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No dogs allowed cl's cs, or sites, any recommendations.

Guest 1footinthegrave

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Guest 1footinthegrave
peter - 2012-07-27 8:59 PM


Mel B - 2012-07-27 5:56 PM


Why is it that some people have to get on their soap boxes and try to start a rumpus to entertain others (eaten your popcorn yet judge? :D ).


This was a very simple request and people are entitled to use the type of sites they wish, it is their choice after all, whether that is dog friendly / no-dogs / adults only / family sites / nudist site etc etc. If people can't simply give an answer to the question asked, and instead use it as a reason to 'have yet another go' at others, then why bother responding in the first place? :-|


The thought of going onto a nudist campsite with some of you lot would terrify me!!! :$ (lol)

I know what you mean Mel. But I can't help winding up One foot when he starts on about his irrational attitude to dogs. Plus all the other anti dog loonies that seem to tag along behind. Then we always get the stories about how someone got bitten or lost an eye 60 yrs ago because they ate a dogs turd when they were a kid. It's all becoming very predictable and always starts a furrore.


I notice you don't make reference to the bloke in Brighton almost mauled to death in May by two dogs, nor the Police who were badly injured trying to go to his aid, no not some story from 60 years ago, just a FACT from a few weeks ago.


Just be thankful that you or a loved one has never been on the receiving end of a dog attack, I don't need winding up as you put it, that happened years ago with some dick head not in control of their beloved pet, and now just as far as possible to prevent my loved ones being needlessly hurt or injured or frightened by thoughtless( I use your word "loonies" ) that think that to dislike dogs is some kind of mental aberration.


Let's make it simple for you, I would never wish to share a site with you, doubtless the feeling would be mutual, that's choice mate, get it, nothing to do with being a loony, just my preference,that we like dog free sites.


Coincidently I've just looked up the definition " loony" wonderful thing the Internet, it said it is a MMM forum member named Peter.

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Guest 1footinthegrave

What to bury loonies named Peter..........................mind you not without his beloved pooch to keep him company, apparently the biggest attraction of a Dog, unconditional love when no one else is interested, oh and they get a free meal ticket for life, so I guess the dog comes out best, what mugs they must think the human race is, he feeds me and picks up my warm s**t in little neat bags, I lick my nether regions then give him a lick, and he calls me 1foot a loony, don't think so mate.


If I ever get cut short perhaps he could help me out with a bag and do me the honours, I promise I'll give him a nice warm slobber, and it will save me going to a bog, not that you can find any open these days, mmmmm :D

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And THIS is why i prefer dogs to humans.


Gonna start a thread asking if there's any sites that don't allow Whingers and Moaners, and their close relatives Complainers.


We get it - you don't like dogs, or their owners, or smokers, or anyone from up north.


I have the perfect site for you - your back garden

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An ExamplePublished on Tuesday 24 July 2012 11:15

PENSIONERS appeared in court to plead for their dog’s life after a German Shepherd sank its teeth into a cyclist.

Donington couple Harold and Ruth Brereton were walking their dogs Bailey and Major in the village’s Washdyke Lane when Major bit Anthony McMahon’s thigh, leaving him with four puncture wounds and three lacerations.

Mr McMahon had hospital treatment for the wounds.

On Thursday, Spalding magistrates made a “contingent destruction order” – which means Major will be destroyed unless kept under proper control and on a lead at all times in a public place.

The order was made against Mr Brereton as owner.

Mr Brereton (74) pleaded guilty to being the owner of a dog which was dangerously out of control on May 16 and Mrs Brereton (73) admitted being in charge of a dog which was dangerously out of control.

The Breretons, who live in Manchester Way, must each pay £50 compensation to Mr McMahon for his injury – and each pay £10 for his ripped tracksuit bottoms.

Mr Brereton was fined £105 and Mrs Brereton £265 as their incomes differ.

Rebecca Ritson, prosecuting, said the couple were on the path and the dogs were in the road as Mr McMahon approached and he heard Mr Brereton say something like “quick get hold of him”.

Mr Brereton had charge of Bailey and Mrs Brereton had charge of Major, who bit Mr McMahon before she could get him on a lead.

Solicitor David Lee said the Breretons did everything right afterwards, going to see Mr McMahon to see how he was and reporting the matter to the police.

He said Major is nine years old, suffers from arthritis and epilepsy and has never before bitten anyone.

Mr Lee told the court: “They apologise for the behaviour of their dog and ask that he is spared what would be the most serious sanction available.

“I think you appreciate and perhaps recognise the distress these proceedings are causing and have caused since this incident occurred.

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Guest 1footinthegrave

It's funny isn't it, not a single comment in this thread from the pro dog brigade expressing any regret or sympathy for anyone killed or severely injured by dogs, a couple of recent examples I cited, and yours cited above I mean how crazy a couple of pensioners in the 70's with a powerful dog like that, together with my wifes completely avoidable injury which anyone with an ounce of sense would understand our concerns in trying to find no dog sites, probably just collateral damage in their books, disgusting frankly.


