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Czech republic


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We went a few years ago,our route was Calais up to Belgium,Luxembourg Germany Czech.

We stopped at site in Belgium although a good days drive should get you to Luxembourg stayed at the old border post(fuel up with cheap diesel) then a site in Nuremburg behind the football stadium,just follow the signs to the football, then on to Prague,a mornings drive. You need to buy a vingette to use the motorways. Our site in Prague was just outside the centre with access to the centre by tram.which run all night buy tickets befor you board. We also staed ouside at Karlstein at a site by the river. There are campsite guides and maps readily available. German and English understood.

Tescos and Ikea heve a strong presence as well as the usual suspects McDs etc.

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It is a few years since we visited to take in Prague, but, given a good route out, I would recommend it, as we enjoyed ourselves immensely.


If you want to take in areas that you might not otherwise see, I would suggest going out almost directly across Germany, taking in the Harz mountains, and heading in the Dresden direction (we actually took in Berlin as well on our Prague trip.


The Elbe valley between Dresden and the Czech border is very attractive, with good sightseeing and walking and cycling (and boat trips if required). We have stayed a couple of times at the campsite at Königstein. The station is a short walk away, and a (economically priced) day ticket will get you to Dresden (well worth a visit) on the very regular trains, with the use of the local transport there as well.


It's then only a shortish drive into the Czech republic and down to Prague.


As for campsites in Prague, I took a recommendation from a really old copy of MMM, and stayed here:




....at the Prague Yacht Club.


It is on an Island in the Vltava just downstream from the Charles Bridge. During the day, a little ferry takes you across to the shore one block away from a major Underground interchange, and it isn't too far to walk into the Centre if you wish (via the Staropramen Brewery ;-) ).


If returning late at night, the trams run very late to a terminus at the road access end of the island, and it is a short walk back.


We found it good as it provided a quiet haven to return to at night, but very, very close to the centre.


There is at least one other campsite on the island, but this one is the last as you drive on, and is the best because of the ferry access.


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I am really interested in this thread as we hope to go to the Czech Republic in September.


I have been before, but cannot advise on a route as we travelled overnight, across Germany, by mini-bus, on a town twinning outing to Prague, many, many years ago… I’ve not much idea which way we went!


Once there though, we travelled on from Prague to the Moravian province. I thought Olomouc was a delightful city [we stayed in the University] and would love to return. Also went to a very attractive spa town – Luhacovice. Really want to go back there too. Can anyone recommend sites in that area?


South of Prague I really liked Ceske Budejovice, and Cesky Krumlov was charming. But that area seems to have a few ACSI sites. Nothing in Moravia though.


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Hi "Poppy"

We have been to The Czech Republic twice, once in 2005 and the second time in 2010 and we think it is great!


My first suggestion, if you haven't done so, is to get a guide book - we like "The Rough Guide" - so you can identify possible places of interest to you.

Secondly, contact The Czech Tourist Information Office in London. In 2010 it sent us an excellent booklet about World Heritage Sites and information about campsites. As with any TIC information, some was excellent and some of the places off the normal tourist route were a little "over-egged" in the literature.


I am a liitle reluctant to recommend places as tastes differ but highlights for us were:


Cesky Krumlov

Kutna Hora, including the ossuary in a nearby village. We stayed at Camping Santa Barbara at Kutna Hora - it was an excelllent, good value small site with wonderful owners.

Roznov - open air museum.

Konopiste - the castle of Franz Ferdinand.

Most of the sites on both trips were fine. However, in May 2010 the only site which was open at Roznov left much to be desired. (My wife though that the loos hadn't been cleaned since the fall of Communism!!) Yet it was worth staying there because we though that the open air museum was excellent.


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Prague is a lovely city but!!!! Do watch out for pick pockets - make sure that all valuables are well hidden and inaccessible to thieves.


A favourite trick is for a gang of them to barge in front of you as you try to board a tram only to stop in the door way whilst they extinguish cigarettes (making a big show of it) - Whilst this is going on an accomplice is picking pockets of the tourists caught in the crush - nb handbags with zips can also easily be opened by these light of fingers chaps and chapesses.


They tried it with us but luckily I spotted 'em and nearly broke the blighters arm who was removing my wife's purse from her (zipped) handbag.


Don't let it put you off the city - just be wary.


We drove down the hill from Tesco and when we met the ring road we turned right along it - there we found lots of big houses with large gardens which they were using as camp sites - quite cheap and eating out at the local restaurant was much better and cheaper than in the centre of the city.

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Frankkia - 2012-07-25 1:04 AM Do watch out for pick pockets - make sure that all valuables are well hidden and inaccessible to thieves.

Yes, a really big problem and not just in Prague. Most of the Czech people we know will tell you the thieves are from former USSR states like Ukraine. Dog theft for eating is another problem. Exchange rate is bad, compared to what it was six years ago, (banks give the worst rate) and food shops like Tesco and Penny Market have been taken to court numerous times for selling rotten infected food. Don't shop in the small corner shops and make sure anything you buy is date stamped and sealed. The basic philosophy of Czech people is to buy on price alone, they never consider quality, and don't even think about taking faulty goods back to the shop because you'll get nowhere. English is spoken by some people in Prague but not much outside the city. There are some motorway style roads with rest areas but on normal roads (Even major ones) it's hard to find any laybys to stop and have a coffee. 50 kph is the speed limit in all towns and villages and the road junctions are a living nightmare 'cos the signs are so small and badly sited. Never park overnight anywhere except on a camp site especially near the border as cross border gangs are common place and the Police told us there's little they can do once they are back in Poland or wherever. The one good thing about the country is that if you suffer a mechanical breakdown for a nominal charge almost any Czech will repair it, they all have a welder in their back yard and know all about 'tempory' repairs as the cars they drive have usually been welded back together at some point, and try to avoid the home made vehicles you'll see on the country roads, they are not insured, even the cars that are insured are all 'third party only' so make sure your insurance is comprehensive. 


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Poppy - 2012-07-24 8:22 AM


Anyone been there? Any advice including routes from Calais? We might be tempted.


Depends how you want to "do it". If via mh/camper there is no shortage of sites in almost every village you pass through you will see Camping signs all over the place. They range from space for two or three mh's up to larger facilities. Seems any local with a bit of spare ground will rent it out. Czech is very "camper friendly".



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We were there in 2009, as part of a long (for us!) Central Europe visit.

We stayed at this place on the north of the city: http://www.camphajek.cz/en/basic-information

Several properties on the same road have turned their long gardens into campsites, very good value and an easy tram ride into town.


On the way back, we visited Colditz Castle - well worth seeing!

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