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France in August


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We have always steered away from going to France during August on the assumption it would be rather crowded as we like to mainly use Aires , but this year to rock the trend we have thought of touring the Dordoine during August although France is a large country will we be better advised to avoid this busy month ?
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Everything quietens down after the week with the 15th in it all the French go home just Germans Dutch & Brits left. When the kids came with us we used to go last two weeks of August first week busy with loads of atmosphere 2nd week nice and peaceful.
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It will depend where you go, and what impact the poor early summer weather has had on various peoples' travel plans.

Lenny is right about the French tending to go home after mid August.

However, if you avoid the honeypot areas, Domme, for example, and look for aires that aren't near them, you should be fine. Arriving early is also probably desirable.

You should be able to use aires near popular places to park and visit, and retreat further away for a quieter stay at night.

The Dordogne, as understood by us lot, is a far bigger area than that understood by the French. There are so many small, picturesque, villages tucked away in that part of France I'd be very surprised if you don't find something that appeals to you.

If it's sunny (remember that! :-)), you may be glad of some shade during the day - it packs some punch down there!

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There is always somewhere to lose yourself in France in August. No problem just choose wisely and you will be fine.


We will hopefully be there sometime in August if I can ever find my way out of the Triglav National Park in Slovenia! :-D


Got to do Jesolo and Venice yet early August. That should be fun!

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This 2012 French holiday planner should give a fair idea when tourist areas are likely to be very busy:




It will be apparent from the calendar that, if one wanted to reduce the likelihood of finding popular aires crowded, avoiding August completely would be sensible. But tourism will certainly quieten down from mid-August onwards.

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Do not hesitate, set off now. We are now on a great aire at Chateau Thierry, generous individual pitches, hook-ups and wi-fi (courtesy of the famous buger chain). Sat outside van in shade (temp still around 30C) glass of red from Loire in hand contemplating pleasant walk along river to town to enjoy a nice meal in local resturant. Yes over last month some aires have been very busy, but always found a space. Some however, have plenty of space. Top tips are to arrive by mid-afternoon and aim for aires which charge over 5€/night as they tend to have most space. (this aire is 8€/night and still a couple of spaces after 6.00pm). So come on forget that silly sporting event and join in the good life!!
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