you want this will work for the normal channels E.G. 1,2,3,4,and 5 and a few other`s.

Hope this will help.



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As DN has stated, it should not be the dome. The problem is because the satalites have changed. we have recently got back from Spain/France, our Camos dome had problems finding stations, due to the changes made We don't have Sky Box, just a box bought from Maplins 5 years ago. we managed to get all the stations by logging on first to Hotbird. and then changing over.

we had a guy come over to us at the Ferry coming home, saying that his dome did not work (with Sky Box)

My husband explained about the changes. I guess Sky Boxes (If used at home), you would not want to change them while away. We have two spare Sky boxes,(as we now have cable) so may try to use one in the van (Don't have a current card )

PS Camos is 5 years old and never been any problems

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First let me apologise for my sloppy subject title. The dome is the 30 cm Camos bought from Roadpro, I did not realize that Roadpro made their own.


I have now returned from my trip and the Camos dome could/would not locate any satellites in France - includiung at Cite Europe where I spent last night. However as soon as I got home and tried the dome again it immediately located the satellites!!!!!!!!!!!!


Is there an update for the Camos Dome?

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Mike88 - 2012-07-18 5:10 PM


If it works in the UK and not in France/Spain then it sounds as though there is no problem; it's just that your dome is too small to receive the TV channels you require. 30cms is a very small dish.


The dome's footprint is limited but it should received stations through most of France and the dome worked perfectly last year through France and parts of Germany.

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Hi Scrambler.


I had to have a software update last year, but my dome would not work anywhere


The camos dome is a strange beast. It needs a 12/24 upvolter because it runs of 24v


With my set-up this powersupply was hidden behind a panel and the 12v feed was thro a fag lighter socket, again hidden behind the same panel Not the best engineering solution.


I had a fault were at times it all shut down for no apparent reason . I reckon that my problem was somewhere around this socket.

HWOYour fault would appear to be more on these lines than a reception problem.

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