Here's a bit more collateral damage for you...........


Just days before the 11-year-old was ripped to pieces by two rottweilers owned by her pal's father, she told her mum on the phone how wonderful the animals were.

Even seconds before the attack, Kellie thought the rottweilers were harmless. They licked her face before their horrific onslaught began.

The doctors and the police didn't want Kellie's mum Veronica to see what the rottweilers had done to her daughter.

But she insisted on going to the mortuary to see Kellie, and the memory still haunts her more than 20 years later.


Since Kellie's death, Veronica has had to read about a string of similar tragedies. John-Paul Massey, Ellie Lawrenson, Archie-Lee Hirst - all defenceless children savaged to death by dogs they thought were their friends.


Now do you folk get it.....................................................no thought not

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Back to the original request, a few places where onefoot, can go without meeting a dog:


CL's from the CC book : Scotland : Stirling page 572 Fordhead Farming.FK8 3HY

Powblack, Thornhill.FK8 3QU

Thurso page 567 Scarsferry,Thurso. KW14 8XN

Wales: Hereford page 550 Dornstone, HR3 6AT

Clynderwen page 546 Mynachchlogddu , SA66 7SB

Wolfscastle page 545 Haverfordwest , S62 5LX

Prestatyn page 535 Prestatyn, LL19 8BE


just a few, that I marked in my book NOT to go to, So, I am not recommending them. They are just a few (there are more if you look). They do exist, but I bet they don't take in much revenue.

AND, lets 'co-exist' a bit please, and respect folk who might not like our dogs, mind you I have never 'Trusted' someone who admits a dislike for Dogs, Co- exist, of course, but never made friends, we usually have a totally differant outlook on life. Ray

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Guest 1footinthegrave

Well thanks for that, at least something positive, even though in a roundabout way.

Although I note that once again you made no comment to the post above of deaths and injuries caused by "mans best friend" It's like a form of dyslexia with you folks.


I'm not so sure about the loss of revenue, just attempted to book a few nights at a large non dog site, and they are full.


I'm still mystified why this subject provokes so much fury in the dog lovers, yes we get it, you love your dogs, some others don't, is that really so hard to understand. I guess time to let this one topic go..........................

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I'll try and answer about the deaths and injuries caused by Dogs.

The ones involving young children and infants usually involve someone leaving the child or infant alone with the Dog for an extended period, If the dog is not familiarised to the child, then the dog does'nt 'know it's posistion' , then it will try and exert it's 'Authority' over him/her. It is plain stupidity to leave an infant alone with a dog, even if the dog is 'part' of the family . 'Agressive' dogs, All dogs can be 'taught' to be Agressive, even tiny ones, It's all about training, and what 'is' and 'is not' allowed, and it has to happen as soon as the puppy leaves it's siblings, some very stupid people think it is 'cool' to have an agressive Dog, and encourage that side of it's behaviour.

To me these people are as dangerous as if they walked around carrying loaded firearms,

In short the problem is the Human owners, not the Dogs themselves.

Have I ever been bitten by a dog ? yes, but i made damn sure the dog knew it had 'done wrong', and it never bit ANYONE again.

They have been our companions for thousands of years, but even the Egyptians had to train them, and not let them revert to their 'Wolf' nature. Ray

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Mel B - 2012-07-27 6:34 PM


Brian Kirby - 2012-07-27 6:31 PM


Mel B - 2012-07-27 5:49 PM..................I assume you meant to say SOME DOG OWNERS there Brian! :-S .....................

Of course Mel but, had I said "some", most of those who had responded so offensively would merely have assumed the exclusion applied to them, and I couldn't risk that! :-)


... but what about me ... I'm a dog owner Brian ... surely you couldn't be talking about me! *-) :D

Ah! I see. Absolution! Very well. Te absolvo, Mel. Better? :-D

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Opinions , opinions oh dear.....perhaps Peter you are the ones who "TAG" along when you all go and meet up on the grass having a chin wag with a bag of s**te in your pocket, whilst your little ones go and mark someones van !

Perhaps what we all should do is at this point put a big size 10 up their poor little arses they'd soon go to their own patch then....hey !

"GETS RIGHT UP MY NOSE"...........who do you think you are doggie lovers ?

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I find dogs less trouble than kids


Yes there are some horrible stories in the gutter rags about maulings, but in the scheme of things these are few and far between. These dogs are usually owned by the type of people who cannot afford caravaning or camping as a passtime. So I guess the safest dogs are the ones you find on camp sites.


I have to say, while I did comment - rather sarcastically - in favour of dogs, I have come to the conclusion that if the posters on this thread are typical of the types of people I will come across on sites then perhaps it's time to sell up and buy a holiday cottage in Wales (where I'm sure my pooch would be more welcome)


Either that or invest in a litter of pitbulls to take away with me.


