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What is the law on A-Frame Towing in France?


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Brian Kirby - 2012-07-29 12:56 PM


Derek Uzzell - 2012-07-29 11:56 AM..............I can see inertia-braking regulatory changes outlawing manufacture/sale of A-frames from 2014 onwards, but I don't envisage use of pre-2014 inertia-braked A-frames being prohibited (any more than it's prohibited to use a pre-1988 braked-trailer that lacks brakes that auto-disengage when the trailer is reversed). And what about the A-frame systems that are being marketed here claiming to comply already with the 2014 revisions - why should they be banned?................

But, can the date of manufacture of an A-frame be established? I can see that it can be in the case of the car, which is deemed the trailer, so possibly it would have to turn on that, rather than the frame itself. After all, the A-frame is merely a draw-bar. It has no brakes itself, it merely facilitates a means of activating the trailer's own brakes (to whatever extent). I think this has a way yet to run.


Maybe, but that's hypothesising on a hypothesy.


There are forthcoming regulatory changes that may or may not prohibit sale of the types of inertia-braked A-frame system currently and historically marketed in the UK, and the revised regulations may or may not be applied retrospectively to A-frame usage. As far as I'm concerned, this is so open-ended that it's unproductive seeking to discuss fine detail at this stage.


I've assumed that the "adamant" police caveat Clive mentions relates to the 2014 regulatory changes, but (as I said at the start of my last posting) this was just a guess. There could be totally different reasons for the police spokesman's certainty that motorhome A-framing will be formally illegalised in the UK within a couple of years Those reasons could have nothing to do with the technicalities of the 'draw-bar', in which case a draw-bar's date of manufacture becomes irrelevant.


If Clive is the only O&AL forum participant who attended the police presentation at the MMM show, he'll be the only one able to shed more light on the issue.

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Tanscript of the Peterborough Show available here.

(I've not read through it, but it may interest those who it applies too)



At bottom of page


"PREVENTING MOTORHOME CRIME: PC Paul Ennis & George Collings" then Presentation script for .pdf file

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flicka - 2012-07-31 12:04 AM


Tanscript of the Peterborough Show available here.

(I've not read through it, but it may interest those who it applies too)



At bottom of page


"PREVENTING MOTORHOME CRIME: PC Paul Ennis & George Collings" then Presentation script for .pdf file




I've had a quick look through the links, but the "offending article" seems to be the presentation by Police Constable P. Ennis (I bet he's taken some flak for that name........).

Unfortunately the transcript of his actual presentation is not included; only the slides that he showed.

The slide that I think is the relevant one simply says:



• Tow car behind or on trailer ?

• 2014 will have to be on trailer!"


Unfortunately there is no legal source quoted, no details of relevant or exact upcoming regulation, no rationale as to exactly how such regulation will affect A-frame use on UK roads, nothing else at all; just this one slide heading.


It would be very interesting to find out from PC Ennis where he got this legal interpretation from......or to at least be able to read a copy of his missing presentation transcript.

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I think the Police title 'Preventing Motohome Crime' is a bit misleading, 'Creating a 'new' Motorhome Crime' is probably nearer the mark.

When/if this 'euro' legislation gets enacted, they will be creating several hundred (or thousands?) new Motorhome 'Criminals' straight away, thats how many are 'happily' trundling around this country unaware that a 'new' law is about to 'Dump on them' from on high.

Perhaps the 'Sellers' and manufacturers of A-Frames should be made aware too ?

All of this comment is about the UK, I am neither interested or care what goes on 'Across the channel'. Ray

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  • 3 years later...
Clive - 2012-07-28 11:03 AM


You were not present for the presentation by the police at the MMM show a few months back then Derek?. They were adamant it would be in force within a couple of years max in the UK. That is the basis for my comment. Plus it is already illegal in France and Spain!



Time is up and still not illegal in the UK


I have often seen "A" frames in France (not been to Spain for a bit). Last sighting was in July whilst waiting for the ferry at Dunkirk.

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WOW, This thread has dust on it ! and a lot of past 'much missed' regular posters.


Since then 2012, I have regularly towed my car behind my motorhome, never been stopped or had any problems whatsoever. mind you, that is only in the UK.

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