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Disability update


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Just recieved a letter from the Disability and Carers service regarding my attendance allowance application, they have reviewed my case and are now paying me the higher rate which has been backdated and paid into my bank. So I am now 100% retired.

I had a session of radio therapy last week and they said it would hurt for a week or so and by golly it does, wouldn't get by without the morphine pain killer, its hard getting used to not working though.

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Tr to enjoy the time Malcolm. I know you were planning to come down to Dorset - and I hope you do - (but be warned just now a lot of the roads are under water with the A35 Dorchester to Bridport being closed again yesterday) - getting away for those breaks you always wnated to take but never had the time for. :-D
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Glad you've got a positive review, Malcolm.

As Clive says get out as soon as you can & enjoy the freedom of no longer working.

Mind you don't get caught up in the extra traffic for the Olympics around Weymouth, though.

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For the last 40 years I have been self employed as a one man band the first 20 years was as a plumber, 20 years ago I had a career change and turned my main hobby and interest in gardening as my main source of income. Built up a nice quality round and now my son and grandson are running it, so as the saying goes from a small acorn a great oak tree grows, I'm pleased with their progress and know that my baby is being looked after.

So I now spend my time in my workshop pottering about with my various interests, life is good, long live the good life?

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  • 2 weeks later...

In my own case I have prostate cancer which has now attacked my bones and to say that it is painful is an understatement, I asked my oncologist what my life expectancy was and she said in her opinion I had 18 months.

On filling out a request for help I was refused, it was only through the intervention of the MacMillan nursing people that I was granted help, I worked up until the age of 71 only giving up when the pain became too much to handle.

My Oncologist likened my illness to a set of scales the balance of which can tip at any time, my desease is progressing and I accept the inevitable, all I wanted was for some financial help for hospital visits, no way can I get to hospital using hospital or public transport, in my own way I am helping with cancer research by subjecting myself to clinical trials and all the debilitating side effects thereof.

To anyone looking at me would see someone with 2 arms, 2 legs and 2 eyes to all intents and purposes a fit and active person but how do you evaluate pain that cannot be seen?

I have my good days and my bad days and try to potter about to keep myself active and occupied, I am not one to sit in my armchair and await the day that i shuffle off this mortal coil, ATOS will if they can refuse you financial help.

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