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Good service-Highbridge


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I don't know if I am in the right forum for this but thought I would pass this on.


A fortnight ago, we were sitting on site in Cornwall, with the water heater on, when suddenly the pump came on and water was pouring into the van and from below. Despite a desperate search and trying to remove fixed plates, we could not locate the leak but it appeared to be near to the boiler. Fortunately, we had the next day off so we drove up to Highbridge, (yes a bit of a hike, but van is under warranty).


They could not do it that day but, fixed it two days later. We left the van there. They also fixed a faulty electric connection outside and other items. Whilst one should expect this, it is nonetheless satisfying to find a dealer who gets on with it, no quibbles, more in line with a warranty in a car.


One can only hope that this level of service continues. :-D

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