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Elvis is dead


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35 years ago yesterday marked the anniversary of the death of Elvis , unbelievable . Rock n Roll , Gospel and Country the guy could sing and still puts to shame our modern X Factor plastic " idols " . The King left the building long ago but that music is timeless . huh huh huh
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I still remember when I heard about his death - it was about 11.00 pm and it came on as a TV news flash ... I was "All Shook Up" at the time as I thought he was brilliant! When I saw his comeback show in the early 70s (made in 1968 I think) I was totally smitten.


No one has ever come close to him.


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I remember it well, sat outside my tent at Newquay wondering why radio1 was playing back to back Elvis songs, but I'm afraid my abiding memory of Elvis was some old fat guy in a corset and a house in Westoning that had a neon sign 'ELVIS LIVES', My mother is still a big fan,
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I was in the Church Inn pub when news of the kings death was announced, the room went quiet for a minute and the girl sat next to me burst into tears, whenever I hear Elvis sing American triology the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

One thing I cannot stand is to see these Elvis lookalikes trying to impersonate him they look and sound ridiculous.

Another talent wiped out by drugs.

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Malc , couple of years ago I went to the Town Hall to see the guy who won " The Worlds Best Elvis " competition , he's the official endorsed impersonator by the Elvis estate .

I like you have never cared for the impersonators but I thought he was fantastic , not only did he look like him and sound like him but he had all his movements sussed also and when he sung American Trilogy it was like been there in Vegas , hairs on the back of the neck stuff definitely . Dont get All Shook Up Malc .

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Does anyone remember when the movie rock around the clock starring Bill Haley and the Comets hit the British cinema's it was riots in the streets, kids like me went wild, jiving in the steets, fab memories, Rock around the clock was the theme music for the movie Blackboard jungle anyone remember?
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When i first left school at the age of fifteen I was on ten bob a week spends I went down to Abe sachs the local tailor and got measured for a teddy boy suit, sky blue, 37" drape jacket, one and a half inch rolled collar, 14" drain pipe trouser bottoms and half moon pockets all fo 16 gns on the drip. I used to strut my stuff up and down Gt Cheetham St hanging out at either the Clock cafe or Lorenzini's caff, I looked real cool in my suit and highly polished black slip on shoes and white socks, I was that cool I was ice cold and I was a kid with attitude walking about with a permanant scowl and a snarl on my face ha ha, what memories, blind dates with all the chicks from the local CWS factory.
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Around the same time do you remember Rebel Without a Cause coming out Malc ? . I wasn't around then as I was born in the late 80's but " Rebel " is one of my all time fave's as is James Deans first film East of Eden .

What about Eddie Cochran Malc , Something Else and the rest , brilliant .

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malc d - 2012-08-22 12:41 PM


pelmetman - 2012-08-22 12:18 PM


I never got over discovering the Wombles weren't real 8-)



... and did you know they weren't really from Wimbledon ?





Thanks a bl**dy lot, I aways thought they were.......Weren't from Womwell by any chance were they Malc? :-S



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Guest pelmetman
nowtelse2do - 2012-08-22 8:26 PM


malc d - 2012-08-22 12:41 PM


pelmetman - 2012-08-22 12:18 PM


I never got over discovering the Wombles weren't real 8-)



... and did you know they weren't really from Wimbledon ?





Thanks a bl**dy lot, I aways thought they were.......Weren't from Womwell by any chance were they Malc? :-S




This forum can be heartless at times 8-).................Never mind I'll just get on with finishing my letter to Father Christmas :D............The early bird gets all the best prezzies ;-)

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nowtelse2do - 2012-08-22 8:26 PM




Thanks a bl**dy lot, I aways thought they were.......Weren't from Womwell by any chance were they Malc? :-S





many years ago it was revealed that they were illegal alien immigrants.


............. I remember reading it in a newspaper, so I know it's true.




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antony1969 - 2012-08-22 11:37 AM


Around the same time do you remember Rebel Without a Cause coming out Malc ? . I wasn't around then as I was born in the late 80's but " Rebel " is one of my all time fave's as is James Deans first film East of Eden .

What about Eddie Cochran Malc , Something Else and the rest , brilliant .

loved all the American rock n rollers such as Eddie Cochran and Jerry lee lewis, Manchester has always had a lively music and night club scene where lots of American artistes performed, loved Marlon Brando in " on the Waterfront " remember that classic line "I coulda bin a contender"

Do you remember PJ Proby? the original Elvis impersonator and lookalike he used to live near me years ago, PJ was a Texan and has lived in Britain for years, a couple of years ago he was done for claiming benefits and working at the same time. I bumped into Johnnie Ray once on Bolton Road Salford got talking to him and he told me that after performing at one of the big venue's it was quite normal for artistes to do a one hour spot at other clubs for cash in the hand for spending money, my all time fave was Frankie laine, got a photo of me and him shaking hands when he appeared at the Golden Garter night club.

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PJ Proby used to live in Marsden , Huddersfield too Malc . 1955 -1962 musically the best for me , then 4 guys from Liverpool came and wrecked it . Marlon Brando brilliant in On The Waterfront and the beautiful Eva Saint Marie . Before your time Malc but what about Jimmy Cagney in his Gangster movies ? . Anybody would think I'm an old timer , wouldn't believe am too young to join the boy scouts .
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We were staying in a holiday house on the Norfolk Broads, when heard Elvis had died. I can remember when it was announced on Radio that Glen Miller was missing !!So do remember all the Bill Hayley, Lonnie Donigan, loved the skittle, and drain pipe trousers. We used to sit it the bath with our jeans on to shrink them to fit! As for PJ Proby, well I used to see him most lunch times in the late sixties. I worked in Berkhamsted Hertfordshire, he lived there then and used to frequent the pub we had our lunch in/ Always had his stetson on! Nice guy (then) would always chat with us girls.

Those were the days !

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