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Awning drip stop


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I had a Fiamma awning fitted on the side of my van with a foam strip stuck above it to prevent water dripping down behind it when it rained! Unfortunately the foam failed and came adrift when I was travelling along the M5. the dealer then sent me a proper moulded rubber one for me to fit which I take is probably a Fiamma one. This one doesn't have a sticky side so I can only imagine that perhaps it slots into the awning case! I don't have the van here at the moment, but would like to fit this drip stop tomorrow, does anyone know how this works?


Thanks for any help

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I think you'll find that there's an "awning rail type" groove on the top of the awning body,which it should slide into(..well..the Fiamma we had on our previous van did anyway...).


Once it's fiited I'd be crimping the ends,so that the rubber doesn't slide/peel back out..

(..we also "lost" our's while travelling back up the M5.. *-) )


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If it is like my Fiamma awning and sealing strip, it just pushes into place between a rail at the top back of awning case and the Motorhome wall. When installing try not to stretch it as you push it in place and if anything compress it along its length. Trim off the ends and seal the hollow ends with a little silicon sealant.
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