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£674.78 the cost of maintaining older vehicles for another year

Guest pelmetman

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Guest pelmetman

Just had the bill from my garage chap for a full service and MOT on my 99 works Transit, the bill also included welding to the front cross member........I'm getting very familiar with Transit cross members 8-) ........


The bill also included full service and MOT on the camper........plus a link arm which I snapped in one of the numerous pot holes around here *-).......and he fitted the final brake cylinder and new shoe's on the rear so my brake overhaul is now complete :D............a new 3' section of exhaust pipe which was looking decidedly tatty after 22 years..................and he lowered my tow ball which was a bit high for the trailer, all painted black nice and neat........fitted a new resistor to the fan as it only worked on full blast, apparently its a dash out job on the 1990 Transits 8-)


All in all not bad value considering..................I wonder what a main dealer would charge 8-)

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Guest pelmetman
JudgeMental - 2012-08-18 3:29 PM


you have conveniently failed to mention the £2500 paint job? :-D


Aaaah but that's part of Horace's refurbishment program which I started when he was 21 ;-)..........the paint job was actually less than £2,200 and 300 hundred quid of that was for a hire car for three weeks...........I suspect the final bill for his refurb to add up to about 4k........


4k once every 21 years whether he needs it or not seem's OK to me B-).............

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Guest pelmetman
BGD - 2012-08-18 4:27 PM


Sounds damn good value for all that work!


That was my point Bruce ;-) ..............I suspect a main dealer bill would be in 4 figures before the decimal point :D

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Yes a main 'stealler' would be more expensive but you also have to compare apples with apples. As far as servicing is concerned ,many new vehicles have so much computer controlled gizmos that the vehicle tells you itself what needs to be done, and the electronics are usually (not always I admit) more efficient so require less attention than older vehicles with more mechanical bits and pieces needing adjustment. There is also the issue of parts. On an older vehicle I agree I would probably go for parts from a wholesaler but sometimes the quality can be dodgy and may not last as long as the real thing.


Many dealers now ofer fixed price servicing and the parts costs can be close to what is available on the open market, so while I do applaud Pelmetman's happiness, it is not always as clear cut as that. I also accept that some main dealers are no better than back street cowboys and even the make of vehicle can define whether you get good or bads servicing. May I suggest that some French makers are not reknowned for good practices. In defence of Volvo I have no complaints about them at all, but maybe just lucky.

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Guest pelmetman
Oh dear :-S.....................I blame the sun, the heat, the bbq, the wine :D............in that order (lol) (lol)
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Guest pelmetman
Dave225 - 2012-08-18 5:35 PM


Yes a main 'stealler' would be more expensive but you also have to compare apples with apples. As far as servicing is concerned ,many new vehicles have so much computer controlled gizmos that the vehicle tells you itself what needs to be done, and the electronics are usually (not always I admit) more efficient so require less attention than older vehicles with more mechanical bits and pieces needing adjustment. There is also the issue of parts. On an older vehicle I agree I would probably go for parts from a wholesaler but sometimes the quality can be dodgy and may not last as long as the real thing.


Many dealers now ofer fixed price servicing and the parts costs can be close to what is available on the open market, so while I do applaud Pelmetman's happiness, it is not always as clear cut as that. I also accept that some main dealers are no better than back street cowboys and even the make of vehicle can define whether you get good or bads servicing. May I suggest that some French makers are not reknowned for good practices. In defence of Volvo I have no complaints about them at all, but maybe just lucky.


Concur with all of that Dave.............finding a decent honest garage OR main dealer is the proverbial needle in a hay stack conundrum *-).................I have a found a proper mechanic, and when we go long terming I'll travel all the way back here once a year ;-)

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