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on becoming a grumpy old git....


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Well I am wondering if I an succumbing to the grumpy old git syndrome after this last weekend away.


We stayed at a lovely Camping in the Forest site from Friday to Sunday of last weekend and sometime on Sunday SWMBO said I was developing into more of a grumpy old git than usual!!


The reason for the 'grumps' was because of the behaviour of other campers (generic term for tents/caravans and MH users)and their total disregard of the rules/guidelines for the site which were as follows:


Parking/setting up well within the 6 mtr rule.

Putting up washing lines.

Children/adults encroaching into 'my space' as a shortcut to elsewhere.

Approaching/feeding New Forest ponies/horses.

People not cleaning the toilet disposal area after they finished toilet servicing.

People allowing their 'beloved 4 legged noise machines' to bark bark bark and doing nothing to stop it.

and most irritating of all........DOGS NOT ON LEADS!!


One couple walked the entire length of the site with 7 yes 7 dogs and not one on a lead despite being told do do so by the wardens and there being a lot of horses/ponies on site.  Unfortunately they were not staying on the site merely using it to access the forest......but they shouldn't have been on site to begin with.


So is it just me getting into 'Grumpy old git' syndrome or do others agree with me?

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As a regular dog walker in the New Forest I do know that many of the campsites are open access - if they were not you would not have the pleasure of having the ponies being able to wonder in as well.


So those people with the seven dogs had as much right to be there and do what they did. Only if you actually stay on the site would that sites individual terms and conditions apply to you.


As for kids taking shortcuts - that annoys me as well. The main reason why I use Adults only sites is exactly this reason. Having kids running through your pitch when you and the dogs are trying to have a snooze is a guarantee for high blood pressure.


Feeding the ponies is a real problem in the Forest - I saw one family feeding them crisps through their car windows. Wonderful - train the ponies to think cars=food.


One stupid person wrote into one of the local papers saying that a picnic she had organised in the New Forest for a group of Toddlers was ruined because the ponies invaded the event, ate all the food and injured one of the children. "Something should be done about it" was the tone of her letter. The replies were funny and stinging! - I suspect she wishes she never admitted to her stupidity. (If the ponies don't get you if you have a picnic in the NF, then the Ants probably will and if you sit on the grass for long enough you run the risk of picking up a Tick in a very interesting place 8-)


I have come across some appalling people who leave the site facilities in a shocking state. Not just the waste disposal area. The most recent was putting the loo paper "end" into the toilet and flushing it so it took the loo paper with it. The result was blocked loos and an expensive fix for the site.


The 6 mtr rule is a good one but sites in the UK could learn a great deal from European ones in that most European ones seem to have nice hedges defining the pitch and so not only does this mean you do not have encroachment but it stops those that want to take short-cuts as well.


So we resort to windbreaks to keep the dogs in and whilst I agree they are not "friendly" - I hardly think putting up a tent so close (this happened when we were touring a few years back) that its guy ropes had to be stepped over when we exited our awning, or people walking within a foot or so of our cvan and awning is that "friendly" either. :-S

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It sounds all well and good "opening up" the countryside to "joe public"...

(...and creating "urban green spaces" or riverside "nature reserves" etc)but unfortunately,usually those phrases are just code for somewhere to let dogs run loose and have a sh*t...a place to dump litter...or somewhere for parents to let their teenage kids go a drink cheap cider of an evening.... *-)


..bloody people eh!..they spoil everythin'..... *-)

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I was going to post the following a few weeks ago but was told i was being grumpy, so because i am not the only one in the world i will post it and join in the grump fest..........


Having just returned from what ended up being a very enjoyable few days on a C&CC temporary holiday site I have noted a few things that concerns me about the club and especially its membership. We arrived on the first day of the site being opened and noticed that there were many chairs, cars, buckets etc used to reserve spaces for friends of the few people who had already set up on the best spots about 25 places were ‘reserved’ this way. We found a nice level pitch next to one of these ‘reserved’ areas and thought nothing of it until….Later that evening we heard one of the recent arrivals shouting that his wife should shut the F**k up and F**k off, now this is really not what I expected especially when their child who appeared to be about four years old started F’ing and jeffing. Then the other kids came out shouting swearing and kicking a full size football around the site and they were told in a screaming voice by who I assume was mum was told don’t kick that around here go somewhere else, and guess where that somewhere else was? Yes around other peoples vans and caravans (despite a large area that was set aside for ball games) then to further annoy everyone in the vicinity the radio came out full volume and the final straw was the emergence of a cricket set, so before the ball hit our ‘vans both us and another couple decided to move a good distance away from this rowdy group, where we were among ‘proper respectful members’ In total there were six caravans and a motorhome in this group who had no respect for their fellow campers or the club rules. Has anyone else noticed this deterioration of behaviour or is this an isolated incident. And although I have no issue with making my feelings known I am not going to confront seven families or report them to the steward, as I like to think my van is safe when we leave it to go out for the day. So do you think its time for the club to remind members of their responsibilities? Or is it as I suspect a general lack of respect in society from certain groups of people, who will do as they like with no concern for others.


