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No dogs allowed cl's cs, or sites, any recommendations.

Guest 1footinthegrave

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Guest 1footinthegrave
Just wondered if any kind sole out there has compiled a list of sites that do not allow dogs, or could recommend a few, be they certificated locations or main sites. Please dog lovers resist the usual knee jerk reaction, just accept some of us have a different view, so can anyone help at all, thanks. ;-)
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Guest peter
1footinthegrave - 2012-07-26 7:30 PM


Just wondered if any kind sole out there has compiled a list of sites that do not allow dogs, or could recommend a few, be they certificated locations or main sites. Please dog lovers resist the usual knee jerk reaction, just accept some of us have a different view, so can anyone help at all, thanks. ;-)

If you dn't like dogs just leave the wife at home. then you will be o/k. :D

Are there any other criteria that your ideal sites should have, such as no vans over 3 yrs old and not silver. Any ugly wives. No a frames. no wind out awnings. Or any of the other tabboo features that the diverse human race can think up. And certainly no smokers.

I would hate to be camped anywhere near you on any site, talk about whinger.

Hope that answers you query. (lol)

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Very good question and look froward to positive replies. My wife was bitten by a dog when a child and is petrified of them. Just back from France and every French motorhome appears to have a dog which dominates and their "responsible" owner get upset when I remonstrate about their yappy little precious defecating all over the place and lunging at all and sundry. I am afraid responsible owner is very much a minority in France
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Guest peter

I'm not surprised you can't find dog friendly sites , if the owners are anything like one foot in the mouth. Glad I don't use sites in this country.

I don't like miserable old gits, but wouldn't make the banning of them on sites a pre-requesite to me using one.

Got your popcorn done yet Judge?. The action should start any time now. (lol)

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yeti - 2012-07-26 9:20 PM


Having a dog,I find it more difficult to find dog friendly sites & pubs!


Sorry, I just don't believe you -- or you haven't tried hard enough -- in this dog-infested land of ours there are far too many organisations which 'bend over backwards' to appease the dog-lovers (and child-haters!) among you and very few campsites which turn up the chance of making a good living ( or at least placing it in jeopardy) by being 'dog-unfriendly'. Those of us who are 'caninophobic' have very little choice at all -- as the OP is no doubt finding out.



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Oh please. I think that was totally un-necessary! Most of us love dogs, but we don't always choose to take them away with us. I know that our dogs are happier to stay at home with our son. and just sometimes I love to spend time just with my husband. Could we all be a little more laid back perhaps? It's hardly a world changing situation. lol
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Sorry Nona, 'Most 0f us' doesn't include me, I share with the OP ('onefootinthegrave') the wish to avoid the dreadful filthy, smelly, disease-ridden, hair-shedding,drooling beasts as much as possible and keep them as far away from me as I possibly can. Unfortunately, I have discovered, through motorhoming, that 'most of you' seem to believe that motorhomes are mobile dog kennels and wish to inflict your dreadful mutts on the rest of us at every conceivable opportunity! Dog-free sites are very few and far between -- but what a blessed relief when you can find one! And yes, I do believe that anyone who keeps a dog as a 'pet' is irresponsible. Use them for proper 'work', by all means (guard dogs, sniiffer dogs, fox and deer hunting, guide dogs for the blind etc.,etc.) but as 'pets' never -- they are just a scourge and a menace.The Koreans have the best idea -- they eat them!



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Guest 1footinthegrave
peter - 2012-07-26 9:32 PM


I'm not surprised you can't find dog friendly sites , if the owners are anything like one foot in the mouth. Glad I don't use sites in this country.

I don't like miserable old gits, but wouldn't make the banning of them on sites a pre-requesite to me using one.

Got your popcorn done yet Judge?. The action should start any time now. (lol)


Why could you not resist having a "knee jerk" reaction, as I asked in the first place. Let me as clear as I can be, my Wife was bitten very badly by a dog whilst out minding her own business in a Public park some years ago, indeed there are very many people injured every year by dogs, most end up traumatised and nervous of Dogs as a result, is that so difficult to understand. If our wish is to seek out information on our preferences does that really call for personal abuse.


