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Is it safe to travel in Spain


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Hi, me and my partner where planning to go to Spain in September for 4 weeks, but after hearing about the trouble people with British number plates are having we're having second thoughts, has anyone got any advice please.
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Guest peter

If you listen to some on here you will need a machine gun and a gas mask at the least.

In reality all you need is a bit of common sense and be aware of what is happening around you. The same as in any british town in fact. But you would be advised to steer clear of the AP7 road around Barcelona, as it does have history of distraction robberies. If anyone tries to flag you down, don't stop unless it is a fully marked police car.

Other advice will be along soon no doubt.

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Guest pelmetman

No don't go 8-)..................you might meet BGD 8-) 8-) 8-)................I'm still in therapy :-S.........


To be honest we've been twice this year ;-)..........and would rather be there than in the UK and felt less threat than on the average UK high street 8-)...........just pack your common sense and enjoy B-)

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Hi Gillian, and welcome.


For what it's worth, Kathy and I live here in Spain.

Have done for ten years now.


We utterly adore the country, the people the culture, the prices, the climate, and.........the relative LACK of crime in Spain.


What many Brits may not have grasped is that crime rates are MUCH higher in the UK than Spain.


You have FAR more chance of being mugged, of being pickpocketted, being burgled, being robbed, being assaulted, being stabbed, having your car/motorhome stolen or broken into; being murdered, in the UK than in Spain.

In the UK the probability of any such event happening to you is actually FAR more likely than here.


And yet many Brit people still feel nervous, somehow more vulnerable, simply because Spain is a "foreign" country.


My advice?

Use exactly the same amount of common sense here as you would "at home".......don't leave valuables on show. Don't wander round Barcelona with your wallet hanging out of your jeans rear pocket, and don't stop on the motorway if a dodgy bloke in a car waves at you indicating that there is something wrong with your rear tyres.


Otherwise, come and embrace and enjoy the fantastic scenery, the warm sea, the almost guaranteed wall-to-wall sunshine and warmth ( I'm writing this at 1.45am, and it is still 23 degrees here at the moment tonight in our little village, inland from the Costa Blanca).


Open your mind to a spirit of adventure and exploration.

You only get one life, So live it.




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I have to agree with BGD, go and enjoy it, we are just back having taken the motorhome out to our house in Spain for the first time. We normally drive the car out and have been doing so for around seven years and have never had any problems even on the AP7 in fact I would go as far to say that the Spanish have been more honest than our fellow countrymen!


Remember when parking up to try and find as much shade as possible and use your awning as a shelter as the sun is hot from the minute it appears, (unless you are one of the fortunate ones who have full air con ), we had to get the cab air con recharged as we thought it was working until we got there and found it wasn't really.

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I have to agree with BGD, go and enjoy it, we are just back having taken the motorhome out to our house in Spain for the first time. We normally drive the car out and have been doing so for around seven years and have never had any problems even on the AP7 in fact I would go as far to say that the Spanish have been more honest than our fellow countrymen!


Remember when parking up to try and find as much shade as possible and use your awning as a shelter as the sun is hot from the minute it appears, (unless you are one of the fortunate ones who have full air con ), we had to get the cab air con recharged as we thought it was working until we got there and found it wasn't really.

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peter - 2012-08-02 10:04 PM


If you listen to some on here you will need a machine gun and a gas mask at the least.

In reality all you need is a bit of common sense and be aware of what is happening around you. The same as in any british town in fact. But you would be advised to steer clear of the AP7 road around Barcelona, as it does have history of distraction robberies. If anyone tries to flag you down, don't stop unless it is a fully marked police car.

Other advice will be along soon no doubt.


Couple of roof mounted AK47's will come in useful plus a few grenades.


On a serious note....BIB.....Peter is right on that. Keep well clear of it and i'm speaking from unfortunate personal experience. Also during driving it's useful to have your camera ready. Thieves do not like having their photo taken.


Taking it a step further there are small vid-cams available (look on ebay) which can be dash mounted and give continuous recording on an SD card.


East Europeans are always blamed for these crimes. Well most of my touring is in East Europe and that's where I am right now. Travelled here many times and never had any problems. Folk here may not have much money......but they won't thieve from you.


Whilst on the subject, maybe Bruce (BGD) would comment on this; near the Ukraine border I met a family from Spain (unusual to see a Spanish car this far over) and got talking with them about my 'bad experience'. The woman told me she was not surprised at the lack of interest shown by the Mossos d'Esquadra who have a poor 'policing' reputation and she said many of them can't even speak Spanish. They speak Catalan and also have different laws.






