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No dogs allowed cl's cs, or sites, any recommendations.

Guest 1footinthegrave

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I suggest those who think my post above was patronising go and read it again, it was written to be helpful and I made it VERY CLEAR that what worked for me might not work for others but that some help, in some way, MAY improve the life/enjoyment of other people.


I DID NOT ever suggested that being afraid of spiders was the same as being afraid of dogs, all I did was relate some of the things that I had problems with in the past, other things I haven't mentioned because they are more private, but that doesn't mean that I don't understand to some extent the issues that phobias can cause and what I found helped. A phobia is a phobia, it doesn't matter what it is, if it makes the person concerned restricted in what they do and there is the possibility that it could be alleviated in some way (realistically!), then why not try?


For those who are all to willing to 'have a go' instead why don't you try to offer some constructive help to the person with the phobia instead of slinging stones (as my dog is too tired to keep fetching them back).


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I thnk all cats should be put on a lead after what I've just dug up in my garden!


Where are the responsible cat owners? They just turf out these 'pets' to do as they will, where they will. An yes cats can scratch and bite - ok not to the extent of a dog.


I wonder if these people who are afraid of dogs are also afraid of swans and geese (and the odd duck). Growing up we had a very vicious Moskovi duck that a park warden asked us to look after because it was attacking members of the public.


Dogs also sense fear - it's part of how the find their social status. We once took in a Jack Russell because it's owner said it was very aggressive - and it was - but only for about 2 weeks when it learnt it's place in our family and beacame a lovely pet. (I still would not leave it alone with a child - nor any dog for that matter)


Yes any dog can attack, but if you watch the dog training programmes with Victoria Whatserface and Ceasar Thingumy, it's easy to see that the dogs only respond how people behave with them.


Common sense should keep you safe.


Blame the owner - not the pet

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Brian Kirby - 2012-07-31 12:41 PM


That is what I think the diehard dog lovers fail to recognise. It is not at the level of phobia, it is just a natural, acquired, unease, in the face of a potential threat.


Here we go ... yet again an 'assumption' has been made about dog lovers not being able to understand, now that IS patronising. :-|


IMV you don't appear to understand phobias Brian, which I'm very happy about for you as it suggests that you don't suffer/haven't suffered from anything that would cause you some of the debilitating problems that those with phobias can develop - your comment above is way too simplistic.


I too am cautious where strange dogs are concerned, as I am with anything else I may meet which I am not familiar with - eg horses, cats, even people - although I have dogs I certainly wouldn't pretend to know how all dogs I meet will behave but experience and owning my own dogs has probably taught me how to 'read' the situation much more accurately than non-dog owners. I have observed people who are around very well behaved dogs (who are doing nothing at all to them/not even near them) act in ways which can actually cause dogs to react to them if they feel threatened - screaming at them to go away for example, running around in a 'panic', or staring at the dogs (dogs do NOT like being stared at as it is a threat). The dogs were doing absolutely NOTHING wrong, just walking by minding their own business but guess who got the blame ... yes, the dog. It may be that the people concerned did have a real phobia about dogs but their actions actually reinforced their phobia/fears even more.


It is not unknown for some children to come running up to our dogs to say hello to them, our dogs don't mind that, but we ensure that the children know how to approach the dogs and stroke them (no hitting, ear pulling etc) and also educate them about not just assuming that all dogs are approachable, and to ask if it is okay to stroke them before doing so. We've even had mothers ask us to introduce our dogs to their children who weren't frightened of them, but simply had not had any interaction with dogs, to prevent them developing fear/phobia.


If anyone want to call this patronising, then so be it, that is how THEY see what I have written, not what I have actually written and intend it to be. :-S

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peter - 2012-07-31 6:47 PM


Who gives a toss. You lot want to get a life. I see the o/p (sh*t stirrer) hasn't posted recently.


You do apparently ... I thought you were bogging off somewhere else? :-> ;-)


peter - 2012-07-30 10:39 PM


I don't blame you Losos. I'm joining you as this forum is populated by some pompous and arrogant barstewards. So arivederci one and all.


... you love us all really doncha! :D

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We seem to be getting somewhere....


If we can all agree that ducks, geese and swans are WILD animals that we cannot and should not be trying to make friends with but rather we are admiring, feeding or eating them. (Yummy) We should not be surprised if they do unpredictable things and should give them a fair amount of space to do their thing.




Now; The dog is supposed to be a domestic pet. It is supposed to be trained and controlled by a responsible person. Its behaviour should be kept in check by the use of a lead and harness and it's mess be cleaned up and disposed of properly.


