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No dogs allowed cl's cs, or sites, any recommendations.

Guest 1footinthegrave

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B****y marvellous Nick! Exactly what I (and a very few others) have been 'banging on' about -- here and elsewhere on this forum for years!

The licence proposals etc. are 'spot on'. I would add: All dogs should be muzzled when anywhere out side their kennel/home (including their owner's garden/yard) with severe financial penalties for non-compliance. All dogs to be 'chipped': No 'pet' dog owner to own more than two animals(farmers and hunting packs,etc. excepted): No unlicensed breeding.


Good on yer Nick!





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euroserv - 2012-07-27 9:18 AM


Hello Campers,


Simple question;


Can any or all of the pro-dog contingent that are so ready to fire off a few rounds of abuse at the dog-wary (and also frankly dog-owner brassed off) state that beyond any doubt they comply with the following?


1. They ALWAYS remove their dog waste when it is left ANYWHERE BUT THEIR OWN PROPERTY?


YES - we clean up after our dog - even at home


2. Their animal is NEVER let off the lead when they are likely to encounter children, the elderly, cyclists or animals that may be worried, alarmed or distressed by it?


NEVER - Our little poppet HATES children and wouldn't go near one of the little horrors for anything!


3. They control their animal on or off the lead when it encounters a person that may not actually want to have muddy footprints on their clothes or any kind of slobber deposited on them?


Our little princess is carried everywhere....


If the above is true of all the contributors then I am pleased but amazed. The fact is that I cannot go for a walk along our local canals or through our parks without negotiating a minefield of dog crap or have un-tethered animals fighting or fornicating with each other and their dogs are even worse behaved because they are also likely to want to hump me too!


I absolutely hate the dog poo bag hangers! Who the hell do these people think they are? What gives them the right to think that there is someone coming along later to tidy up after them?




One dog owner actually witnessed his dog bite my hand while I was feeding ducks and then proceeded to instruct me on the correct way to feed his dog! He went home wet.




Anyway, even if you are responsible keepers of dogs, there are a massive number out there that are not and so you share the burden of shame and may have to answer to them occasionally instead of getting all righteous and attacking those that don't like it and are fed up with it.


Why should I take the blame for irresponsible dog owners? - and on the subject - why should my taxes put your children through school and university?


The answer; £1000 per annum dog tax and if you are unlicenced; destroy the owner and then the dog. Oh, and your Vet bills are so high because they hate dogs too!


Get real


As Brian said; Can you not just answer the question?


The answer is No - There are none because there's no demand



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Bolly1965 - 2012-07-27 9:29 AM


Symbol Owner - 2012-07-27 8:27 AM



3.) Horses don't bite ( unless approached and provoked), seriously iinjure and sometimes kill, human beings! (for no apparent reason)




Tell that to my colleague who was killed by a horse 2 years ago.


Apologies to your dead colleague -- but he was presumably riding/in contact with it, maybe even owned it and had taken the ( known) risk of riding/jumping/driving a horse? Compare 'like with like', man!


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Guest 1footinthegrave

5:29PM BST 20 May 2012

The unnamed man, 30, has severe bites all over his body after being attacked by the pet mastiff cross and a Staffordshire bull terrier in East Sussex.

His injuries were so severe he passed out but the viscous canines continued to attack him east of the city's famous Palace Pier.

Jack Le-Flay, 20, who saw the attack, said: "I was returning home after a night out and saw the attack. We could see these two dogs dragging something out of the water.

"At first we thought it might have been a police training exercise or an old tyre but then we could see a leg.

"The dogs would run back to their owner and then rush back and start attacking the man again........................................................

Police including an armed response team tried to subdue the animals with one officer suffering hand and leg injuries after being bitten.



My guess is if he survives and become the owner of a Motor home, he may well pose the question I did.These are not isolated incidences, and there is NO other so called domestic pet that carries out such appalling attacks, even that poor little 2 year old mauled to death by a family pet seems to not sway the dog lovers opinions.


We just want to avoid them, end of. Thankfully through the links given we have now found several that we shall visit soon.

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Daily Mail reports "

According to hospital statistics, the number of dog bites reported at A&E departments has gone up by 94 per cent over 10 years and reached 6,097 in the year to the end of March 2011.


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2081511/Bites-dangerous-dogs-6-000-victims-year-hospital.html#ixzz21oZ61nds"


It is time we had a proper licensing system that ensures that the costs to society of dog ownership is born by those who choose to own them.


