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Hope its not just us but

Dr Dave

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We have just had a few days on a C&CC temporary holiday site in Derbyshire. On arrival we had a good look around and spotted a group comprising (Motorhome , Caravan and Tent) at the bottom of the field and having past experience of groups like this involving noise ball games etc we pitched well away. All the people on the site then had to endure the kids at one end of the field and the parents (NOTE this term used loosely as parenting skills are sadly lacking) communicating by the medium of yauping at the very top of their voices repeating everything several times in the time honored Chav fashion. Then came the annoying six dogs tied up about a foot away from each other snarling and barking at every opportunity which was at really regular intervals. The football was of course evident this was played away from our unit but near to other vans but the bouncing and kicking of a leather football is really annoying and this was the 'Dad' doing this whilst shouting at the tormented dogs to shut up, but of course they never did. An interesting time was when the Ice cream van appeared the 'tribe' all rushed almost running as if it was the elixir of life i suspect this was their annual exercise and whilst the purchase of said elixir was being puchased the 'dad' was most amused by the toddler chav banging on the side of a Motorhome rousing the inhabitants (what a laugh!) I now understand these Chavs have no respect for anyone apart from the chip shop owner and the ice cream van driver. We will not be using these types of meet again especially at school holiday times.

Is it just us?


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We find that to quietly wander out at dead of night and gently place several slices of bread on the roof of offending campers units attracts the gulls in great number (if you are lucky and they are not) at first light and can be a real hoot to discreetly watch from a distance!!


We once had similar issues with a bunch of yobs at John O Groats many moons ago and when asked to please turn the music down all we got was Effing etc. One of the other campers was sufficiently incensed to cut their guy ropes during the early hours as he left the site. They did make a lot of fuss which irritated at first but in spite of being woken up that too was a joy to watch!


Happy days!

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Caravan Club site; many moons ago. Summer holidays. Cornwall. Very "nice", respectable, middle class family pitched next pitch but one to us. Very expensive outfit. 3 sons aged between 9 and 14. Pleasant to chat with.


Did they kick a football about? No.


The sons all attended a Public School; every day they practised passing and place kicking a “rugger” ball. This practice was accompanied by loud shouts and orders from Father about what was wrong with their rugby skills. But ‘loud’ in a RP way. So that’s OK then!


One day, the rugby ball landed with a loud bang on our caravan. Father berated the children loudly, and at length, in a very articulate way. But not because the ball hit our caravan… no…because one boy had sent a spinning pass which a brother, clumsily, had failed to catch.


Father also insisted on parking his large tow car on the pitch between us and them: “To stop another caravan pitching there,” as he declared.


Every day the Warden would reprimand him; every day he would apologise fulsomely in his authoritarian way [not sounding in the least bit apologetic] and move offending car for about an hour, then move it back again.


They were not “chavs” in the sense the word is used… but I shuddered every time the “rugger” ball made its appearance, and every time there was a loud altercation between the Warden and Father, or even between Father and another caravanner trying to pitch on the patch he’d appropriated as his parking place. By right, of course!


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Gwendolyn - 2012-08-22 12:34 AMThey were not “chavs” in the sense the word is used… but I shuddered every time the “rugger” ball made its appearance, and every time there was a loud altercation between the Warden and Father, or even between Father and another caravanner trying to pitch on the patch he’d appropriated as his parking place. By right, of course!


Maybe not chavs but an older definition of chav gives a synonym of lout would that fit? or would you prefer Boor as in boorish behavioural patterns. There are a lot still about when the Rugga maestro is in holiday mode.



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Just read the C&CClub mag. and noticed that in the comercial sites section almost 50% of them were adult only sites although none said no dogs some even had special fcilities for them (for the dog haters they weren't gas chambers) I wonder if that tells what a problem out of control kids are. John *-) *-)
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teflon2 - 2012-08-25 6:45 PM


Just read the C&CClub mag. and noticed that in the comercial sites section almost 50% of them were adult only sites although none said no dogs some even had special fcilities for them (for the dog haters they weren't gas chambers) I wonder if that tells what a problem out of control kids are. John *-) *-)



It just tells us that it's against the law to put children on a lead.




