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No dogs allowed cl's cs, or sites, any recommendations.

Guest 1footinthegrave

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peter - 2012-07-26 10:07 PM
1footinthegrave - 2012-07-26 7:30 PMJust wondered if any kind sole out there has compiled a list of sites that do not allow dogs, or could recommend a few, be they certificated locations or main sites. Please dog lovers resist the usual knee jerk reaction, just accept some of us have a different view, so can anyone help at all, thanks. ;-)
If you dn't like dogs just leave the wife at home. then you will be o/k. :D Are there any other criteria that your ideal sites should have, such as no vans over 3 yrs old and not silver. Any ugly wives. No a frames. no wind out awnings. Or any of the other tabboo features that the diverse human race can think up. And certainly no smokers.I would hate to be camped anywhere near you on any site, talk about whinger.Hope that answers you query. (lol)


Well said, it's often said that you can tell a person character by their attitude to children and dogs !!!


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Guest 1footinthegrave
yeti - 2012-07-29 1:35 PM


Maybe if the OP went to CLs/CSs on working livestock farms, there may be a better chance of no dogs except the farmers sheep herding dogs-how does that make you feel?


Fantastic, they are amazing animals to watch, and extremely well trained, in fact we are going to a sheep hill farm CS site this week that has a "camping no dog rule" because as explained on their website they have grazing sheep.


And they make a special point of welcoming children, so we can take our granddaughter with us. We are heartened to have found more and more sites through the internet that will meet our needs, so perhaps we're not so loopy trying to find "no dog" sites after all. ;-)

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In reply to the original post, the gentleman should look at the symbols displayed under the CL/CS details. If there is a little picture of a dog ... they are allowed. If not .... they are not allowed.


I am a dog owner, a responsible one and I hate the scum who do not pick up after them more than the average person.


I have given ther OP a calm and rational answer to his query but to him and the other members who have spouted bile about dogs I say 2 things.


1) Human beings have been much more cruel and sadistic to dogs than the other way round.


2) Buy a bloody Yacht and you will not have this problem with a dog next door (unless it is a Newfoundland).

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747 - 2012-07-29 4:26 PM

In reply to the original post, the gentleman should look at the symbols displayed under the CL/CS details. If there is a little picture of a dog ... they are allowed. If not .... they are not allowed.


I wasn't going to post again on this thread, but, to correct the above -- particularly with regard to the C&CC 'Big Sites Book' :- " It Ain't Neccessarily So" -- if there is a 'paw- print' sign/logo against the entry then the site is dog-friendly, if the paw - print sign is crossed out, it is a dog-free site; BUT -- if there is no sign, it often means, in my experience, that the the site will tolerate dogs; it does not guarantee that it is dog-free.

Mike (one foot) -- and any others who are interested: I am attempting to compile, for my own benefit, a list of all dog-free sites listed in theC.&C.C. 'Big Sites Book' ( similarly to the service provided by Ray, from the C.C. handbook), and will PM you with these if it is helpful, later this week. If you already have the information, or if my 'links' to you at the beginning of this thread ( before it was 'hi-jacked by the oafish Peter!) have duplicated the infomation that I will have, then accept my apologies, better too much than too little information, methinks! Just let me know if you would like to have it.





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Brian Kirby - 2012-07-29 12:28 PM


Mel B - 2012-07-28 10:03 PM............why we choose to have dogs as companions it is absolutely nothing to do with you, however, some are willing to give reasons for being dog owners, ..................

Now there I disagree with you Mel. It is all of our business - unless dog are to be permanently kept on private land to which no-one else is allowed access, because dogs will be taken/let out to mix with us all.

Ultimately, dogs are owned by mutual consent, not simply because their owners will it. It is a social privilege, not an inalienable right. It may be an ancient privilege, but there have been controls over dog ownership for almost as long as there have been domesticated dogs.

The picture is relevant, though not relevant to the original post. It is relevant to where the string ran following totally unnecessary provocation. Of course it is distasteful to see, but how much more distasteful must it be for that child so see those scars in every mirror? Surely that is its relevance?

Read back, and see where the first stone was cast. It was most definitely not Mike who threw it.