As for being a miserable old git, well I must be in trying to do what every one else tries to do, and find something that suits them, nothing more, nothing less.


I will say though that "Adult only" sites are plentiful, strange that we were all children once.


Please contributors if you can help with a reasonable request then please do, otherwise can we keep it shut please.

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I am suitably admonished Mike!

I am sorry that I responded to the provocation(s). Like your wife, I, too, was the subject of an unprovoked attack by a dog (as a five-year-old) and have had the sight of only one eye from the age of eight due to a central retinal detachment caused by the toxocara canis infection -- thanks to the irresponsible actions of a dog owner in a public park in London 60 years ago. This may go some way toward explaining what some of you might think is an extreme reaction to what I see as the dog menace in this benighted country of ours.

If that has 'hi-jacked' your post, then I'm sorry :$ But -- I did help as well!





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My wife too has been subjected to some 'scary' moments whilst out walking. She is extremely nervous (and quite rightly so) when she encounters dogs, which are off their leads, followed by the owner shouting "It won't hurt you"!! Yet they can't control their dog as it continues to bound forwards - many times jumping up at my wife.

Why do an alarmingly high number of dog owners allow such behaviour from their dogs? The countryside, parks & sites are their for everyone's enjoyment; so I too am against the irresponsible dog owners who fail to control their pets, & in doing so make a pleasant stroll for others a nightmare!! I BLAME THE OWNERS just as much as the dogs for this unacceptable behaviour.


Oh! & whist on the subject of dogs & their owners; is it too much to ask that dog owners 'clean up' after their dogs have fouled the walkways. A high number of dog owners do 'clean up' but others tend to think they are not responsible for their dogs 'fouling' & just carry on their walk as if nothing untoward has happened. Some even find it very funny to hang their 'doggy bags', once they have been used, onto tree branches, barbed wire or they try 'hiding' it in long grass. These bags & their contents not only look unsightly but take years to bio-degrade & before the Dog Loving Brigade start sniping - YES I HAVE collected some of these bags & taken them to the nearest available 'dog bin', in the forlorn hope that the dog owners will be more considerate next time. We have also done 'litter picks' around our stopping places - in the hope that when others visit & find the area clean they will be less likely to leave their litter. Let's keep our country-side clean & in good order for the next generation to enjoy.

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Some of us have no choice but to take out dogs with us. Some of us buy a motorhome because we can't leave the dog. Most of us are responsible owners and pick up after our mutts.


Disease ridden?? very vehement - and yet you lay the blame on your wife's Phobia. As a small child I was bit by a rat. Had this left me with a phobia I would have sought out the relevant treatment. If I had a phobia about dogs, which cannot be avoided I would most certainly have had treatment.


Stop pandering to your wife's phobia - it is disabling her - and get her some help. She'll thank you in the long run and you'll both be able to enjoy your travels more.



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Bolly1965 - 2012-07-26 11:30 PM


Some of us have no choice but to take out dogs with us. Some of us buy a motorhome because we can't leave the dog. Most of us are responsible owners and pick up after our mutts.



Sorry Bolly - but you do have a choice - don't get a dog in the first place (lol)

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Mike (1foot) asked a perfectly reasonable question, seeking answers to suit his preferences. What is it with dog owners, that they cannot accept not everyone shares their passion for their pets, and a few dislike them quite as strongly as dog-owners like them?


Mike wasn't suggesting dog owners should be denied their pleasures, he merely sought information on where he could go and not be troubled by dogs. What on earth is wrong with that? Why the intemperate and impertinent onslaught? What are you all: barking?

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flicka - 2012-07-26 11:41 PM


Bolly1965 - 2012-07-26 11:30 PM


Some of us have no choice but to take out dogs with us. Some of us buy a motorhome because we can't leave the dog. Most of us are responsible owners and pick up after our mutts.



