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John Terry


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Thankfully some common sense has prevailed and the waste of time and money racist case brought against John Terry has ended in a not guilty verdict .

I am no fan of Terry , Chelsea or indeed footballers in general but this case for me has proved how far we have gone in our obsession in " racism " .

You can throw thousands of insults at someone but mention the word black in any shape or form and you've had it .

Well done to who ever had the guts to give the not guilty verdict and I suppose we can look forward to the streets burning when young blacks take to throwing petrol bombs and robbing and looting shops in there anger at the verdict . The End .

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George Collings - 2012-07-13 9:27 PM


Gentlemen gentlemen, could we have a little more decorum. Slanging matches on the pitch are bad enough we dont want the moderator showing yellow let alone red cards do we.


Quite right ... so stop calling them gentlemen!!! :D

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I have no interest whatsoever in football or footballers, but I do believe that the 'racist' card is so overplayed in this country.

What I find most inexplicable is that Ferdinand made no complaint to the authorities of racist comment, so who was the PC jobsworth that has created this total waste of public money?

It is also interesting, to me. that it has been found that the words used were not directed at Ferdinand in a racist manner at all, so how come the dozey CPS allowed a prosecution to take place?



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Hows this for variation from our local P.C. police. Examples of ani -social behaviour.Hate behaviour that targets members of identified groups because of their perceived differences. I'm not sure what it means but it looks important. John (?) *-)
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nowtelse2do - 2012-07-14 6:46 PM


Said in today's paper. With a not guilty verdict, it must now be ok to call coloured people Black c***'s. :-(


Can't have it both way's, or can they?





Different laws apply on football pitches. You can kick people, trip 'em up, stamp on 'em - but it's against the law outside the ground.




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Guest pelmetman
malc d - 2012-07-14 8:55 PM


nowtelse2do - 2012-07-14 6:46 PM


Said in today's paper. With a not guilty verdict, it must now be ok to call coloured people Black c***'s. :-(


Can't have it both way's, or can they?





Different laws apply on football pitches. You can kick people, trip 'em up, stamp on 'em - but it's against the law outside the ground.





I'm not sure Malc.............I think the Police can do it :-S

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pelmetman - 2012-07-14 9:01 PM


malc d - 2012-07-14 8:55 PM


nowtelse2do - 2012-07-14 6:46 PM


Said in today's paper. With a not guilty verdict, it must now be ok to call coloured people Black c***'s. :-(


Can't have it both way's, or can they?





Different laws apply on football pitches. You can kick people, trip 'em up, stamp on 'em - but it's against the law outside the ground.





I'm not sure Malc.............I think the Police can do it :-S




................. maybe they can ......but they don't.




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Symbol Owner - 2012-07-15 6:35 PM


Of course they do Malc., regularly.....................or haven't you noticed the current case against P.C. Simon Harwood for causing the death of innocent bystander Ian Tomlinson?





See what you mean.


I'm afraid I took Daves' comment the wrong way. I thought he was saying that police deal with crimes on football pitches, which of course, they don't.


My mistake



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