Still with me?


We have heard from dog owners that though they are responsible with their dogs, accept that there are clearly others that are not so responsible and let their animals cause a nuisance and a mess.


Still ok?


Those same owners also agree that if a dog is provoked (even a well trained one), it could do something unpredictable, and could under the worst of circumstances pose a risk to relatively innocent bystanders. Those same owners have stated that no matter how delightful their animal is; they would not leave it alone with a young child.


Nearly there.....


How on earth could these same people not agree that if the above is true, and with no dog that I am aware of being capable of fully understanding their owner, other people, the law of the land and frankly the difference between social and anti-social behaviour that the 'domestic' dog is a totally inappropriate pet to have in your home, near your family or allowed to run free in any public place?


You; the dog owners have convinced me of the above. I never really appreciated how dangerous these animals are. I was just miffed about the poo!


I agree with the owners also that there is no point in re-introducing the licence because it will be ignored by all but the best and most dilligent owners and there will be no agency that could be bothered enforcing it. So a ban is the only option really.


That's it! If I can't smoke in an enclosed space; you can't take your dogs outside your own home. It can maul your furniture, foul your carpets and do just about anything else it likes behind your closed doors.


The above was intended to be quite patronising.






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Guest peter

I got withdrawal symptoms Mel. I am trying to wean myself off this site as it is getting a bit too nasty and purile.

It was better when Frank Wilkinson was here, at least you could have an intelligent argument and a good laugh without people getting all bitter and twisted.

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Guest peter
euroserv - 2012-07-31 8:03 PM


We seem to be getting somewhere....


If we can all agree that ducks, geese and swans are WILD animals that we cannot and should not be trying to make friends with but rather we are admiring, feeding or eating them. (Yummy) We should not be surprised if they do unpredictable things and should give them a fair amount of space to do their thing.




Now; The dog is supposed to be a domestic pet. It is supposed to be trained and controlled by a responsible person. Its behaviour should be kept in check by the use of a lead and harness and it's mess be cleaned up and disposed of properly.


Still with me?


We have heard from dog owners that though they are responsible with their dogs, accept that there are clearly others that are not so responsible and let their animals cause a nuisance and a mess.


Still ok?


Those same owners also agree that if a dog is provoked (even a well trained one), it could do something unpredictable, and could under the worst of circumstances pose a risk to relatively innocent bystanders. Those same owners have stated that no matter how delightful their animal is; they would not leave it alone with a young child.


Nearly there.....


How on earth could these same people not agree that if the above is true, and with no dog that I am aware of being capable of fully understanding their owner, other people, the law of the land and frankly the difference between social and anti-social behaviour that the 'domestic' dog is a totally inappropriate pet to have in your home, near your family or allowed to run free in any public place?


You; the dog owners have convinced me of the above. I never really appreciated how dangerous these animals are. I was just miffed about the poo!


I agree with the owners also that there is no point in re-introducing the licence because it will be ignored by all but the best and most dilligent owners and there will be no agency that could be bothered enforcing it. So a ban is the only option really.


That's it! If I can't smoke in an enclosed space; you can't take your dogs outside your own home. It can maul your furniture, foul your carpets and do just about anything else it likes behind your closed doors.


The above was intended to be quite patronising.





Having a quiet week Nick. I would have thought you would have more important things to do than hanging about and typing reams on here. Especially on a crappy thread like this.

Perhaps you need a part time job.

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euroserv - 2012-07-31 8:03 PM

That's it! If I can't smoke in an enclosed space; you can't take your dogs outside your own home. It can maul your furniture, foul your carpets and do just about anything else it likes behind your closed doors.

The above was intended to be quite patronising.Nick


What's up Nick - bit touchy this week are you - someone wreck one of your new vans!!


If you want to reserve the right to pollute the outdoor atmosphere with cigarette smoke it is only fair and reasonable that non smokers reserve the right to let their dog crap where they know you will be walking!


At least my dog has learned to only crap outdoors - people had to be forced to only smoke outdoors!


Seems a fair exchange to me!

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Hi Rich,


To be fair I did not like smoking indoors anyway.


Honestly, I was not that bothered about dogs; just the arrogant and dirty owners (and they know who they are not) but this thread was ignited by some pretty extreme reactions to what seemed a reasonable request and it has certainly polarised my opinions. The hardcore dog folk have been digging themselves an ever deeper hole and it has been entertaining. Much more so than end of month accounts!


I had no idea that this was such a contentious issue and that there was so much history!


