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tesco credit cards beware

kevin hawkins

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I have just got my tesco statement this month and everything i purchased in france has a 2.75% charge on it ,all my fuel campsites supermarkets cafes everything. when i contacted tesco bank the answer was yes we do now charge a fee on every purchase. so beware when using your credit card overseas there must be a way around it if anyone has the answer i would like to hear it otherwise its back to that money belt again

kevin :-|

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When I queried the charges they said , previously they where included in the figure you were charged ,now they show them separately.This after spending ages trying to speak to human being,TIP was told if i pressed 0. on first option would have gone straight through.
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We've used Tesco credit card for years and had wonderful free holidays from the points BUT never, ever use it abroad and ALWAYS pay it off before the end of the month.  No problem.

When abroad use either Caxton FX pre-paid euro card or Halifax clarity card.

Always read the small print and make your cards work for you and save you money not fill the providers pockets.

No need to ditch the card just use it to your best advantage.

A hard lesson for you but I bet you won't make that mistake again.


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Wills Wagon - 2012-08-03 10:02 AM


Nationwide CREDIT CARD doesn't charge a fee and the exchange rate is good but their DEBIT CARD does charge a fee.



Nationwide Credit card doesn't charge for purchases but beware they do charge on cash from ATMs . We have just returned from our 6 weeks hols and on every 300eur we paid £6.09 cash charge we were also charged interest, we had arranged a direct debit to pay off each month thinking we would not pay interest if all cleared :-S NOT happy bunnies.

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