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the fat controller - 2012-08-03 8:22 AM


.......never had any problems even on the AP7 in fact I would go as far to say that the Spanish have been more honest than our fellow countrymen!


Remember when parking up to try and find as much shade as possible and use your awning as a shelter as the sun is hot from the minute it appears, (unless you are one of the fortunate ones who have full air con ), we had to get the cab air con recharged as we thought it was working until we got there and found it wasn't really.


BIB......do that and you are deemed as "camping" and will be asked to move on. Awning out on a campsite = OK. Awning out on a car park (even a step stool or chair), and you will get shifted.


Your opinion of the AP7 will soon change when you get robbed (and the day will come when you will), and you have to try and deal with the Mossos d'Esquadra who are more interested in basking in the sun than having to deal with a foreign tourist.



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Bulletguy - 2012-08-03 11:37 AM


the fat controller - 2012-08-03 8:22 AM


.......never had any problems even on the AP7 in fact I would go as far to say that the Spanish have been more honest than our fellow countrymen!


Remember when parking up to try and find as much shade as possible and use your awning as a shelter as the sun is hot from the minute it appears, (unless you are one of the fortunate ones who have full air con ), we had to get the cab air con recharged as we thought it was working until we got there and found it wasn't really.


BIB......do that and you are deemed as "camping" and will be asked to move on. Awning out on a campsite = OK. Awning out on a car park (even a step stool or chair), and you will get shifted.


Your opinion of the AP7 will soon change when you get robbed (and the day will come when you will), and you have to try and deal with the Mossos d'Esquadra who are more interested in basking in the sun than having to deal with a foreign tourist.



Wouild it not be fair to say that you were travelling on your own?

But yes just be on your guard, and keep doors locked while travelling

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Hi Jill, Like many motorhome owners I spend 6 months of the year away from England and some time along the Med. coast. If you are on campsites security is ok but not fool proof so you still have to lock up and hide anything of value. I don't recomend a safe for this as they will just take what ever part of your motorhome it is attched to it as well. As for the AP7 I have seen cars being stolen from on the service stations, even Spainish one's. Iv'e seen that in the UK as well. You have to have your wits about you and as previous people have said don't be fooled into stopping and keep a small camera handy Leaving your vehicle alone after dark can be risky if you are not on a site. The Catalan area seems to have a reputaion for break-ins and not just motorhomes. I have suffered twice over 15 year from break-ins. The second time I (and several friends) caught them as I had a pager fitted to the van after the first break-in. That was in Palamos both times. I found reporting these events to the police a waste of time as you end up paying for any lose or damage yourself as insurance companies will get it back one way or another. Spain is gradually comeing to terms with the idea of French style aires. There are 2 in the Palamos area you might like to try. One being in Playa D'Aro and another near the bus station at St Feliu de Guixols which I believe is free. I still consider that one and a half break-ins in 15 years or so is not bad. Some years I don't use the peage or motorways as the roads are excellent thanks to massive EU grants to Spain and I have noticed in the last year or so the local police and the Gaurdia Civil (a contradicton if ever I heard one) tend to not move you on for" parking" as long as you obey the un-written rules. Keep your papers handy which includes van logbook D/license, P/port plus hi vis jacket, one each, spare driving glasses and seatbelt on when moving and forget the A frame for towing in France and Spain. Could be difficult if you are on your own. That's most of the negative stuff which is not much. Talk to the people with vans down there when you go. Most will give advice. It's up to you to decide who you listen to. You'll meet some wonderful people and of course one or two idiots as well. Have fun.
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Bulletguy - 2012-08-03 12:11 PM


peter - 2012-08-02 10:04 PM


If you listen to some on here you will need a machine gun and a gas mask at the least.

In reality all you need is a bit of common sense and be aware of what is happening around you. The same as in any british town in fact. But you would be advised to steer clear of the AP7 road around Barcelona, as it does have history of distraction robberies. If anyone tries to flag you down, don't stop unless it is a fully marked police car.

Other advice will be along soon no doubt.


Couple of roof mounted AK47's will come in useful plus a few grenades.


On a serious note....BIB.....Peter is right on that. Keep well clear of it and i'm speaking from unfortunate personal experience. Also during driving it's useful to have your camera ready. Thieves do not like having their photo taken.


Taking it a step further there are small vid-cams available (look on ebay) which can be dash mounted and give continuous recording on an SD card.


East Europeans are always blamed for these crimes. Well most of my touring is in East Europe and that's where I am right now. Travelled here many times and never had any problems. Folk here may not have much money......but they won't thieve from you.