Brian - did I have to give permission for you to have children (which I assume you have)? Regardless of whether I agree that you should have children, I have to support them by paying through taxes etc for schools, healthcare etc. So you can make the same argument above for people having children as for dogs. :-S


WHY we choose to have dogs ... is absolutely nothing to do with you, or anyone else for that matter. I said nothing about being RESPONSIBLE for them which I agree everyone who has a dog should be capable of caring for it etc and ensure it doesn't cause injury to others (dogs, humans ... anything!).


I, and I'm sure other dog owners too, get fed up to the back teeth at constantly having the HATRED of dogs spat out whenever they are mentioned on this forum - I totally understand that some people are terrified of them for whatever reason and don't want to be around them at any time - but the bile that is unleased is what makes it all extremely unpleasant. You get flippant/funny remarks on both 'sides', but that's just normal banter, what takes this from being a sensible discussion is the real hatred for dogs and the totally over the top snide/nasty/contemptuous comments that are uncalled for from those who don't like dogs to those who have them.


Being told that we obviously don't care (or words to that effect) about people who have been attacked by dogs is extremely unfair and uncalled for. As for the picture, I still do not think it is appropriate to put it on an open forum especially where someone who hasn't been reading this thread and then does so for the first time thinking it is ONLY about what 'it says on the tin', could be quite upset by it all. If it had been on a thread specifically about injuries caused by dogs that might be another matter, but it does not have a place on this thread in my view. :-|

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Brian Kirby - 2012-07-29 12:28 PM


Read back, and see where the first stone was cast. It was most definitely not Mike who threw it.


Regardless of who threw the first stone ... my dog would retrieve it anyway!!! :D

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Guest JudgeMental

we live in a private road opposite park land. recently a neighbours son walked past a dog walkers van and a dog attacked him and bit his face..he is scarred for life. The women owner who was accompanying the dog walker ran of but later went to a police station and handed herself in. the dog is on death row and the idiot got a derisory £250 fine


My sister who has a staff was out walking when 2 Doberman appeared from nowhere and knocked her to the ground while she tried to protect her (lovely) dog...When will it end I wonder. These are daily events! ask your postman.....


Like someone else mentioned, dog owners a bit like smokers, an intensely stupid and selfish bunch in general

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1footinthegrave - 2012-07-28 8:20 PM


Oh that's OK then, do nothing about it until we've sorted out all the other unpleasant folk out there, a bit like saying lets first deal with people who murder with a gun, and once that's sorted move on to knives.


In other words do bugger all to stop the COMPLETELY needless suffering and pain that COULD be prevented right now with the right actions. Oh and if you'd read it all not all of these victims were children, one was a 90 year old woman visiting a sick friend.


Oh and you wouldn't want to be a UK postman, on average it is reported 12 Postal workers are bitten EVERY day, that's OK then as well presumably...........................



I have to admit that our new puppy peed on our postmans foot when being introduced to him, but it was his fault for getting her too excited! At least he appreciated the fact that we took the trouble to introduce her to him to avoid any potential problems. She now wags her tail whenever she sees him coming and is always allowed to say hello to him. But then we are just one of many responsible dog owners. Incidently she has also been introduced to a farmer friend ours sheep and another friends horses at an early age.



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Guest 1footinthegrave
JudgeMental - 2012-07-29 7:32 PM


we live in a private road opposite park land. recently a neighbours son walked past a dog walkers van and a dog attacked him and bit his face..he is scarred for life. The women owner who was accompanying the dog walker ran of but later went to a police station and handed herself in. the dog is on death row and the idiot got a derisory £250 fine


My sister who has a staff was out walking when 2 Doberman appeared from nowhere and knocked her to the ground while she tried to protect her (lovely) dog...When will it end I wonder. These are daily events! ask your postman.....


Like someone else mentioned, dog owners a bit like smokers, an intensely stupid and selfish bunch in general


Yes your right Judge, when I was a smoker I was forever taking chunks out of people, kids were my favourite, followed by the postman, the missus couldn't get me out of the habit of going outside and crapping on the neighbours lawn ( under the cover of darkness of course ) and my constant barking used to drive the whole street barmy, thank God I managed to give up the fags and see the error of my ways.