Grumpy Dave (and proud of it)

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Unfortunately,it's probably your latter point Dave... :-(


...the past few days(since the schools have broken up)we've had a couple of young lads(12?),using the wooded path/trail that runs past our house,as a motorcross course....


The local plod reckon they're from a housing estate,a couple of mile up the road...and I dare say their mums have used the very same, "..take that bl**dy thing somewhere else..." view.... 8o|





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Dr Dave - 2012-07-25 7:23 AM


I was going to post the following a few weeks ago but was told i was being grumpy, so because i am not the only one in the world i will post it and join in the grump fest..........


Having just returned from what ended up being a very enjoyable few days on a C&CC temporary holiday site I have noted a few things that concerns me about the club and especially its membership. We arrived on the first day of the site being opened and noticed that there were many chairs, cars, buckets etc used to reserve spaces for friends of the few people who had already set up on the best spots about 25 places were ‘reserved’ this way. We found a nice level pitch next to one of these ‘reserved’ areas and thought nothing of it until….Later that evening we heard one of the recent arrivals shouting that his wife should shut the F**k up and F**k off, now this is really not what I expected especially when their child who appeared to be about four years old started F’ing and jeffing. Then the other kids came out shouting swearing and kicking a full size football around the site and they were told in a screaming voice by who I assume was mum was told don’t kick that around here go somewhere else, and guess where that somewhere else was? Yes around other peoples vans and caravans (despite a large area that was set aside for ball games) then to further annoy everyone in the vicinity the radio came out full volume and the final straw was the emergence of a cricket set, so before the ball hit our ‘vans both us and another couple decided to move a good distance away from this rowdy group, where we were among ‘proper respectful members’ In total there were six caravans and a motorhome in this group who had no respect for their fellow campers or the club rules. Has anyone else noticed this deterioration of behaviour or is this an isolated incident. And although I have no issue with making my feelings known I am not going to confront seven families or report them to the steward, as I like to think my van is safe when we leave it to go out for the day. So do you think its time for the club to remind members of their responsibilities? Or is it as I suspect a general lack of respect in society from certain groups of people, who will do as they like with no concern for others.


Grumpy Dave (and proud of it)


I agree totally with your post Dave - been there - suffered the same.


My only option became selecting Adult Only sights - and believe me - it works!


As for the clubs CC and C&CC - neither seems to me to be that botherred about such behaviour. I have long since realised that the main club sites provide facilities that in some ways cater for the lowest common denominator.


That said CL's are not "attractive" to the foul mouth types and so we moved to these a fair bit. But now - the selection process we go through is Adults Only - Yes or No.

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Yes I think the whole camping, caravaning, motorhome game has deteriorated over the last few years.


Re-Daves problem

Were exactly were the wardens when these chavs were kicking off ????

If we had such clients on our CS I would drag there van off with me trusty JCB :-D

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ips - 2012-07-25 1:23 PM


Yes I think the whole camping, caravaning, motorhome game has deteriorated over the last few years.


Re-Daves problem

Were exactly were the wardens when these chavs were kicking off ????

If we had such clients on our CS I would drag there van off with me trusty JCB :-D


Hi ips

Hope your back is better or at least you can sleep in the flash (and get out of bed o/k)

It was a temporary holiday site on a school field (wells next the sea actually) and there were hundreds of units there. The stewards were a good way away from the 'action' so i really have no problems with them no doing owt, Its the type of people who send there kids out to shout, run amok, cycle, swear, and generally cause mayhem that i have a problem with. I agree that on CL's the clientele are more sedate and respectful and a JCB tapping its bucket in a threatening manner would keep the chavs in check anyway .

Thinking about it do you think some posters on here are sent out by people to play on someone else's forum. :-)

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