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pelmetman - 2012-09-01 7:11 PM


I agree..............but I prefer the anecdotal evidence from BG to the EU.....................as at least its up to date and not been fed through the EU make it fit our propaganda mill *-).


Plus you don't have to pay me £300+ grand pa for it either..........it comes totally free. And you are right about the 'propaganda mill'. Some folk swear by it.......it has to be true 'because Dave says so' (the same Dave who said 'we are all in this together' when the Banks went belly up).




Tony Jones - 2012-09-01 7:57 PM



"They" might be reading this!


Lets hope they are. They haven't much time left before they are confined to history.


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kelly58 - 2012-08-30 5:06 PM


At current rates of 1.26e = £1 thats about £1.10 pltr also French fuel prices include Road Tax unlike the UK , if you own 2 vehicles and can only drive one at once you still have to have a RFL for each vehicle . All comes back to " Rip Off Britain " .


We're talking diesel here. I'm sure, as in the UK, the vast majority of vehicles run on petrol which is a lot more expensive than diesel in France (about 1.55-1.65€).



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Tony Jones - 2012-09-01 7:57 PM


Bulletguy - 2012-08-31 8:36 PM


UK Gov work on a simple theory. Look at what people like, enjoy or want to do.......then tax it to the max. If every UK citizen became a 'born again' Christian, went to Church and started singing hymns....they'd figure a way of taxing that.




"They" might be reading this!


Nice earner for you Tony, two wages coming in, you'd be earning.

1) Preacher's salary

2) Tax collector's salary


and think of the perks >:-)



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Average prices I paid in Ireland was e1.569 for diesel, petrol was e1. 619


Found one garage in Tipperary that was selling diesel at e1.539 per ltr


One report I saw said that petrol was going to go up to e1.80 per ltr


Early this week, one of the biggest private hauliers in Dublin went into receivership, they employed 400 people,



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pelmetman - 2012-09-01 7:11 PM


Robinhood - 2012-09-01 7:03 PM

TBH, I have a healthy scepticism of statistics (especially EU ones), but at the moment, I'd rather trust their 'science' than your few conversations. :-s


I agree..............but I prefer the anecdotal evidence from BG to the EU.....................as at least its up to date and not been fed through the EU make it fit our propaganda mill *-)....................By the way has the EU had their accounts verified yet (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol)


It must be nice on that planet of yours, Dave. Can I come and visit some time?

The average man in the street would have difficulty telling you the price of a pint of milk, let alone the average hourly wage for the country!

The problem with using 'income' as an analogy for wage is simply that it doesn't work. If someone gets £12000 pa on benefits, and someone else earns £40000 pa, then the average income is £26000 pa, but the average WAGE is based on the £40000 figure! If two people are on the same wage, but one works twice the hours as the other, then his income is double.

Whatever, BG has set his minimum income level at around the value locally reported as average. Local press report the average annual income per person as c4000 leva (£1600). If we use income rather than wages as the yardstick, (and BG's ONS figure of £26600 for the UK), then there is still an order of magnitude difference between the two countries, (about 1/17) which was the point I came in with. :-)




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Guest pelmetman
Robinhood - 2012-09-03 8:07 PM


It must be nice on that planet of yours, Dave. Can I come and visit some time?


Everyone welcome, bring a bottle ;-)...............


Statistics are by their very nature out of date.............they're history...........so at the very best government's are on the back of the curve *-)..............Your average self employed bloke who has been in that life for any length of time, survives by gut instinct ;-).....................My planet is at the coal face Robin ;-)..............my statistics come in everyday from family and friends who are also self employed running their own businesses 8-)................So I reckon I'm better placed to know how the economy is doing when compared to your average over paid government statistician ;-) .............


Joe public is very susceptible to bad news, especially the chattering classes.............and the economy is based on them spending ;-)................ as they do fund the UK PLC, but they're the very one's who's pockets have gone into shock, not so much I suspect from actual lack of pennies in the bank account but from being wary of what will happen if the EU really goes T*t's up combined with the global downturn...................


So in summary now is a good time to sell up and go full timing :D.....................but until then I'll carry on working for the rich, as they never run out of money ;-)

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