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Is it safe to travel in Spain


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There are many road pirates in uk. Deliberately slamming on at roundabouts so you run in the back of em being one, that is an insurance scam i know and not the same as being mugged but just proof that there is crime on uk roads. Also many cases of road rage crime. I have not yet taken Mh to Europe but would not be put off from doing so would just use common sence as others have said.
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BGD - 2012-08-04 12:59 AM


Try northern parts of Manchester. Parts of Birmingham. Some areas in Liverpool.

Et al.




With all respect it's obvious that you haven't been in any of the above cities for some considerable time.


I live near all three but closer to Manchester and Liverpool. Liverpool is a wonderful city and a vibrant night life. A guy I used to work with held his retirement bash there.....a bunch of old farts mixing it with the young locals who were chatty, friendly and welcoming.


There were ZERO incidents......nothing. The reason why is quite simple but you won't like it.


The Police are out in force, stand no nonsense, and any drunkeness or misbehaviour, and people are given ONE warning to move. If they refuse or argue with the Police then they arrest them and cart them off.


It's called PROACTIVE POLICING........and it works.


Perhaps instead of sunbathing, listening to music on their car radios, this is something the Mossos d'Esquadra should try for a change?




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BGD - 2012-08-04 12:59 AM


Try northern parts of Manchester. Parts of Birmingham. Some areas in Liverpool.

Et al.




With all respect it's obvious that you haven't been in any of the above cities for some considerable time.


I live near all three but closer to Manchester and Liverpool. Liverpool is a wonderful city and a vibrant night life. A guy I used to work with held his retirement bash there.....a bunch of old farts mixing it with the young locals who were chatty, friendly and welcoming.


There were ZERO incidents......nothing. The reason why is quite simple but you won't like it.


The Police are out in force, stand no nonsense, and any drunkeness or misbehaviour, and people are given ONE warning to move. If they refuse or argue with the Police then they arrest them and cart them off.


It's called PROACTIVE POLICING........and it works.


Perhaps instead of sunbathing, listening to music on their car radios, this is something the Mossos d'Esquadra should try for a change?




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ips - 2012-08-04 4:58 PM


There are many road pirates in uk. Deliberately slamming on at roundabouts so you run in the back of em being one, that is an insurance scam i know and not the same as being mugged but just proof that there is crime on uk roads.


Yep, as I recounted some time back, some one tried it on when we where driving down the M1. Fortunatly never worked, tried to report it to Thames Valley police and they where not interested as no actual accident took place, a few days later it was reported on local news that several police forces TV amonst them where having a crackdown on this type of crime. Another 'hotspot' for vehicle crime (not MH AFAIK) is A12 which is known as 'Bandit Country'.

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Bulletguy - 2012-08-05 12:43 PM


BGD - 2012-08-04 12:59 AM


Try northern parts of Manchester. Parts of Birmingham. Some areas in Liverpool.

Et al.




With all respect it's obvious that you haven't been in any of the above cities for some considerable time.


I live near all three but closer to Manchester and Liverpool. Liverpool is a wonderful city and a vibrant night life. A guy I used to work with held his retirement bash there.....a bunch of old farts mixing it with the young locals who were chatty, friendly and welcoming.


There were ZERO incidents......nothing. The reason why is quite simple but you won't like it.


The Police are out in force, stand no nonsense, and any drunkeness or misbehaviour, and people are given ONE warning to move. If they refuse or argue with the Police then they arrest them and cart them off.


It's called PROACTIVE POLICING........and it works.


Perhaps instead of sunbathing, listening to music on their car radios, this is something the Mossos d'Esquadra should try for a change?




With respect Paul I think you are rather making the classic mistake of extrapolating your own experience as being representative of everyone elses.


It is not.


You made several errors of common sense on one day in Spain, and as a result got some cash nicked in a distraction theft incident.

No robbery. No mugging. No violence. Just a sort of pick-pocketing of it from where you'd left it available in your unlocked MH for getting nicked.

The local police weren't overly interested in your story, you were a foreigner speaking a foreign language, and minor thefts are in reality not top of any Police forces agenda anywhere.

It is possible that the Police were particularly un-responsive because they perceived that there was an significant degree of negligence that assisted this theft?


It was most unfortunate incident.

But it's maybe time now to move on and get over it.

No-one was hurt. No-one died. And I'm sure that you won't make the same errors of behaviour again that led to you leaving that in-plain-view wallet of cards and all your cash cash in an unlocked vehicle and thus getting it nicked.