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When my grandson was just past the toddling stage he came to North Devon where we were at that time. Now one of our daily chores was to take the dog for a walk on the cliff tops close to  our home. Now the dog was trained to come on demand, the rug rat wasn't so I attached the 20m retractable dog lead to aforementioned rug rats' harness and all was safe. Doing the same thing another day in a large park I was stopped a couple of times and asked if I got the child exercise lead from 'Mothercare' and you say its illegal now :D
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Retread24800 - 2012-08-25 9:13 PM


When my grandson was just past the toddling stage he came to North Devon where we were at that time. Now one of our daily chores was to take the dog for a walk on the cliff tops close to  our home. Now the dog was trained to come on demand, the rug rat wasn't so I attached the 20m retractable dog lead to aforementioned rug rats' harness and all was safe. Doing the same thing another day in a large park I was stopped a couple of times and asked if I got the child exercise lead from 'Mothercare' and you say its illegal now :D

My wife put me on a ball and chain, is that legal?

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knight of the road - 2012-08-25 9:29 PM


Retread24800 - 2012-08-25 9:13 PM


When my grandson was just past the toddling stage he came to North Devon where we were at that time. Now one of our daily chores was to take the dog for a walk on the cliff tops close to  our home. Now the dog was trained to come on demand, the rug rat wasn't so I attached the 20m retractable dog lead to aforementioned rug rats' harness and all was safe. Doing the same thing another day in a large park I was stopped a couple of times and asked if I got the child exercise lead from 'Mothercare' and you say its illegal now :D

My wife put me on a ball and chain, is that legal?

Your Balls on a chain that's a bit much.

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Retread24800 - 2012-08-25 9:13 PM


When my grandson was just past the toddling stage he came to North Devon where we were at that time. Now one of our daily chores was to take the dog for a walk on the cliff tops close to  our home. Now the dog was trained to come on demand, the rug rat wasn't so I attached the 20m retractable dog lead to aforementioned rug rats' harness and all was safe. Doing the same thing another day in a large park I was stopped a couple of times and asked if I got the child exercise lead from 'Mothercare' and you say its illegal now :D


.... ooooo, a new business idea there somewhere!!!!! :-D

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Retread24800 - 2012-08-25 9:13 PM


When my grandson was just past the toddling stage he came to North Devon where we were at that time. Now one of our daily chores was to take the dog for a walk on the cliff tops close to  our home. Now the dog was trained to come on demand, the rug rat wasn't so I attached the 20m retractable dog lead to aforementioned rug rats' harness and all was safe. Doing the same thing another day in a large park I was stopped a couple of times and asked if I got the child exercise lead from 'Mothercare' and you say its illegal now :D

Reading about cliffs collapsing of late, dont think I would go near one.

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knight of the road - 2012-08-25 10:43 PM
Retread24800 - 2012-08-25 9:13 PMWhen my grandson was just past the toddling stage he came to North Devon where we were at that time. Now one of our daily chores was to take the dog for a walk on the cliff tops close to  our home. Now the dog was trained to come on demand, the rug rat wasn't so I attached the 20m retractable dog lead to aforementioned rug rats' harness and all was safe. Doing the same thing another day in a large park I was stopped a couple of times and asked if I got the child exercise lead from 'Mothercare' and you say its illegal now :D
Reading about cliffs collapsing of late, dont think I would go near one.


Have you read that people have been killed in RTA's as well?


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I have posted on here before about our experience with a similar family - and over the years it was not just one but an increasing problem - the description above is spot on by the way - stunningly accurate - the only diference was that our "chavs" were playing cricket with a real cricket ball, within yards of a "No Ball Games" sign - and our cvan.


As for what we did after that - adult only sites every time - and I think that the number of sites that go Adults only is increasing - I have also been told that the summer only temporary sites (there are a number that pop up every summer near us - I think the owners can get permission for a few weeks of the year - not sure of the exact rules) are "designated" for the "Halfords" by the site owners - which is a derogatory term for those that get a cheap tent for a cheap holiday. The inference being that the main site is kept for those that are regular "campers" and cause no problems.


