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gone ouer to the dark side


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Easy peasey a stacker steamer and another pan large frying or similar its only the yorkshire puds I cant make without the oven :-D but dont worry we will have another cooking appliance sorted before we go anywhere. ;-) if not we SLIM !!!
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maggyd - 2012-08-30 9:59 PM


Easy peasey a stacker steamer and another pan large frying or similar its only the yorkshire puds I cant make without the oven :-D but dont worry we will have another cooking appliance sorted before we go anywhere. ;-) if not we SLIM !!!


Oven chips :-)

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bolero boy - 2012-08-29 10:11 AM


I see Hymer/Burstner are introducing a small coachbuilt (Brevio) which appears to have the same footprint as a 6m PVC, the same layout as most rear transverse bed PVCs, a few innovations (large 'hatchback' tailgate, passenger seats that slide apart for more room when travelling) and the two most obvious advantages over a PVC - better insulation and a 'squarer' shape for more internal space at roof height.

Additionally, it looks great.

If i were thinking about downsizing this van would be on my list.

Any views?


We are not thinking of down sizing yet but when we get really old and can't walk far we will. Must say those two do on the face of it look a good option. We will try to get a look at one sometime. Unfortunately we will be away for the NEC show even of we could afford to go. May be when the time comes there will be a suitable British option available. We do try to support British workers and buy British whenever we ca.

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Guest JudgeMental

Hmm... the base vehicles are European plus most of the fittings, equipment and wall boards *-)


one thing that has become clear this trip is I am glad I changed my mind and went for a 6 metre van..being able to park in a car carparks has been a godsend this trip (Italy/Croatia) and being able to do 20 point turns when necessary likewise....


and as for spending over 10K more for an inferior van just to get an oven...the mind boggles!lol

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