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Spain - getting to Alicante area


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I'm starting to plan our route down to Spain next April. We are off to the Alicante/Benidorm area and haven't been down that far before.


As one option I'm thinking of taking the ferry to Bilbao and it looks like a couple of days should see us in the Alicant area.


My question is which route?


Autoroute and Google suggest Bilbao-Zaragoz-Valencia-Benidorm as the shortest route. Whereas Bilbao-Madrid-Albacete-Benidorm is only marginally longer and there seems to be more in the way of sites to stop over either north or south of Madrid.


We havn't tried Spanish Aires and don't (yet) have the Vicarous book. Is it worth buying? Are Spanish Aires OK (safe)?


We would like to stay off toll roads as much as possible.


So, which route would you all recommend?


Am I correct in thinking that 2 days should see us down to the Med?


Thanks in advance!



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Guest pelmetman
maxautotrail - 2012-08-06 4:50 PM


Am I correct in thinking that 2 days should see us down to the Med?


Thanks in advance!




Done it in a long day from Biarritz............so 2 days not problem I'd have thought..........as for route we just leave it up to the sat nag and click avoid toll routes although that's not a guarantee with ours *-)

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I go Bilbao-Zaragoza-Valencia-Benidorm, the roads are excellent and I can do it in a longish days driving.


Don't stop overnight on the motorway aires it's not safe, there are plenty of places including aires to stop,


Have a look here https://sites.google.com/site/acactivoguia/home/castilla-y-leon


Any parking place or aire is safe if you keep away from rough areas in large cities etc and try and park with at least one other, that's what I do and we haven't had any problems.


If you see water top your tank up, and if you find a sewage dump empty your casette, sometimes it's a long way between suitable servicing stops.



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If you go to Santander as opposed to Bilbao you could stop at La Cabrera just off the motorway (226 miles) then on to Benidorm (319 miles) all mostly toll free motorway.


If you have more time you could stop off at Burgos (60 miles from Santander) then Aranjuez near Madrid (a further 180 miles) - both towns fantastic especially the Royal Palace at Aranjuez) and then Benidorm a further 260 miles.


All sites mentioned are in the ACSI discount scheme.


There is a great Aire at the zoo at Cabaceno near Santander.

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jUst a thought. Have you checked the ferry costs, you may wonder if it is gold plated. Many have decided the trip through France although tedious is much cheaper, but it is your choice.


If you do we go the Zaragozza route as well. Theer is a good site at Segorbe, Camping Altomira which is an easy day's drive. I also assume you do not plan on Benidorm itself, unless you are into that style of holiday?? My suggestion is to look at the coast north of Benidorm, the bit between Oliva and Denia. There is a good site Kiko at Oliva.

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Thanks everyone - this is becoming a useful post.


Yes, I have checked the ferry prices but can only look at start of November at the moment. My other option was either Calais or St Malo driving down either through eastern or central France making use of the Aires. Either way we intend to come back in the middle of May either through France or Germany. We haven't decided that bit yet.


I'll make the final decision on getting there when the ferry prices are published.


I also fancy stopping in Toulouse to have a look around the Airbus factory.


Thanks again so far.

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Dave225 - 2012-08-06 7:02 PM


One suggestion is to try and ge some sites sorted. You may be surprised how busy some of the sites are at that time of year. Some we go to in summer are fully booked for the winter season.


I spent most of this April and all of May and June travellling around Spain and there was plenty of room on all the sites I visited.

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peter21 - 2012-08-06 5:51 PM


Halii....thats a useful link

Is there a key to the map.....do you know what CP, RU and PU, for example, above the motorhome icons mean?



If you go to the home page and click on Spain on left top corner it gives you a breakdown of all the abbreviations. Google or Bing will translate it if like me you don't speak Spanish



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peter21 - 2012-08-06 6:51 PM


Halii....thats a useful link

Is there a key to the map.....do you know what CP, RU and PU, for example, above the motorhome icons mean?






Just go to the "ayuda/help" page of the website and each label/type of initials is explained.

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