I have been attacked twice by dogs, once by a chihuahua (my mothers) and once by a spaniel who though it fun to latch onto my hand whilst I was walking along the pavement. My grandson was knocked to the ground by a large dog. In every case the owners response was along the lines of " He's never done that before".


I am of the opinion that no dog owner can guarantee that their dog will never, under any circumstances, attack a human. They should be muzzled by law and chipped. Breeders should be licensed and only allowed to breed certain dogs. All male dogs should be castrated before sale and bitches should be spayed.


All dog owners should be made by law to have full third party insurance for their dog, after all, if it is muzzled it shouldn't do any damage.


I actually like certain dogs, but the problems of out of control dogs and irresponsible owners will surely result in some sort of legislation.


As in many other walks of life, the actions of the irresponsible few will affect the large majority of those who have been resonsible law abiding citizens. It might not be fair but it is the way the law works.


In response to the original question, a good bet are farm sites, a phone call will soon tell you if they allow dogs and if so what rules they have. Many farmers will tell tales of stock losses due to dog attacks, and most of them if they allow dogs at all, will insist on strict "on lead at all times" rules.


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Guest 1footinthegrave

Your points are very valid, and just by coincidence we were out for a stroll just a couple of days ago on a footpath that crosses a farmers field full of sheep, and a very prominent notice asking for dogs to be kept on a lead, surprise surprise, a few minutes into our walk a large dog bounded up to us, with the owner and his two other dogs some way behind , I did try to politely point out the error of his ways, I guess his reply was predictable, "mind your own F****** business, what's it to do with you.


The pity is this is not an official footpath, and only exists because of the goodwill of the farmer, not sure how long his goodwill would last if he would have been the one to get abuse on his own land, then we'll all be deprived of a unique walk.


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Thanks for that Geoff (Hallii). Public opinion must surely turn on the arrogant dog-owning fraternity to achieve the sensible reforms/ legislation that you propose.

'One foot' I am really pleased to have been of some help to you ( and, more paticularly, your wife) in this matter. The views of the 'silent minority' ( if minority we are, I'm not convinced) may start to prevail where 'dogs on sites' is concerned!

Finally, the prevalence of sheep-worrying, attacks, death and premature lambing in our area has reached horrific proportions -- not a week has gone by in this recent lambing season without our local weekly magazine recording yet another case of farmers losing valuable stock due to dog attacks. It has got to stop and the penalties, both for the dog (death) and owner (swingeing fines and being banned from dog ownership) must be severe.


End of my contribution to this thread. (Hooray! I hear you all say!)





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Of course everyone is entitled to search for a site that meets their needs.


It does not mean that the anti dog lobby should get on their high horses


As for liscensing dogs do you really believe that anyone but the responsible dog owner will bother getting one.


You need responsible dog owners, like you should have respoinsible parents


end of rant

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1footinthegrave - 2012-07-27 11:22 AM


Your points are very valid, and just by coincidence we were out for a stroll just a couple of days ago on a footpath that crosses a farmers field full of sheep, and a very prominent notice asking for dogs to be kept on a lead, surprise surprise, a few minutes into our walk a large dog bounded up to us, with the owner and his two other dogs some way behind , I did try to politely point out the error of his ways, I guess his reply was predictable, "mind your own F****** business, what's it to do with you.


The pity is this is not an official footpath, and only exists because of the goodwill of the farmer, not sure how long his goodwill would last if he would have been the one to get abuse on his own land, then we'll all be deprived of a unique walk.


That's what you don't understand these signs about keeping dogs on a lead are only for other people's dogs, Because every dog owner is convinced it is other peoples dogs that cause trouble never there's. Also leads (the retractable type) are so long nowadays that even though the dog is technically on a lead they can pester everyone else within an extended range, then you are expected to walk around the dog rather than the owner pulling the dog out of the way . As for the plastic bags full of dog s**t that are left everywhere i hope the owners are proud of themselves of course it will be other dog owners that do it never them ! I did have to laugh when we saw a dog in a pushchair the other day 'whats that all about'

I don't much care for dogs but i don't begrudge others having them if the minority would just act more responsibly.

Don't forget whenever a dog savages a child the owner always says i would never have thought it well i for one would.


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My dog doesn't bite but can give you a nasty lick!

Did this attack happen on a site,have any of them occoured on sites?

These incidents of dog attacks are mainly by 'trophy dogs' owned by a neanderthal sector of the community whom I have never seen on sites.

If you were on a site and the owner had a dog would that prevent you using it?

I think you need to tone down your dog paranoia and start to enjoy you motorhome and everything that goes with the territory.