Sorry Bolly - but you do have a choice - don't get a dog in the first place (lol)


People who have children have a choice too. Life is full of choices - and consequences


Actually, we didn't have a choice about our dog, we inherited it when my mother died. Do you think I would choose a Chihuahua? lol

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Brian Kirby - 2012-07-27 12:14 AM


Mike (1foot) asked a perfectly reasonable question, seeking answers to suit his preferences. What is it with dog owners, that they cannot accept not everyone shares their passion for their pets, and a few dislike them quite as strongly as dog-owners like them?


Mike wasn't suggesting dog owners should be denied their pleasures, he merely sought information on where he could go and not be troubled by dogs. What on earth is wrong with that? Why the intemperate and impertinent onslaught? What are you all: barking?


Every site i've been on have rules about dogs so no-one should be "bothered" by them


I'm not vehemently defending dogs, but it's time to get real.


By the way - I can't stand horses and i live in a rural village! Deal with it - I do

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Bolly1965 - 2012-07-27 7:33


Every site i've been on have rules about dogs so no-one should be "bothered" by them


I'm not vehemently defending dogs, but it's time to get real.


By the way - I can't stand horses and i live in a rural village! Deal with it - I do


1.) Yes, but many arrogant dog owners (in my experience) believe that it is their right to ignore them completely -- usually without any sanction.


2.)If you want to 'get real', the 'reality is that dog owners have had it all their own way in this country for far too long and some serious controls need to be applied to their irresponsible actions.


3.) Horses don't bite ( unless approached and provoked), seriously iinjure and sometimes kill, human beings!



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Bolly1965 - 2012-07-27 7:33 AM



By the way - I can't stand horses and i live in a rural village! Deal with it - I do



I can't really see the connection between dogs and horses.


Unless, of course, a horse has cocked its' leg up the side of your motorhome.




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Guest 1footinthegrave

If we wanted to avoid horses I'm sure that would be a very easy thing to achieve, I don't ever recall going on any site with them barking, crapping everywhere, or running free at you with the owner saying it's alright he won't hurt you, even on a so called lead that's about 12 foot long.


Why this subject rankles dog owners I'm not really sure, we all have our likes and dislikes in life, ours is peace and quiet, and the ability to walk without constantly looking down to ensure you do not get a mess on your shoes, mind you that's made a bit easier by the easy to spot abandoned dog poo bags that are now a fact of life.


Would it have aroused as much animosity if I had posed the question " can anyone recommend sites with onsite fishing" for example, no thought not.

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Hello Campers,


Simple question;


Can any or all of the pro-dog contingent that are so ready to fire off a few rounds of abuse at the dog-wary (and also frankly dog-owner brassed off) state that beyond any doubt they comply with the following?


1. They ALWAYS remove their dog waste when it is left ANYWHERE BUT THEIR OWN PROPERTY?


2. Their animal is NEVER let off the lead when they are likely to encounter children, the elderly, cyclists or animals that may be worried, alarmed or distressed by it?


3. They control their animal on or off the lead when it encounters a person that may not actually want to have muddy footprints on their clothes or any kind of slobber deposited on them?


If the above is true of all the contributors then I am pleased but amazed. The fact is that I cannot go for a walk along our local canals or through our parks without negotiating a minefield of dog crap or have un-tethered animals fighting or fornicating with each other and their dogs are even worse behaved because they are also likely to want to hump me too!


I absolutely hate the dog poo bag hangers! Who the hell do these people think they are? What gives them the right to think that there is someone coming along later to tidy up after them?


One dog owner actually witnessed his dog bite my hand while I was feeding ducks and then proceeded to instruct me on the correct way to feed his dog! He went home wet.


Anyway, even if you are responsible keepers of dogs, there are a massive number out there that are not and so you share the burden of shame and may have to answer to them occasionally instead of getting all righteous and attacking those that don't like it and are fed up with it.


The answer; £1000 per annum dog tax and if you are unlicenced; destroy the owner and then the dog. Oh, and your Vet bills are so high because they hate dogs too!


As Brian said; Can you not just answer the question?



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