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Campsite Pricing


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I'm sure this has no doubt been discussed before but during my current tour i've been somewhat surprised at the number of Campsites charging for two persons with MH/Caravan, even if there is only one person travelling alone, as in my case.


It seems discriminatory to single people and for couples thinking 'so what', how would they feel paying for a non-existent 'person' when there is just three of them and not four?


Many C/sites also operate quite lax in payments with few giving receipts and a lot insisting on payment in cash only (tax avoidance maybe?).


One of the most efficient and business like I stayed on was in Poland where on arrival the Reception gave a list clearly itemising the charge per person, electric, Caravan, M/home, etc. (showers and toilet facilities were not charged). Even though it was run in a 'business like' manner, prices were extremely cheap (£8 with power) and wifi throughout the site.


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mel wood - 2012-08-29 11:24 AM


Are you talking about sites in UK or elsewhere?


Elsewhere.......stayed on very few sites in the UK. Can't afford to 'holiday' in UK......it's far too expensive!


I agree the answer is not to give these sites the business, but that's not always an option if you've spent the day driving some distance.

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Compared to what some folk have to deal with,I hardly think that this ranks very high on the "discrimination" scale .. :-S


I don't think there's a campsite pricing system in existance that'll please everyone...


If they charge per head,with the likes of hook-up,awnings,dogs etc, all additional,then folk who have/use those items complain..but when a site operates a "price per pitch,all-in" approach,then that upsets those who don't use the above items(or travel alone)...


(.."...why am I paying the same as that family of five,with dog and ruddy great awning..?!.." etc )


If you don't like or agree with, how a site structures it's pricing policy,then use another one... ;-)



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pepe63 - 2012-08-29 11:39 AM


Compared to what some folk have to deal with, I hardly think that this ranks very high on the "discrimination" scale .. :-S


I don't think there's a campsite pricing system in existance that'll please everyone...


If they charge per head,with the likes of hook-up,awnings,dogs etc, all additional,then folk who have/use those items complain..but when a site operates a "price per pitch,all-in" approach,then that upsets those who don't use the above items(or travel alone)...


(.."...why am I paying the same as that family of five,with dog and ruddy great awning..?!.." etc )


If you don't like or agree with, how a site structures it's pricing policy,then use another one... ;-)



It doesn't 'rank' at all if you are a couple. Maybe if you are three persons travelling you would view it differently? ;-)


I remember when the Poll Tax was first 'created' families kicked up a huge fuss. But when looked at more closely it was fair in that a family of four is putting four times the amount of crap down the drain as what one single person living alone does.


So two people on a C/site puts double the amount required on resources as what it does a single person.


Personally I think it fair that a Site owner charges per head, per dog (where permitted) etc.


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Not sure I agree with the idea that two people create twice the waste therefore should pay twice the price. I would have thought that the provision of toilets and waste etc is only a small part of the charge. The largest part would be paying for the site itself and assuming your motorhome takes up one pitch and is suitable for at least two people, why should you pay less. I always wonder why we are charged per person as the only facility provided is in fact the toilet. We usually only use CS's.
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mark hinde - 2012-08-29 12:53 PM


Not sure I agree with the idea that two people create twice the waste therefore should pay twice the price. I would have thought that the provision of toilets and waste etc is only a small part of the charge. The largest part would be paying for the site itself and assuming your motorhome takes up one pitch and is suitable for at least two people, why should you pay less. I always wonder why we are charged per person as the only facility provided is in fact the toilet. We usually only use CS's.


The reason you don't agree "that two people create twice the waste" is because you are a couple and not a single person travelling alone. But if you added a third person to your van travels, and found yourself being charged for a fourth person (who didn't exist)....I am sure you would hold an entirely different view.


Incidentally without going into plain detail two people most certainly do create more waste than one person.......how else does my loo take me twice as long before I need to empty it than what it does my friend (a couple) with exactly the same size loo? Naturally they will also create twice as much garbage as I will on a site.



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mark hinde - 2012-08-29 12:53 PM

I always wonder why we are charged per person as the only facility provided is in fact the toilet. We usually only use CS's.


Like Mark, we usually only use CSs in the UK (or Truckstops, of which I'm a great fan!!), but I can't remember when we last paid an "itemised" tariff. The CCC book bands the CSs by price, as a flat-rate charge, and we usually find that's exactly what owners charge.