Personally I am saddened by this dichotomy in that I started by camping and had great holidays - so anything that labels one section of those of us that like to get "Out and About" is bad news in my book. But that said - cheap "diposable" tents coupled with whaqt is clearly appalling parenting skills here in the UK leads inevitably to those of us who object to such boorish, loutish, chav behaviour to take our business to those sites that provide what we regular users want. :-S

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We've been camping for many years now and for the last five have spent 120 days away each year and have no doubt been lucky in that we have never encountered and problems such as those you describe. IF we did I just shrug my shoulders and move the motorhome away from the offenders to another pitch. Life's to short to get worked up about the likes of those you encountered. It's the obvious answer and with a motorhome should not take long. You may well think "Why should I be the one to move?". Well you could stay put and put up with the problem but it's not what I'd do.
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Same 'ere..

...Unless it's something that's *really* worth getting involved about(..as in abusive conduct or a football threatening to bounce off the bonnet or a kite spearing the roof),other than maybe a discrete word with the *warden,I don't tend to bother much anymore....

(*and even then,a warden isn't always going to want to upset large multi-family groups..not with the fees they bring in).


The chances are,no matter what you say, it's NOT going to change these peoples' behaviour/outlook..


They're not going to think..".."wow...I hadn't realised I was being an arse..thanks for that.."

..no,they're just going to think you're a grumpy old so'n'so,who should "..mind his own bl**dy business....it's kids being kids...all dogs bark..." etc

...and they'll probably gain even more satisfaction from just continuing with what was winding you up in the first place...





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In response to the 'up sticks and move' responses.......... IMO that attitude is nothing more than appeasement which has allowed those that have no respect for others to grow in number.


There are ways to address such behavior without getting personally involved...unless of course it's that little oik kicking a ball at your MH.


Over the last Bank Hols we were at a site in the New Forest which clearly stated 'No campfires/open fires'.  On the Saturday evening we smelled wood smoke so I went to investigate and found the firestarter to be a stereotypical tattooed, shaven headed, thuggish looking 'yoof' with a mouth like a sewer..........we had heard his effing and blinding earlier in the day.  On the Sunday there was more woodsmoke though coming from a different direction.........this time from a more 'respectable' looking group of parents, grandparents and children..........so it is not just the 'oiks' that display anti social tendencies it's a mix of people/groups who choose to ignore the rules or fail to display common sense/decency.  Anyway the answer was to let the wardens know and they, in a roundabout way addressed the issues and all was well.  We were thanked for our 'assistance' and on chatting to the wardens we were appalled at some of the things they have to deal with.  I should imagine the possibility of their area of the New Forest going up in smoke was pretty high on their list.


To conclude...if we had sat back and said/done nothing these two groups would have firstly 'smoked us out' and secondly continued in arrogance or ignorance to put the forest at risk of fire so please don't appease .....do something and maybe just maybe those in arrogance or ignorance will either learn or get fed up with being spoken to regarding their behavior and stay at home.


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I'm with you Roger having had to shift from motorhome to tent it's not so easy to up sticks and move and as for appeasement Chambelain tried that and it didn't work. Always remember the saying

For evil to flourish it's only neccessary for the good to do nothing. John *-) *-)

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Ordinarily I would agree - but a stand up conflict with some of these 'Halfords' is not wise as they will beat you every time due to their greater experience of such conflict. And then laugh at you when you get 'told off'. best to isolate them into their own areas whilst making sure t hey cannot get into yours.


Hence the increasing popularity of adult only sites.

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Guest pelmetman
teflon2 - 2012-08-30 8:23 PM


I'm with you Roger having had to shift from motorhome to tent it's not so easy to up sticks and move and as for appeasement Chambelain tried that and it didn't work. Always remember the saying

For evil to flourish it's only neccessary for the good to do nothing. John *-) *-)


Not quite sure that my moving on, because some yob with a gob and his gang of brats has moved on the next pitch equates with allowing the rise of Nazism :-S

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