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Keith Bennett


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Winnie Johnson mum of Keith Bennett , victim of moors murderers Ian Brady and Myra Hindley has died today .

The suffering that vile excuse of a person Brady has put her threw cannot be imagined . Rest in peace Winnie and I hope if there is a heaven your there with your son in a better place now .

P.S , rot in hell Brady for eternity with ya sick sidekick and Lord Longford too who for years championed Hindleys early release

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Guest pelmetman
Unfortunately Antony the world is ruled by the liberal elite who think they can solve all the worlds problems by having a chat with a mass murderer.............fortunately they live in Ivory towers and do not have to put up with the scum *-)
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Guest pelmetman
I forgot to add *-)...................pay for the b******d's to live in luxury >:-(................Where's FG when you want him :D
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Brady and Hindley escaped the noose by the skin of their teeth, but had they been hung its possible that some of their victims bodies would never have been found?

What is the worst punishment? death by the rope or the mind numbing imprisonment for the rest of your natural life?

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The thing about Brady is the fact that the authorities never broke him and after 40 odd years in prison he still has all his faculties and has not ended up a gibbering wreck like a lot of lifers.

These murders were carried out in east Manchester and for Mancunians the thoughts on these murders are as strong today as they were when they were first revealed.

Did you know that Winnie johnson, keiths mother had another son who was known as "white Tony" who was murdered in a drugs shoot out some years ago.

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Dont know about Brady not been broke Malc , remember this freak has been on hunger strike for years . Hardly the actions of a " sane " person . Mind having said that remember he is not like us in his twisted warped mind and fantasies of killing innocent kids . Put it this way if he was gasping for his last breath I'd gently rub my Doc Marten's in mush .
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Albert Pierrpoint and Harry Allen were two famous Manchester hangmen, Pierrpoint was very close lipped about his job, Harry Allen on the other hand was more open to his intimates, he used to run the junction pub which is only minutes from my house, he often said that he would have enyoyed topping Brady and Hindley.

During one of the police searches for one of the young girls, after a fruitless days searching the police called it off for the day, one of the policemen wanted a pee, he moved discreetly away and had a pee as he looked down he was actually peeing on the skull of the girl they were looking for, how ironic is that?

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antony1969 - 2012-08-19 12:17 PM


Dont know about Brady not been broke Malc , remember this freak has been on hunger strike for years . Hardly the actions of a " sane " person . .



From what I have heard ( on TV ) Brady is a long way from " broke ".


He is said to be quite sharp and simply plays ' mind games ' with the police and media - especially the media, who he seems to have on a bit of string.




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