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Guest JudgeMental
1footinthegrave - 2012-07-29 8:10 PM


JudgeMental - 2012-07-29 7:32 PM


we live in a private road opposite park land. recently a neighbours son walked past a dog walkers van and a dog attacked him and bit his face..he is scarred for life. The women owner who was accompanying the dog walker ran of but later went to a police station and handed herself in. the dog is on death row and the idiot got a derisory £250 fine


My sister who has a staff was out walking when 2 Doberman appeared from nowhere and knocked her to the ground while she tried to protect her (lovely) dog...When will it end I wonder. These are daily events! ask your postman.....


Like someone else mentioned, dog owners a bit like smokers, an intensely stupid and selfish bunch in general


Yes your right Judge, when I was a smoker I was forever taking chunks out of people, kids were my favourite, followed by the postman, the missus couldn't get me out of the habit of going outside and crapping on the neighbours lawn ( under the cover of darkness of course ) and my constant barking used to drive the whole street barmy, thank God I managed to give up the fags and see the error of my ways.


Ha ha ha.... :D

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Symbol Owner - 2012-07-27 8:27 AM


Bolly1965 - 2012-07-27 7:33


Every site i've been on have rules about dogs so no-one should be "bothered" by them


I'm not vehemently defending dogs, but it's time to get real.


By the way - I can't stand horses and i live in a rural village! Deal with it - I do


1.) Yes, but many arrogant dog owners (in my experience) believe that it is their right to ignore them completely -- usually without any sanction.


2.)If you want to 'get real', the 'reality is that dog owners have had it all their own way in this country for far too long and some serious controls need to be applied to their irresponsible actions.


3.) Horses don't bite ( unless approached and provoked), seriously iinjure and sometimes kill, human beings!



A ruddy great cart horse stood on my foot and seriously injured it when I was helping a friend to move some out of a flooded field to safety. I'm not advocating banning cart horses though and if I came across one that needed help I'd still do,it.


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sshortcircuit - 2012-07-26 9:30 PM


Very good question and look froward to positive replies. My wife was bitten by a dog when a child and is petrified of them. Just back from France and every French motorhome appears to have a dog which dominates and their "responsible" owner get upset when I remonstrate about their yappy little precious defecating all over the place and lunging at all and sundry. I am afraid responsible owner is very much a minority in France


I'm all for banning the French.

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Guest JudgeMental
Colin Leake - 2012-07-29 8:19 PM


Symbol Owner - 2012-07-27 8:27 AM


Bolly1965 - 2012-07-27 7:33


Every site i've been on have rules about dogs so no-one should be "bothered" by them


I'm not vehemently defending dogs, but it's time to get real.


By the way - I can't stand horses and i live in a rural village! Deal with it - I do


1.) Yes, but many arrogant dog owners (in my experience) believe that it is their right to ignore them completely -- usually without any sanction.


2.)If you want to 'get real', the 'reality is that dog owners have had it all their own way in this country for far too long and some serious controls need to be applied to their irresponsible actions.


3.) Horses don't bite ( unless approached and provoked), seriously iinjure and sometimes kill, human beings!



A ruddy great cart horse stood on my foot and seriously injured it when I was helping a friend to move some out of a flooded field to safety. I'm not advocating banning cart horses though and if I came across one that needed help I'd still do,it.



Hardly an every day event Colin *-)

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Guest JudgeMental
Colin Leake - 2012-07-29 8:20 PM


sshortcircuit - 2012-07-26 9:30 PM


Very good question and look froward to positive replies. My wife was bitten by a dog when a child and is petrified of them. Just back from France and every French motorhome appears to have a dog which dominates and their "responsible" owner get upset when I remonstrate about their yappy little precious defecating all over the place and lunging at all and sundry. I am afraid responsible owner is very much a minority in France


I'm all for banning the French.


Indeed........Now your talking! :D

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We've had dogs all our lives but I do respect the fact that some people are afraid of dogs or simply don't like them. All ours have been trained from puppies to be friendly to people and other dogs. It's amazing how many people and children stop to pet our dogs and very often this leads to a conversation being struck sometimes followed by a glass or two later. If we meet someone who does not like dogs or is afraid of them we simply hold the dogs back if they are on a lead or tell them to leave alone if they are off it. We have always trained them to leave dogs that are on a lead alone unless the owner wants them to say hello.