Whilst on the subject, maybe Bruce (BGD) would comment on this; near the Ukraine border I met a family from Spain (unusual to see a Spanish car this far over) and got talking with them about my 'bad experience'. The woman told me she was not surprised at the lack of interest shown by the Mossos d'Esquadra who have a poor 'policing' reputation and she said many of them can't even speak Spanish. They speak Catalan and also have different laws.












Hi BG -


I have no idea why they should say that, as it is patent nonsense.

It is a pre-entry requirement of every Police Officer in Spain that s/he can speak and write fluent "Castellano" (Spanish), even if their "usual" regional language is, for example, Catalan, Gallego,Valenciano, etc.

Every school child is taught Spanish throughout their entire time at Infant, Junior and then Secondary schools, as well as any regional language.






Also I have no idea on what basis they might have said that the policing reputation of the Catalan regional Guardia is "poor".

"Poor" compared to what? Previous years? Other regions of Spain? Other countries? Because they personally had a poor experience on one occasion?

Were they just knocking that Semi-Autonomous region because they come from a different one? (There is a LOT of ingrained inter-regional sniping within this Federal Country)

Without any reliable and comparable statistics against which to measure actual performance I'm afraid that such comments really don't mean anything.







I would repeat my earlier advice, to NOT avoid the A7 around Barcelona, but simply to apply common sense when travelling there ( or indeed anywhere else, be it in the UK or any other country), which I know is at odds with yours.

Unfortunately, you did make the mistake of stopping in such a distraction theft attempt around the Barcelona stretch of the A7, and you did leave all your cash out and easily nickable, and you didn't lock your doors, and you therefore, very sadly, did get it nicked.


But if you had followed the common-sense advice and simply hadn't stopped, and even if you had stopped you'd had kept your doors locked, and even if you didn't keep your doors locked you'd hidden your cash and cards; then you wouldn't have been a victim of the distraction theft.........you'd have carried on enjoying the wonderful experience, shared by tens of thousands of other motor-homers every year of touring in Spain.




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Good advice,,,,go and enjoy,,,,anywhere can be dangerous , nice to be tipped off where some of the black spots may be,,,but as mentioned ,just keep your wits about you and enjoy. Just think of like this ,if you know the scams they may pull,you are already one up on them ,because you are not going to fall for it.
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onecal - 2012-08-03 2:43 PM



Good advice,,,,go and enjoy,,,,anywhere can be dangerous , nice to be tipped off where some of the black spots may be,,,but as mentioned ,just keep your wits about you and enjoy. Just think of like this ,if you know the scams they may pull,you are already one up on them ,because you are not going to fall for it.


And thats the best advice yet. Have a good trip. ;-)



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Jill27 - 2012-08-02 9:46 PM


Hi, me and my partner where planning to go to Spain in September for 4 weeks, but after hearing about the trouble people with British number plates are having we're having second thoughts, has anyone got any advice please.

Not sure what trouble you're hearing about. Is this recent, and can you explain a bit more?


Otherwise, I think the above posts reflect our experiences. Ideally, avoid the AP7 from the French border down to about Tarragona, especially inbound. Other than that, driving is fine.


I think much of the reported problem arises around the coastal campsites and stopovers, rather than inland. Bear in mind that many recount experience from long stays in winter, and conditions in other seasons differ.


We have travelled around Spain inland fairly widely, and have never felt remotely threatened. There are nutters and thieves in every country but the Spanish are relaxed and honest - though IMO not especially friendly on first acquaintance, and perhaps a little impatient.


You may have a little trouble using a UK credit card in supermarkets, we seemed to have to be escorted to the main help desk to make payments on several occasions, but that was all, and you will be asked for identification in many shops if you pay by card. A photocard driving licence was accepted in all such cases.


Driving is fine, and we found the Spanish to be generally cautious and courteous drivers - except around Barcelona, where the driving was a bit "wild west"!


Be prepared for regional differences. Spain is not a unified state like the UK, and regional assemblies have law making powers, so what is OK in one place, may not be in the next.

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PJay - 2012-08-03 2:00 PM


Would it not be fair to say that you were travelling on your own?


All the time. I've driven 'solo' the past fifteen years. But don't think that solo drivers are the prime target for these thieves. They will go for any foreign plated vehicle. The thread I made on here relating to my AP-7 'experience', a poster wrote of how he had helped out a Belgian couple towing a caravan who had been targeted at a toll booth area, whilst the 'locals' drove on.

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BGD - 2012-08-03 2:20 PM


Hi BG -


I have no idea why they should say that, as it is patent nonsense.

It is a pre-entry requirement of every Police Officer in Spain that s/he can speak and write fluent "Castellano" (Spanish), even if their "usual" regional language is, for example, Catalan, Gallego,Valenciano, etc. Every school child is taught Spanish throughout their entire time at Infant, Junior and then Secondary schools, as well as any regional language.


