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Now it's the fridge


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With less than 24 hours to go before liftoff, I find that the fridge isn't working..

The gas is lighting and there is heat coming from the exhaust chimney vent and warm air coming through the upper vent, and when I switch it to mains there is heat coming through the upper vent, but there fridge compartment does not cool.

I swear it has worked at various points over the past few days when I've checked it, but it ain't working now.

Does anyone have any good ideas?, ideally it will be something that I can do without Cosmopolitan Girl noticing that I am working desperately to solve a problem.

In desperation


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From your description I doubt there's anything simple you can do.


Assuming the fridge is original it's now 18 years old and a common problem with elderly 3-way fridges involves the basic cooling system no longer functioning. See




(You are absolutely certain the fridge is not cooling? Try it on a different thermostat setting.)

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Sadly, I agree with Derek. I assume the stat must be OK, because both electrics and gas are generating heat, and it is the heating that the stat controls. Clearly, both gas and electricity are getting to the fridge, so a lack of cooling rather suggests it has lost its coolant, or the circulating system is blocked.


If you can take it out, shake it around, and totally invert it and shake it again, it may result in temporary respite, but it may not, and whatever respite is gained may not last.


I think, I'm afraid, you're in for a new fridge, meaning you'll probably have to delay your departure by a day or three. My suggestion is that you don't waste time pulling the present one out and shaking it around, but concentrate on sourcing a replacement, with a view to express delivery Tuesday, to allow you to get it in and commissioned by Wednesday. If all goes OK you could still be away Thursday.


Most ferry Cos are quite flexible when you have to delay, so all should not be lost. But, make sure you let them know the position before your booked departure time.

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