Those who have never owned a dog will understand us dog owners but that's their problem not mine.

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Guest 1footinthegrave

Back to the French


I never cease to be bemused when we see the French, especially French men, when they are cradling a dog under their arm, or carried in a bag like device, don't they know the dog is far better placed to walk than they are.

I mean what's that all about


And what's the multiple dog ownership about, how on earth can you pick up after 3 or 4 dogs, use bin liners ? 8-)

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Mel B - 2012-07-29 7:11 PM


Brian Kirby - 2012-07-29 12:28 PM


Mel B - 2012-07-28 10:03 PM............why we choose to have dogs as companions it is absolutely nothing to do with you, however, some are willing to give reasons for being dog owners, ..................

Now there I disagree with you Mel. It is all of our business - unless dog are to be permanently kept on private land to which no-one else is allowed access, because dogs will be taken/let out to mix with us all.

Ultimately, dogs are owned by mutual consent, not simply because their owners will it. It is a social privilege, not an inalienable right. It may be an ancient privilege, but there have been controls over dog ownership for almost as long as there have been domesticated dogs.

The picture is relevant, though not relevant to the original post. It is relevant to where the string ran following totally unnecessary provocation. Of course it is distasteful to see, but how much more distasteful must it be for that child so see those scars in every mirror? Surely that is its relevance?

Read back, and see where the first stone was cast. It was most definitely not Mike who threw it.


Brian - did I have to give permission for you to have children (which I assume you have)? Regardless of whether I agree that you should have children, I have to support them by paying through taxes etc for schools, healthcare etc. So you can make the same argument above for people having children as for dogs. :-S ................

Of course you did, because that is how society works. What any of us can "freely" do, is done by common consent. When we begin to do what is unacceptable, that consent gets withdrawn: the practise, in some way or another, is restricted.


Society as a whole accepts dogs (which is why, as a part of society, it is to do with me), but will do so only for as long as the dogs behave reasonably in the opinion of society. It is futile to say, as many do, it is the fault of the owners. That, precisely, is the point. When someone is attacked by a dog, it is the dog that attacks, not its owner. Realistically, how could one legislate to prevent the irresponsible from owning malevolent dogs? So, any control will be blunt and crude: an expensive licence perhaps.


Ownership of pet dogs has been rising since the 1950's. So, unfortunately, has the number of dog attacks. That will, IMO, eventually bring about its own consequences. People understand this argument when it is applied to immigration, that it is too many. If the number of dogs continues to increase, and with it the almost inevitable number of attacks, there will be some kind of political backlash. So yes, IMO, the dog is presently owned by mutual consent, but that consent cannot be relied upon indefinitely.


I see far less hatred of dogs in the above posts, than I see fear. Some of that fear, it seems to me, is well founded. It is crass and impertinent to criticise, as some have, those who have been attacked by a dog, and are now frightened of them. Far worse, as one poster did, to suggest they need therapy. We all learn from experience, and most of us have irrational fears, that is part of our humanity. So, why is a rational, experience based, fear, something to be ridiculed?


From what I read, there is as much bile and vitriol aimed at those who prefer to keep at a distance from dogs, as is aimed at those who like and own them. Why? How does this affect the dogs of the world? What do they know of this discussion? Do they care what any of us writes or says? Can they read? Who, exactly, is seeking to defend what? Is it the dog that is being defended, or the right to "own" one?


I really think this whole string has become a ridiculous, intemperate, disgrace. And all because one poster asked, in totally non-provocative terms, whether anyone could point him towards campsites that don't admit dogs. For that, he was attacked - by people mind you, not dogs, of about the same subtlety, attitude, and intelligence, as a malevolent pit-bull terrier. Absolutely disgraceful!

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Colin Leake - 2012-07-29 8:42 PM


We've had dogs all our lives but I do respect the fact that some people are afraid of dogs or simply don't like them. All ours have been trained from puppies to be friendly to people and other dogs. It's amazing how many people and children stop to pet our dogs and very often this leads to a conversation being struck sometimes followed by a glass or two later. If we meet someone who does not like dogs or is afraid of them we simply hold the dogs back if they are on a lead or tell them to leave alone if they are off it. We have always trained them to leave dogs that are on a lead alone unless the owner wants them to say hello.