The Police reaction to most of the millions of minor thefts in the UK is, so far as I am aware, frankly little different.

They simply give you a "Crime Number" that you can use to make a claim against your insurance Company.


I used to be the Personnel Manager for White Arrow Distribution, many moons ago.

There were three cities in the UK where our overnight "Trunkers" ( the articulated HGV's carried goods from our Hubs out to local depots for van delivery the next morning) actually had to be met by vans at the Motorway services before entering those cities, and then escorted in, as there had been so many incidents of the lorries being stopped and then gangs breaking the locks on the rear doors and making off with arm-loads of parcels before thee driver could react.

The cities were Liverpool, Manchester, and Glasgow.



Now, we could argue individual incidents till the cows come home.

But every statistical comparison I have ever seen says that the likelihood of being personally affected by any type of crime is MUCH MUCH higher in the UK than in Spain. To imply otherwise is simply wrong.

You have not personally been the victim of any crime in Poland. But that does not mean that your CHANCES of becoming a victim are any less or more than in Spain or indeed the UK.

Frankly, I wonder how long a wallet stuffed with cash and cards would remain not nicked if it were left in an unlocked vehicle almost anywhere.

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I think the best advice for using Spanish autopistas is never to stop near a large city.


Therefore plan fuel stops well away from those and ignore anyone trying to persuade you to stop.


If for any reason you do have to stop keep all doors locked and windows closed unless you are sure there is noone nearby.



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Being in Spain is in reality, I would suggest, actually a helluva lot safer than being in a country where the Police do not even investigate at all, 40% of the crimes reported to them.

That's right.


Over one-third of all the crimes reported, are not investigated at all.

No Police action whatsoever. None.

Just allow the criminals to get away with it without even trying to do anything at all to apprehend/stop them.


What sort of third world, wild-west, outlaw-dominated, criminal-heaven country could allow WELL OVER A THIRD of it's officially reported criminal acts to go totally un-investigated?




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Guest pelmetman
malc d - 2012-08-09 3:06 PM


I'm beginning to think it was a mistake when they appointed BGD as British Ambassador in Spain.





(lol) (lol) (lol) (lol)

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Spain is a beautiful country where some really fine, kind and helpful people live, sadly you never get to hear about the really fine, kind and helpful people that live there you only hear about the bad element and most people then tar everyone with the same brush but it REALLY is not like that at all

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JamesFrance - 2012-08-10 8:07 AM


If you read through the linked site you will see that this is nothing to do with Spanish people.




Woops, I thought the heading for this thread said "Is it safe to travel in Spain"

and as I thought that that was where the Spanish lived I automatically thought it must have something to do with Spanish people. Sorry

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For the Info Of BGD


Re crimes not being investigated by Devon & Cornwall Constabulary.


I had best declare my interest as being a former D&C C PC


Its the media. Its the headline that counts never mind the facts


From our retired officers website. Alan Mobbs is the D&C C official spokesman


11 August 2012

From Alan Mobbs

Univestigated crime.

The BBC report is misleading - yes 40 percent only went to the stage of primary investigation which was what was asked in the original FOI request, but this includes offences where they are dealt with by an officer at the time; those cautioned, reported, charged or given a ticket. Of course there is no further investigation if the force know the offender. About 20 percent didn't go past the initial investigation - the minor stuff such as a broken wing mirror with no suspects or when the victim doesn't want the police to take it further.



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Guest pelmetman
Can...........we...........make...............this................thread............a.............little...............wider...............please................... :D
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Yes of course it is,,,,as , anywhere you need to take reasonable care. As George points out things can be blown a little out of proportion by the media, But on the other hand it gives one, a heads up to where the danger spots may be. This now gives you a little advantage when going to, or passing through. Be careful and enjoy.
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We have transitted the AP7 round Barcelona a good few of times and had no problems..as has been said just be aware of the surroundings and what the other traffic is doing...we always travelled with the doors locked round there..I know people will say well what happens if you have an accident if I had done you would have had my express permission to smash the odd window in to help...When we filled up we worked out the amount of fuel we would need and then spend that amount never more than 70-80 euros...we did this In Spain..In France and even in the UK and always making sure the habitation door was locked at all times..

Opportunist thieves abound in every country..don't let isolated incidents mar your travels..if we listened to all the horror stories we'd all sell up and do other things...


Have Fun...Let's Travel

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