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Dusseldorf Show


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Travelling to the Dusseldorf Show at the end of the month, and would appreciate some advice on the route. Shortest is via Antwerp and an alternative via Brussels.

Having been stuck in years past on both city ring roads ,which is the best of two evils ?

An alternative route suggested is Lille, Mons, Namur, Liege and up which appears to be an hour and 37 miles longer. But an hour crawling round Antwerp or Brussels would suggest the Southern route ?

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We went last year and ended up buying a new Frankia FF2!

Drove via Antwerp with no delays either way. Have driven to Aachen via both Brussels and Mons. Brussels can have delays around it and the Mons route was always pretty easy.

Great show.

Good luck

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Guest JudgeMental
We have been held up in major jams on both Antwerp and brussels route as well.....Will go via lille next time
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......It may have been upgraded (I think I've seen some reference somewhere, and it must be 3 or 4 years since we've done it), but the road surface (in Belgium) on the E42 route via Mons used to be absolutely dire (for miles and miles, or should that be kilometres) , and extrememly unpleasant to drive in a motorcaravan.


I've much preferred the route via Antwerp, but I must admit that last time we used it we got caught for some time in roadworks near the river tunnel. Maybe worthwhile checking the European roadworks sites before setting off? (Google Traffic shows Antwerp as being relatively OK at the moment).

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We are overnighting at calais aire on Wednesday, travelling on Thursday and will be at the show Friday and Saturday and a bit of Sunday morning. Then going to explore Alcase unles its raiing in which case we will head south in France til the sun shines.




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Clive. We are on the Calais aire on Monday the 27th getting to Dusseldorf on the 28th evening. Spending Wednesday and Thursday in the show and heading down the Mosel for the Berkastel-Kues wine Festival which is over the weekend. Then probably South for some sun.

Meeting a Frankia dealer at the show who has forwarded 4 free entrance tickets to the Show so will have to seem keen !!

We were parked behind you on the Calais aire on Tuesday 26th of June , but you were busy with the Bailey motorhome occupants !

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