And as for size 10s? Believe me - someone would end up eating a doggy bag comlete with its contents if they try that near me

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Guest 1footinthegrave

If ANY of the pro dog folk would just for a moment take a good long hard look at this website, and if you can stomach it scroll down the page you will see so much needless human suffering I doubt even the most ardent dog lover will not see that something needs to be done, this is truly horrific stuff, not just a few "gutterrags" stories.


Perhaps joking about taking a litter of Pit Bulls will ring a bit hollow if you look at the site.


I urge everyone to read it, and if you have a shred of humanity think how you would react if it was one of your loved ones.



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you are absolutely right , there are dangerous dogs out there normally with even more dangerous owners!! nobody in their right minds would condon dog attacks but they pale vastly into a small minority against the scum , peadophiles , rapists and murderers that prey on our children , lets not forget this is the 10th anniversary of the soham murders and that thing has not been put down
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Guest 1footinthegrave

Oh that's OK then, do nothing about it until we've sorted out all the other unpleasant folk out there, a bit like saying lets first deal with people who murder with a gun, and once that's sorted move on to knives.


In other words do bugger all to stop the COMPLETELY needless suffering and pain that COULD be prevented right now with the right actions. Oh and if you'd read it all not all of these victims were children, one was a 90 year old woman visiting a sick friend.


Oh and you wouldn't want to be a UK postman, on average it is reported 12 Postal workers are bitten EVERY day, that's OK then as well presumably...........................




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Onefoot ... we get it you don't like dogs, wish they didn't exist on the whole, and those of us who have them are 'idiots', or words to that effect.


Whilst you are entitled to your view, we are all entitled to our views, and why we choose to have dogs as companions it is absolutely nothing to do with you, however, some are willing to give reasons for being dog owners, but then are met by your constantl ridicule and belittling as is anyone who doesn't agree with you views.


I don't condone anyone who has an out of control dog, or a dog which is dangerous, and I know first hand of the injuries which a dog can cause (intentionally or not), but I find your posting of the picture distasteful - this is an OPEN forum and the picture could upset some forumites, both pro and anti-dog equally.

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Guest 1footinthegrave

In my OP I said nothing of the sort, and I repeat my OP below.


As for distasteful, well you know there can be plenty of that on here.


Yes it's very distasteful what injuries can and are inflicted by in a lot of cases family pets, but when you are scorned, and ridiculed for seeking information about dog free sites from some contributors, and accusations of being somehow idiotic for wanting to avoid dogs for any reason, be they past events like my wife has for years had to battle with, as do many others, I thought the shock factor alone may make at least some sympathetic to our OP.

Sorry if it personally caused upset to you, that was not my intention. And at no point in my OP said anything derogatory about dog owners, was simply asking a reasonable question.


This was my OP for clarity, before being written of as some nutcase.


"Just wondered if any kind sole out there has compiled a list of sites that do not allow dogs, or could recommend a few, be they certificated locations or main sites. Please dog lovers resist the usual knee jerk reaction, just accept some of us have a different view, so can anyone help at all, thanks"

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Mel B - 2012-07-28 10:03 PM............why we choose to have dogs as companions it is absolutely nothing to do with you, however, some are willing to give reasons for being dog owners, ..................

Now there I disagree with you Mel. It is all of our business - unless dog are to be permanently kept on private land to which no-one else is allowed access, because dogs will be taken/let out to mix with us all.

Ultimately, dogs are owned by mutual consent, not simply because their owners will it. It is a social privilege, not an inalienable right. It may be an ancient privilege, but there have been controls over dog ownership for almost as long as there have been domesticated dogs.

The picture is relevant, though not relevant to the original post. It is relevant to where the string ran following totally unnecessary provocation. Of course it is distasteful to see, but how much more distasteful must it be for that child so see those scars in every mirror? Surely that is its relevance?

Read back, and see where the first stone was cast. It was most definitely not Mike who threw it.

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Brian Kirby - 2012-07-29 12:28 PM


Mel B - 2012-07-28 10:03 PM............why we choose to have dogs as companions it is absolutely nothing to do with you, however, some are willing to give reasons for being dog owners, ..................

Now there I disagree with you Mel. It is all of our business - unless dog are to be permanently kept on private land to which no-one else is allowed access, because dogs will be taken/let out to mix with us all.

Ultimately, dogs are owned by mutual consent, not simply because their owners will it. It is a social privilege, not an inalienable right. It may be an ancient privilege, but there have been controls over dog ownership for almost as long as there have been domesticated dogs.

The picture is relevant, though not relevant to the original post. It is relevant to where the string ran following totally unnecessary provocation. Of course it is distasteful to see, but how much more distasteful must it be for that child so see those scars in every mirror? Surely that is its relevance?

Read back, and see where the first stone was cast. It was most definitely not Mike who threw it.



Careful now Brian.


You are in danger of incurring the wrath of the forums small, but vociferous, dog loving mafia.


Be afraid, be very afraid.




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