Take care,



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euroserv - 2012-07-31 8:31 PM

Much more so than end of month accounts!

I had no idea that this was such a contentious issue and that there was so much history!



Ah - accounts - that explains it all!


Much more fun to wind up a few on 'ere methinks!


There are a few topics that regularly wind 'em up - dogs is just one - and almost any topic can brew up a spat quicker than a 4 kw kettle when someone chooses to misunderstand a posting - often when it was originally posted in all innocence and you least expect it!


Hope you like my doggie's photo - she is much prettier than me don't you think - and better behaved as well - apart from the one annoying feature that no matter how hard I try I can't get her to use the loo!!


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"How on earth could these same people not agree that if the above is true, and with no dog that I am aware of being capable of fully understanding their owner, other people, the law of the land and frankly the difference between social and anti-social behaviour that the 'domestic' dog is a totally inappropriate pet to have in your home, near your family or allowed to run free in any public place? "




The dog is our oldest companion and after your remark it's easy to see why some prefer the company of dogs to people


and I too can be dangerous if provoked - as can all of us!





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peter - 2012-07-31 8:09 PM


I got withdrawal symptoms Mel. I am trying to wean myself off this site as it is getting a bit too nasty and purile.

It was better when Frank Wilkinson was here, at least you could have an intelligent argument and a good laugh without people getting all bitter and twisted.


I agree with you Peter ... at least with Frank you KNEW he was going to BITE you at some point! Some of the others on here seem to be biting just for the sake of it ... perhaps a cull of some forumites is called for! (lol)

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duetto owner - 2012-07-27 2:35 PM




make it compulsary

to have all dogs microchipped, trained in obedience and to be issued with a pass certificate within 12 months, insured, and up tp date with innoculations. penalty = put down.




Compulsary here in Northern Ireland, our Collie is chipped & licensed, it also has to wear it's license tag around it's colar.

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sshortcircuit - 2012-07-31 8:43 PM


HWO - 2012-07-31 8:39 PM


All these pages of reply, but still no sites to escape from man's best friend




If you check the second posting on the first page you will find a link to no dog sites


Yes, HWO it was me who posted it, AND I am a Dog lover, not an Anti. What does that tell you about the Folk who only want to spout 'Anti-Dog' Bile ? The 2 sides on this thread will never be reconciled.

Two very different types of people. Who both just happen to enjoy Motorhoming. See you on a pitch sometime, you'll recognize us, we have a large Black labrador bitch (who thinks Humans are lovely.....silly girl). Ray

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Rayjsj - 2012-08-01 12:03 PM


sshortcircuit - 2012-07-31 8:43 PM


HWO - 2012-07-31 8:39 PM


All these pages of reply, but still no sites to escape from man's best friend




If you check the second posting on the first page you will find a link to no dog sites


Yes, HWO it was me who posted it, AND I am a Dog lover...



Eh?!...Well,on my screen, it shows Symbol Owner(Colin)posted it... ;-)

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It was, of course my post, but thanks to Ray for his, further down.

I am in the process of compiling a list of dog-free sites for my own use and hope to be able to post it on here in a day or two, for the benefit of everyone who needs/wants it (but, particularly, 'onefoot's' wife!).





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Well this thread goes a long way to explode the myth that Motorhomers etc are a laid back, tolerant, understanding, easy going, live and let live, considerate bunch.


Clarkson would be amazed at the content of this thread........he just hates motorhomes/caravans per se......it seems some folks here just hate 'people' who want or don't want dogs around depending on their standpoint.


I can understand the OP asking the question in the first instance....some of us just don't like dogs on site no matter how nice their owners think they are.  Chilling under the awning of an evening.......savouring a nice G&T and listening to those little 'darlings' barking incessantly is not my idea of peace and quiet.  Before the dog lovers jump on my case it happens all too often.  Some irresponsible owners seem to be oblivious to their little furry friends yap/bark/woofing which irritates the heck out of other people.........it is not nice.


So 1foot you might just have hit on the possibility for a book from the same folks who publish amongst others the Sea View Camping sites book...Vicarious Books.......and if they do publish one I'll buy a copy.


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Guest pelmetman

Not another thread about those nasty vicious creatures 8-)................



Fortunately there's plenty of adult only sites :D :D

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peter - 2012-07-31 11:43 PM


Right then who's first for the chop. :D

You, I would think, Peter. All the bitching started after your first post on the first page, designed, IMO, to provoke a spat. It was highly successful only in that respect - being otherwise completely valueless.

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