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new laws needed i would say dog attacks are as a result of the owner no training the dog, those dreadful illness kids get in parks/beaches caused by the owner not keeping up with parasite jabs\pills etc at the vets.


make it compulsary

to have all dogs microchipped, trained in obedience and to be issued with a pass certificate within 12 months, insured, and up tp date with innoculations. penalty = put down.


dogs are great but get a bad name due to hapless owners who fail them.

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I thought that mans best friend was a horse(power!)


I have learnd from experience that spaniels are very jealous and will kill new pets in the house if given half a chance, Chawawa,s bite at one heels until you launch them on the end of your boot, then they tend to keep away from you. Alsatians (I know I know G.S.D) are mostly well sorted unless trained otherwise. Most big breeds are the same. The natural instinct of most of the "bull" types is inbred and not good and I would never have or trust one. There are always exceptions.


We have had two dogs, both largish mongrels who lived out their lives and many cats who in most cases were not so fortunate and broke our hearts every time.


Personally I am flattered by the attention of a cat which relaxes me but cheesed off by a dog that is continuously sucking up to me and winds me up.


I agree, dog free camp sites are a good idea as are children free sites and generator free sites.


After all most of us want peace and quiet.


My biggest annoyance are dog owners who let their pets jump up you to say hello. So if this is you please teach them to stay at "heel".


You cannot please everybody at every place at every time.




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Been a Dog Owner and Dog lover all my life, my family always had a dog in the house, so i grew up with them. They are loyal helpful and funny companions, I prefere my labrador bitch to many humans i come across, she is certainly more friendly than most of them.

All dogs have agression born in them, their play with their siblings is all about violent dominance, BUT once away from their siblings and Parents their new owners MUST be their new, calming gentle influence AND the Master physically. Afraid not all Dog owners are up to the job, BUT thats not the dogs fault, and as for owners of more agressive breeds teaching even more agression. (as in Onefoots, example) the owner should be charged with owning an offensive weapon, because thats what it is.

I am all for the Re-Licensing (they used to be once before) of Dogs, chipping made compulsory, but not compulsory castrating or neutering, unless warranted by bad behaviour (of either dog or owner !)

BUT the baby should not be thrown out with the bath water, if a site says 'No Dogs' then dog owners won't go to it, and there are an awful lot of Dog owning Motorhomers and caravanners. For many of them being able to take their dog with them is the reason they Caravan or Motorhome.

Just as there are 'Adults Only' sites, there are 'No Dogs' sites, Both are restricting their businesses. Hope they both stay in the minority. Ray

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Guest JudgeMental

Ray you are right (not that I am a dog fan by any stretch) Hardly ever the animals fault, down to the idiots who buy and refuse to train properly..my Mum was one. Sister insisted on an Alsation, dad bought one and soon after sister moved in with boyfriend. Leaving this beast to terrorise all in sundry. My Mum treated him like a baby not a dog, feedng him biscuits and chocolate etc..and it ruled the home..No one could visit, you could not get up of lounge chair if he was asllep or he would have your hand of.....he was put down


when out and about he was the most placid animal. I used to take him over the woods for a walk and he was no bother at all.......But indoors :-S


should be strict laws re ownership the situation is a disgrace..not as bad as in Thailand/india where they wander in packs.... but we should do better

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Brian Kirby - 2012-07-27 12:14 AM


Mike (1foot) asked a perfectly reasonable question, seeking answers to suit his preferences. What is it with dog owners, that they cannot accept not everyone shares their passion for their pets, and a few dislike them quite as strongly as dog-owners like them?


I assume you meant to say SOME DOG OWNERS there Brian! :-S


Mike wasn't suggesting dog owners should be denied their pleasures, he merely sought information on where he could go and not be troubled by dogs. What on earth is wrong with that? Why the intemperate and impertinent onslaught? What are you all: barking?


Quite agree.

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Why is it that some people have to get on their soap boxes and try to start a rumpus to entertain others (eaten your popcorn yet judge? :D ).


This was a very simple request and people are entitled to use the type of sites they wish, it is their choice after all, whether that is dog friendly / no-dogs / adults only / family sites / nudist site etc etc. If people can't simply give an answer to the question asked, and instead use it as a reason to 'have yet another go' at others, then why bother responding in the first place? :-|


The thought of going onto a nudist campsite with some of you lot would terrify me!!! :$ (lol)

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Guest 1footinthegrave

I could not agree more with you, but can I add these two crazy experiences in our own family.


My Wife's sister has a "rescue" dog who she describes as "an accident waiting to happen" consequently we never visit her, in fact no one does. My late brother had a collie that he always warned visitors to not make any sudden movements, as it was very snappy, again visitors were few, perhaps that was the point, who knows.


