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Can you anyone recommend a van 22' max low profile fixed bed were changing our Kontiki reluctantly but bed making is getting too much of a chore we have been looking at Dethleffs, Hymer Swift, Hobby but getting something with a fixed bed under 22' and coming in the 3.5ton bracket isnt as easy as we thought so any recommendation would be very helpful.

maggyd and John.

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I know where you are coming from with this Maggy as we too have recently explored this route.


We came to the conclusion that swapping one set of compromises for another in as much as you gain a bed and all that lovely storage underneath it but lose a comfortable lounge and dining and, in many cases the washrooms are severely compromised, although they often look ok, by being alongside the bed as well as the beds being both narrow and tapered.


So we have settled for a used Autotrail Cheyenne 630 LB which at 6.7 metres (22') long has a decent washroom and kitchen with plenty of worktop, lots of inside space and storage but comes with the familiar two single beds or one large double layout.


The single beds are one piece (and quite soft) and the seat base smoothly slides out to allow the back to drop down making two over 6' long by 2'4" wide beds.


It's about as easy as it gets with no messing about with cab seats or reluctant cushions and we can just grab the duvalays from the overcab, roll 'em out and hop in, and if we do fancy a double the whole lot just slides out to meet in the middle giving a huge double big enough for any gymnasts.


If not - I wish you luck - but do make sure you try out the washroom from inside it and the bed for size before parting with your hard earned loot. Also beware of some beds that have cupboards over the head end which makes sitting up in or on it for a cuppa or to read or watch tv as good as impossible.


Well that's the theory - I'll let you know how it actually works next weekend!

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Guest pelmetman

Lateral thinking seems to be the way to go with camping ;-)..............been on a site this week and a tugger had a bolt fixed to his mobility scooter to act as a tow bar, so he could drag his waste master and water thingy behind B-).................


We have already discussed once we get to old or fat to climb the ladder to the overcab........we'll have to move downstairs :-(

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Thanks for that peeps :-D I know we are going to make compromises, I never wanted a fixed bed as I liked the space the ushaped lounge gave us, and I always thought if we changed it would be down to a panel van ! but O.H isnt keen on the idea it would mean if fixed bed then no room or very little for us and two small dogs.


Hadnt thought AutoSleeper as they looked bigger than we wanted, but we will look and see.

We are getting on PM but hopefully not fat, but I dont fancy climbing ladders just the same :-D

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Maggie, what about one of the new type drop down bed small coachbuilts - an example would be the Burstner Time it585 which has a large lounge, kitchen and washroom (because there is no floorspace assigned to a fixed bed). The bed just slides down from the roof and can be set quite low so easy to get into and also the bedding can be left made up just like a fixed bed. All in 5.99m.

We looked closely at one at the last show but the downside for us was lack of external storage although the payload is actually very good.

Currently 6 on Ebay between £42k and £52k - here is the dearest one


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bolero boy - 2012-08-05 12:22 PM


Maggie, what about one of the new type drop down bed small coachbuilts - an example would be the Burstner Time it585 which has a large lounge, kitchen and washroom (because there is no floorspace assigned to a fixed bed). The bed just slides down from the roof and can be set quite low so easy to get into and also the bedding can be left made up just like a fixed bed. All in 5.99m.

We looked closely at one at the last show but the downside for us was lack of external storage although the payload is actually very good.

Currently 6 on Ebay between £42k and £52k - here is the dearest one



That looks al- right but for that price Im sure we could get something better as you say storage !! we want something with a garage so the folding bikes go inside rather than having a bike rack.

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We Had a Burstner Aviano with fixed bed , We too were wanting to get away from bed Making every evening, but the restrictions the fixed bed brings changed our minds again ,they are difficult yo make every morning as you only have a limited space in which to move, we lost a lounge area, as most fixed beds models tend to have a dining table cum seating area,with  no where to stretch out, and storage albeit large under the fixed bed is often difficult to access,  there are fixed bed models with passage around three sides of the bed but these tend to be on the Larger Premium end Motorhomes,    Good Luck with your Choice,
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maggyd - 2012-08-05 2:59 PM


bolero boy - 2012-08-05 12:22 PM


Maggie, what about one of the new type drop down bed small coachbuilts - an example would be the Burstner Time it585 which has a large lounge, kitchen and washroom (because there is no floorspace assigned to a fixed bed). The bed just slides down from the roof and can be set quite low so easy to get into and also the bedding can be left made up just like a fixed bed. All in 5.99m.