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Tony Jones - 2012-08-29 3:36 PM


Like Mark, we usually only use CSs in the UK (or Truckstops, of which I'm a great fan!!), but I can't remember when we last paid an "itemised" tariff. The CCC book bands the CSs by price, as a flat-rate charge, and we usually find that's exactly what owners charge.




If Truckstops started charging for two people when there is only one, they'd disappear overnight as few, if any, HGV's travel with two people!


Do they make a charge for MH's? I've only ever stopped on any in Europe where naturally there is zero charge.



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Hi BG;

I agree, I think that's really unfair.

Unfortunately I heard of a couple doing an Eastern Europe tour, who, when funds got a bit tight, "pretended" that there was only one of them in the van! and paid only for one person. Maybe sites are responding to that?

As for the cash only sites, well France and Spain both had lots of these on our last trip earlier this year. I suspect that it's a case of one for the taxman, one for me!


Hope you enjoy your site in Croatia


alan b

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snowie - 2012-08-29 4:08 PM


Hi BG;

I agree, I think that's really unfair.


Unfortunately I heard of a couple doing an Eastern Europe tour, who, when funds got a bit tight, "pretended" that there was only one of them in the van! and paid only for one person. Maybe sites are responding to that?

As for the cash only sites, well France and Spain both had lots of these on our last trip earlier this year. I suspect that it's a case of one for the taxman, one for me!


Hope you enjoy your site in Croatia


alan b


BIB interesting as some sites i've arrived at, gone to the Reception and asked for the price of one Campervan and one person has on occasions drawn some odd looks and often the question, "only one person?" as if to say, am I really sure!!! Well the van certainly didn't arrive by remote control!


But i've lost count of the number of people i've met who are amazed that I travel alone. One C/site owner asked me, "why do you travel alone....it's not right." What else am I supposed to do......sit inside the house the year round and lock myself away?!!!



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lennyhb - 2012-08-29 6:43 PM


Bulletguy - 2012-08-29 11:38 AM


Elsewhere.......stayed on very few sites in the UK. Can't afford to 'holiday' in UK......it's far too expensive!



Too true


Yeah..we've just returned from a couple more nights down in Cheddar(which was £7 a night),followed by 4 nights over the B'Holiday, on the north Somerset coast,on a site adjacent to the cliff,overlooking the sea(which was £12 a night,inc hook up)..


Bl**dy extortionate.... *-) (lol)

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pepe63 - 2012-08-29 7:09 PM


Yeah..we've just returned from a couple more nights down in Cheddar(which was £7 a night),followed by 4 nights over the B'Holiday, on the north Somerset coast,on a site adjacent to the cliff,overlooking the sea(which was £12 a night,inc hook up)..


Bl**dy extortionate.... *-) (lol)


12 quid a night???? 8-) 8-) Must be seriously loaded.


Same price for a single traveller too I suppose?

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Guest pelmetman
pepe63 - 2012-08-29 7:09 PM


Yeah..we've just returned from a couple more nights down in Cheddar(which was £7 a night),followed by 4 nights over the B'Holiday, on the north Somerset coast,on a site adjacent to the cliff,overlooking the sea(which was £12 a night,inc hook up)..


Bl**dy extortionate.... *-) (lol)


When compared to the average Aire?..............Are you finding the cheaper CL's disappearing as the CC try to get them to up their prices? ;-)...........

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I too agree with BG. It's always irritated me that I pay for two persons when I travel alone. I suspect the people who are 'relaxed' about the matter travel as a couple.

Perhaps restaurants should charge for a table for two when there's only one diner! Would you still be 'relaxed'?

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pelmetman - 2012-08-29 7:27 PM


When compared to the average Aire?..............


Not forgetting Stellplatz sites in Germany many of which are either free or a couple of euro a night. Some even have hook-up and all have water.


UK is way behind when it comes to providing facilities such as this for Campervans/MH's.


Errrrrr.......come to think of it........there isn't any!

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bob b - 2012-08-29 8:00 PM


I too agree with BG. It's always irritated me that I pay for two persons when I travel alone. I suspect the people who are 'relaxed' about the matter travel as a couple.

Perhaps restaurants should charge for a table for two when there's only one diner! Would you still be 'relaxed'?


Well said that man!! And Snowie too!!


Now i'm off to bed and can relax knowing there are at least two folk in the UK with plain common sense thinking! (lol)

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