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MPK rooflight - MAXX/CAMCO vent covers

Starship Trooper

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Hello - I have one of those awful MPK rooflights on our Autocruise Tempo - yes, the ones that let the rain in when you are trying to vent the wc/shower area. Thinking of fitting either a MAXX or CAMCO vent cover to allow us to use the roof vent even when it is raining. Has anybody any experience of either fitting or using this type of product - do they work - are they easy to fit or does anybody else have experience of or can recommend an alternative product. Fed up having to close this vent when we go out for the day just in case it rains and we come back to a wc damp or indeed wetter than when we went out. All replies gratefully received - thanks
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Fiamma also produces a cover to fit a standard 40cm x 40cm roof-vent




but I don't know if it's superior/preferable to the MAXXAIR or CAMCO products.


These covers are bound to do what they claim - allow a roof-vent to be left open during bad weather or safely when the vehicle is being driven.


You see them on American RVs a fair bit and, because the vehicles are large, they don't look out of place. Not sure what the effect would be on a Tempo PVC, but I suspect it would not be pretty. (A clear cover might help - see third photo from top on the following link.)




The covers add significantly to the vehicle's overall height (25cm?), which probably won't be important for an RV that may well already have a bulky air-con unit on the roof, but may matter on a your smaller motorhome.


The MAXXAIR/CAMCO covers are designed for RVs, so you may have to modify the recommended fitting method (CAMCO video-clip here)



to fit one on your Tempo. I wouldn't think it's a very difficult DIY job and glueing it to the roof with an adhesive like SIKAFLEX-512 Caravan would be the logical approach.


An alternative to buying and fitting a roof-vent cover (increasing the your Tempo's height and, in my opinion, not enhancing its appearance), might be to replace your present MPK roof-vent with a different design that would allow adequate bathroom ventilation but (normally) would not let in rain - a Seitz "Mini Heki" would probably be the best choice.

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If the cover is for a shower cubicle ? why not do what I did, and get a Fiamma vent with a Fan fitted, they do a 28x 28 (our size) or 40x 40's. the fan works as an extractor, clears out the steam in seconds, or blows in cool air. Vent is hinged at the front and has metal support/pivot arm, as it pivots from the front, leaving it slightly open (by accident) is not the disaster that it is with an MPK ( cover blows away !!). We got Dave Newell to fit ours, he fitted 2, one over the Kitchen a 40 x 40, and the 28 x 28 in the Shower. best thing we did, and quite cheap too. Ray

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