All I remember is they were from the North region of Spain. She had personal dealings in the past with the Mossos d'Esquadra and was quite disparaging about them. When she made the comment about them "not even speaking Spanish" I was in no position to argue.....after all, she was Spanish national and I am not.



BGD - 2012-08-03 2:20 PM


I would repeat my earlier advice, to NOT avoid the A7 around Barcelona, but simply to apply common sense when travelling there ( or indeed anywhere else, be it in the UK or any other country), which I know is at odds with yours. Unfortunately, you did make the mistake of stopping in such a distraction theft attempt around the Barcelona stretch of the A7, and you did leave all your cash out and easily nickable, and you didn't lock your doors, and you therefore, very sadly, did get it nicked.


But if you had followed the common-sense advice and simply hadn't stopped, and even if you had stopped you'd had kept your doors locked, and even if you didn't keep your doors locked you'd hidden your cash and cards; then you wouldn't have been a victim of the distraction theft.........you'd have carried on enjoying the wonderful experience, shared by tens of thousands of other motor-homers every year of touring in Spain.


Yes I made errors of misjudgement and was foolish enough to trust. I never denied that and was quite open about it from the start so don't need reminding of my 'failings'. Are we all not "human"?


As for the "safety" of the AP-7, I think we will have to agree to disagree. I may be wrong but I think it was you who told me I was travelling a stretch of road known locally as "thieves alley". (If it was another poster I stand to be corrected).


The area is rife with thieving on an industrial scale whilst the Mossos d'Esquadra appear to be doing very little to crack down on what is a growing crime. I received more help from two lowly paid toll booth operators than I did from the Police.......and that does not reflect well.


I will stick to touring in East Europe where I feel safe and the locals always willing to help you. OK some areas may still be a bit "third world", but for me that can have a certain attraction and appeal. These folk whilst poor will give before they will thieve. One site I stayed on in Slovakia hadn't moved on much since Soviet times, but when leaving, the Site Warden shouted me to wait whilst he ran into his little office and brought out a huge bottle of 52% proof Slovak fire water! "A present from Slovakia....please come again", he said.


I've met some memorable people during this trip.....a Polish guy who learnt English from his Grandfather who flew Spitfires during WW2 and on returning to Poland, only ever spoke in English to his Grandson, an elderly guy only taught Russian and Polish at School who taught himself English from books and visited UK many times to improve his knowledge of English, which incidentally was amazingly perfect.





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Spain may have a lower crime rate generally than Britain but as far as I know there is not a major road in Britain where forign tourist are warned not to drive down because of the danger of being mugged.

That said I would not be put off going to Spain, it is a big country not just one road and "forwarned is for armed" (Not literally of course)

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Cliffy - 2012-08-03 10:12 PM

Spain may have a lower crime rate generally than Britain but as far as I know there is not a major road in Britain where forign tourist are warned not to drive down because of the danger of being mugged.

That said I would not be put off going to Spain, it is a big country not just one road and "forwarned is for armed" (Not literally of course)

Try northern parts of Manchester. Parts of Birmingham. Some areas in Liverpool. Et al.Foreign tourists are NOT being advised not to drive along the A7 around Barcelona. Where on Earth did you get that from?They are simply being advised to use simple common sense if, in the exceptionally, one-in-a-million rare case, they are faced with an attempted distraction theft. NOT a mugging. Muggings happen regularly in England. They do not happen regularly here in Spain.
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Hi Judge dont normaly reply much but read it every day,been driving down this way for ten years now and not a problem at all.went down through madrid one year and they tried to stop me by waving a card from the passenger as though it was a police identity card but didnt stop.By the way will keep on going to Spain for as lon as i can, 6 months there in winter is better for me and the wife


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Of cause it is - many of us live and travel in Spain and find it no worse than anywhere else. Would you stop in England if some idiot waved you down? Just as would you give an estate agent the money for a house - of cause you would not, do not do it in Spain!


Please come to Spain and enjoy it with the rest of us. Get full medical cover and the treatment is excellent.


*-) (lol)

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Foreign tourists are NOT being advised not to drive along the A7 around Barcelona. Where on Earth did you get that from?


One of the usual culprits.



I'd suggest: do go to Spain, don't get the Mail



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For accurate information it's best to look at the Foreign Office website; advice to travellers in Spain.



Currently ( 4 Aug ) it says :


" Be aware of ' Highway pirates ' who target foreign registered cars, especially those towing caravans "



( Not come across any warnings about highway pirates in the U.K. yet - but that doesn't mean that there aren't any).



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