Those who have never owned a dog will understand us dog owners but that's their problem not mine.


Excellent posting Colin. Thank you

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Brian Kirby - 2012-07-29 8:46 PM

I really think this whole string has become a ridiculous, intemperate, disgrace.

Totally agree with you there!


And all because one poster asked, in totally non-provocative terms, whether anyone could point him towards campsites that don't admit dogs. For that, he was attacked - by people mind you, not dogs, of about the same subtlety, attitude, and intelligence, as a malevolent pit-bull terrier. Absolutely disgraceful!

... and some who are anti-dog chose to attack with about the same subtlety, attitude, and intelligence, as a malevolent football hooligan. :-S


... oh, and NO I didn't give you my 'permission' to have children ... you just assumed I had. (lol)

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Guest peter
1footinthegrave - 2012-07-27 10:57 PM


What to bury loonies named Peter..........................mind you not without his beloved pooch to keep him company, apparently the biggest attraction of a Dog, unconditional love when no one else is interested, oh and they get a free meal ticket for life, so I guess the dog comes out best, what mugs they must think the human race is, he feeds me and picks up my warm s**t in little neat bags, I lick my nether regions then give him a lick, and he calls me 1foot a loony, don't think so mate.


If I ever get cut short perhaps he could help me out with a bag and do me the honours, I promise I'll give him a nice warm slobber, and it will save me going to a bog, not that you can find any open these days, mmmmm :D

I think the above rant reinforces my point about 1 foots irrational behaviour.
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Guest 1footinthegrave

It seems quiet obvious that the average dog owner will not be troubled with dogs barking, getting the odd foot full, or being jumped up at.

That's what you buy in to, we did not, when will you guys get it we don't all buy in to the dog club and all that goes with it, nothing more nothing less.



There you go Peter, last rant for tonight, you best get out now it's dark for your dog to take a crap, don't forget your bag though, another one for your collection, and you call me irrational, oh and you trawled through all the posts to find my earlier one, really must have touched a nerve there ! ! !



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1footinthegrave - 2012-07-29 9:32 PM


It seems quiet obvious that the average dog owner will not be troubled with dogs barking, getting the odd foot full, or being jumped up at. That's what you buy in to, we did not

I actually don't like my dogs barking for no reason - when they're playing etc that's a different matter though as they're just having fun similar to when kids are playing and squealing, shouting etc ... all good fun! I don't like walking in dog poo, and no I don't like being jumped up at unless I'm saying hello to a dog ... so we actually DO have something in common!!!! :->


... when will you guys get it we don't all buy in to the dog club and all that goes with it, nothing more nothing less.

But we DO get it! When will YOU get what WE are saying? *-) Not all dog owners are the same and what I personally dislike is being lumped in with the ones that you obviously have a real dislike for ... us 'guys' as you call us, are not all the same and I would be grateful if you would at least bear that in mind when making your sweeping comments ... just because we have dogs doesn't mean we disregard what others think/feel etc or accept the antics of less 'well trained' dog owners. :-S

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Guest 1footinthegrave
If I'm parked up somewhere described as quiet, and your dogs start "playing" as you put it ( or making an infernal racket as I would put it), how will you react if I ask you to keep them quiet, you see the great divide don't you...................................lets leave it there shall we
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Guest peter
1footinthegrave - 2012-07-29 9:32 PM


It seems quiet obvious that the average dog owner will not be troubled with dogs barking, getting the odd foot full, or being jumped up at.

That's what you buy in to, we did not, when will you guys get it we don't all buy in to the dog club and all that goes with it, nothing more nothing less.



There you go Peter, last rant for tonight, you best get out now it's dark for your dog to take a crap, don't forget your bag though, another one for your collection, and you call me irrational, oh and you trawled through all the posts to find my earlier one, really must have touched a nerve there ! ! !


Not being as sad as you, I did not trawl through the posts at all. As someone who gets out a lot I have been to my boat for 3 days with my wife and DOG. So have just caught up with all your latest and as usual irrational postings.
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