But back to my OP, it is the case that site owners for the most part are only interesting in maximising revenue, and that's understandable, but trawling through the CC book there are quite a few CL's that have a no dog policy, but finding one with a pitch available is always difficult, so there is obviously a demand.


Perhaps the way forward would be a "really peaceful" meet section, where the only sound would be bird song, ah bliss that would be for some of us, perhaps I should organize one, any takers


I don't think it's any great mystery that for the most part nudist camping sites ban dogs, but letting my dangly bits out would be a step too far ;-)

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Mel B - 2012-07-27 5:49 PM..................I assume you meant to say SOME DOG OWNERS there Brian! :-S .....................

Of course Mel but, had I said "some", most of those who had responded so offensively would merely have assumed the exclusion applied to them, and I couldn't risk that! :-)

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Brian Kirby - 2012-07-27 6:31 PM


Mel B - 2012-07-27 5:49 PM..................I assume you meant to say SOME DOG OWNERS there Brian! :-S .....................

Of course Mel but, had I said "some", most of those who had responded so offensively would merely have assumed the exclusion applied to them, and I couldn't risk that! :-)


... but what about me ... I'm a dog owner Brian ... surely you couldn't be talking about me! *-) :D

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1footinthegrave - 2012-07-27 6:08 PM


I could not agree more with you, but can I add these two crazy experiences in our own family.


My Wife's sister has a "rescue" dog who she describes as "an accident waiting to happen" consequently we never visit her, in fact no one does. My late brother had a collie that he always warned visitors to not make any sudden movements, as it was very snappy, again visitors were few, perhaps that was the point, who knows.


But back to my OP, it is the case that site owners for the most part are only interesting in maximising revenue, and that's understandable, but trawling through the CC book there are quite a few CL's that have a no dog policy, but finding one with a pitch available is always difficult, so there is obviously a demand.


Perhaps the way forward would be a "really peaceful" meet section, where the only sound would be bird song, ah bliss that would be for some of us, perhaps I should organize one, any takers


I don't think it's any great mystery that for the most part nudist camping sites ban dogs, but letting my dangly bits out would be a step too far ;-)

We have a rescue dog called Romy who was badly physically and mentally abused but is a lovely loving thing (staffy / greyhound) but she does have some wariness around some people still so we ensure that she is out of the way when those who don't know her visit and only let her go to them if they are happy for us to do so. However, occasionally she gently prods with her nose when sniffing 'somewhere' when people have their back to her (apparently it's a greyhound thing! :$ ) or when we're walking along a pavement and can't get away from people - this makes them jump a bit and usually leads to some funny conversations! :D So, if you see us coming and you are sensitive about your dangly bits, you might be best to move quick!!! (lol)


What we find doesn't help is when some people, friends and family think it is funny to tease her to get a reaction from her - she makes what we call the 'Romy rumble' as it's not a growl or a bark, more a mumble - and we've had to be very 'insistent' to stop them doing it - it may be funny for them, but not for us or Romy - I don't see why she should be shut out of the way because of their stupidity - thankfully they have stopped now and she quite happily goes up to some of them (as they are happy for her to do) to say hello but one in particular always gets the cold shoulder as he's teased her too much.


So it's not just some dog owners who are irresponsible, some people who are supposedly 'dog friendly' cause problems too because they think it's fun. We still get our visitors, but THEY are now well behaved! :D

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Guest peter
Mel B - 2012-07-27 5:56 PM


Why is it that some people have to get on their soap boxes and try to start a rumpus to entertain others (eaten your popcorn yet judge? :D ).


This was a very simple request and people are entitled to use the type of sites they wish, it is their choice after all, whether that is dog friendly / no-dogs / adults only / family sites / nudist site etc etc. If people can't simply give an answer to the question asked, and instead use it as a reason to 'have yet another go' at others, then why bother responding in the first place? :-|


The thought of going onto a nudist campsite with some of you lot would terrify me!!! :$ (lol)

I know what you mean Mel. But I can't help winding up One foot when he starts on about his irrational attitude to dogs. Plus all the other anti dog loonies that seem to tag along behind. Then we always get the stories about how someone got bitten or lost an eye 60 yrs ago because they ate a dogs turd when they were a kid. It's all becoming very predictable and always starts a furrore.
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What a sad little man you are peter. Is it necessary for you to ridicule those that have a genuine fear of dogs or does it satisfy your warped outlook to life. If you cannot put a positive point of view then its best just to say nothing at least that way your character will not be displayed.
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