We looked closely at one at the last show but the downside for us was lack of external storage although the payload is actually very good.

Currently 6 on Ebay between £42k and £52k - here is the dearest one



That looks al- right but for that price Im sure we could get something better as you say storage !! we want something with a garage so the folding bikes go inside rather than having a bike rack.


OK, so what is the budget? Are you looking for new or used?

Do you want a French bed (generally no garage underneath)?

Singles (usually on the high side and might be a big climb up)?

Transverse double (bit confined for bed making and for some, sleeping)?

What about an island bed model with space all around (means a longer vehicle)?

Rapido do them high enough to get good storage underneath. Or Chausson do many fixed bed models.


With your length restriction I reckon it's going to have to be a transverse bed model..........................

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maggyd - 2012-08-04 9:39 PM


Can you anyone recommend a van 22' max low profile fixed bed were changing our Kontiki reluctantly but bed making is getting too much of a chore we have been looking at Dethleffs, Hymer Swift, Hobby but getting something with a fixed bed under 22' and coming in the 3.5ton bracket isnt as easy as we thought so any recommendation would be very helpful.

maggyd and John.


Chausson Flash 04 - fixed transverse bed with height adjustable bed (makes it easier to get/in out when set to the lowest level), half dinnette with small side seat opposite and swivelling cab seats, good payload.




If you do decide to go down the panel van route, then there's a few Adria Twin models, especally the SL with twin single beds in the rear and half lounge up front - it's the one Eddie (Judgemental) wishes he'd bought!



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Mel B - 2012-08-05 9:38 PM


If you do decide to go down the panel van route, then there's a few Adria Twin models, especally the SL with twin single beds in the rear and half lounge up front - it's the one Eddie (Judgemental) wishes he'd bought!




Whilst the 'normal' twin is a good van the one with twin singles doesn't quite work IMO, a better option would be the Globecar 636 that I have(although I don't like where the've put grill on latest model).

BUT, with two dogs (even small ones) I think this is pushing it a bit on any PVC with fixed bed and front dinnete, some think to think very carefully about.

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Also a few more

Adria Sport S572SL(6.6m,)

Adria Sport S573DF (6.47m)

Burstner Travelvan T620G, (6.6m)

Burstner Travelvan T571G, (6.16m)

Dethleffs Globebus T1 (5.98m)

Dethleffs Globebus T11 & T15 (6.28m)

CI Carioca 200 / Rollerteam Autoroller 200 (6.25m)


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Well that was a nightmare 8-) we drove up to Nottingham visited three dealerships !

confused doesn't come near it!!! I had made a list of possibles, one was leaking through the Hiki roof I think that was the Knaus Sun iT, that was booked in to be fixed :-S but you know that really spoilt it for me and didnt take much in on that one after that.

Looked at Dethleffs, Chauson which we liked with the island bed! now that was the one :-) until John asked where the gas was and if it was LPG!! NO diesel , well that one was out as it takes enough these days to fill your tank to travel without burning it for heating.


Apart from that we couldnt get an answer on OUR van !! everyone seemed to be stuck at £16,000 :-S they didnt even look at it !!


Anyway we are going to look at the Adria twin SL :-D wish us luck.

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maggyd - 2012-08-07 12:13 PM

John asked where the gas was and if it was LPG!! NO diesel , well that one was out as it takes enough these days to fill your tank to travel without burning it for heating.



Nothing wrong with diesel heating Maggy and in the grand scheme of things the difference in running costs is small - if anyone is even able to work it out anyway!


Advantages - small gas bottles for fridge and cooking only last a long time and often obviate the need for refillables or local bottles when abroad. As long as there is diesel in the tank you will always have heating and hot water.


Disadvantages - although very reliable generally, if it goes wrong it's not easy to find someone to fix it. Mind you it's not easy with gas heating either! Can be noisy sounding a bit like a jet engine from the outside but that is only a problem for your neighbours who should not have parked so close anyway!

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maggyd - 2012-08-07 12:13 PM


Anyway we are going to look at the Adria twin SL :-D wish us luck.


As I posted above, IMO Globecar 636 is a more 'open' layout than Twin SL, but the new ones would be better reverting to grill position that we have.

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