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Shambles Britain


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Certainly I believe things could be better organised.


The Public Sector still take too much because it is too large and has too bigger say in what the rest of the country can and can not do.


We have an underclass of people who have no idea where their benefit money comes from and have no intention of ever contributing to the welfare pot


At the opposite end of the spectrum we have people who can manipulate their circumstances so as to pay very little Tax - the Jimmy Carr experience for example.


We have organisations so intertwinned with the ruling parties that they are deemed by those ruling classes to be "too big to fail" even when it is obvious to all that they should fail and new better organisations rise out of the ashes of the old.


What we have now is akin to the old style Soviet central government tinkering and buggering up everything whilst producing nothing itself apart from frustration.


I hate to say it but I think it is probably terminal.


Having spent time in places like Singapore and seen their energy, work ethic, wealth and resulting hapiness I conclude that unless we get our act together soon we will simply be left behind.


A classic example of Government stupidity is the idea that within the next few years 80% of the UK's energy should come from renewables. This is a ridiculous target that countries like Singapore, China etc just look at laugh and say "stupid wide-eyes". Not only are Government making the UK less competative per se, but they have to tax us all MORE to be able to give those in bed with the ruling classes, who benefit from the Feed in Tarrifs, - the FIT's that make them richer than they already are!


Meanwhile the tax paying classes - those in the middle ground can only grumble on Forums such as this about how p!ssed off they feel.


But I am not sure the term "Shambles" is entirely accurate - because what is hapening - whatever colour of government we have is that their rich friends get richer and the benefit class carry on taking not giving.


The woman who floored Cameron on that Radio programme when she asked why her friend could not get treatment for her cancer whilst we contribute in Overseas Aid huge sums to India - a country with a Space Programme and an economy that will overtake ours soon and who uses virtually none of its wealth to help its own citizens - preferring instead to allow us to do that............ She has got it right in my view.


As did the Woman called a Bigot by Gordon Brown during the election for simply asking why our tax £'s seem to be going on those who have never contributed to the UK.


I would love to say that a change is likely to happen a "UK Spring" :-S - but I am not holding my breath.


"Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way" - Pink Floyd


Or is it?

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Guest pelmetman
CliveH - 2012-09-05 9:09 AM


I would love to say that a change is likely to happen a "UK Spring" :-S - but I am not holding my breath.


"Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way" - Pink Floyd


Or is it?


Ain't nuffink you or I can do about it Clive ;-).......................So we may as well make the most of it..............Retire now and wait for the revolution in the sun is my advice :D

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CliveH - 2012-09-05 9:09 AM


I would love to say that a change is likely to happen a "UK Spring" :-S - but I am not holding my breath.


"Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way" - Pink Floyd


Or is it?


The problem is,being "slightly disgruntled" is not going to spark any form "revolution"(...and even if it did,folk on here would probably just be bleatin' on about how those involved should "..get a job.." or "..stick 'em in the army.." etc *-) )

Throughout the ages,major social injustices have only really been addressed when "them at the top" have had their arses kicked by the people(...lets face it,we wouldn't even have the right to vote if it wasn't for "social disobedience",aka violence!) ...

So as *most* people are,relatively speaking,"comfortable"..in that they have food in their bellys and roofs over their heads,"free" education and health care etc( and X Factor on their flat screen TVs *-) ), then perhaps...


...."Comfortably numb",is probably nearer the mark, Clive... ;-)


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We elect the government to run our country and trust their judgment to run it properly no matter what party is elected. Only trouble is the financial sector run the government and they only know one word in the dictionary, GREED.

Curb their powers first then there could be hope on the horizon


Anyone for cake.



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What we need is a leader with a vision of what they want to achieve which is in tune with the majority. Since the war we have perhaps only had three such leaders. Attlee, Thatcher and Blair. They all run out of steam eventually which often results in second class replacements. Eventually cometh the hour cometh the man (or woman)



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I am of the opinion that the government are afraid to upset anyone apart from the taxpayers and 'normal' law abiding citizens and until this is reversed we will continue the slide into the abyss. We are being sunk with the weight of the underclass of professional benefit claimants around our neck i think if you have never contributed then you should never be allowed to claim.
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Klyne - 2012-09-05 8:40 PM


What we need is a leader with a vision of what they want to achieve which is in tune with the majority. Since the war we have perhaps only had three such leaders. Attlee, Thatcher and Blair. They all run out of steam eventually which often results in second class replacements. Eventually cometh the hour cometh the man (or woman)






I'll agree with part of that David, but it's a bit contradictory I think?


I'd like to see leaders with vision full stop. Then they can have my vote if they inspire me.


Since politics became a popular and well paid career choice I think it has become bland.


I'm not going to name any names of politicians that have inspired me in the past, not in the uk at any rate.


And I don't agree with the "Shambles Britain" view


alan b

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Guest Peter James
Dr Dave - 2012-09-05 8:44 PM

We are being sunk with the weight of the underclass of professional benefit claimants around our neck i think if you have never contributed then you should never be allowed to claim.


There are more people than jobs Dave, so I don't mind paying the unemployed REASONABLE benefits.

But the Royal Family are just taking the p*ss

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In my opinion Britain is in a shamblic state and will be for some time to come, what kind of country is it that gives succour to rapists, murderers and other law breakers from all over the world and after serving jail time we cannot deport them due to the human rights act?

When David Cameron came out with his "hug a hoodie" statement I thought this is the beginning of the end.

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Peter James - 2012-09-05 9:57 PM


Dr Dave - 2012-09-05 8:44 PM

We are being sunk with the weight of the underclass of professional benefit claimants around our neck i think if you have never contributed then you should never be allowed to claim.


There are more people than jobs Dave, so I don't mind paying the unemployed REASONABLE benefits.

But the Royal Family are just taking the p*ss


Am beginning to think you have it in for the Royal Family Peter . Every thread you seem to have a dig . Why exactly are they taking the poss ? .

As for our benefits , doesn't the mass immigration to this country tell you something Peter that our benefits are more than REASONABLE .

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pelmetman - 2012-09-05 10:03 AM


CliveH - 2012-09-05 9:09 AM


I would love to say that a change is likely to happen a "UK Spring" :-S - but I am not holding my breath.


"Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way" - Pink Floyd


Or is it?


Ain't nuffink you or I can do about it Clive ;-).......................So we may as well make the most of it..............Retire now and wait for the revolution in the sun is my advice :D


I agree entirely but as we are currently 'in the sun' a;ll I can say is those that are here 'permanently' are the most miserable bunch we have come across. They never stop moaning yet live in the sun, have cheap living with lots of fags and booze which appear to be their stable diet. They keep telling everyone they 'are going back to the UK' but dare not because the UK thye left does not exist anymore and they could not tolerate the inability to have such a good cheap life. Yes, the euro went up against the pound but so what? They still live cheaper than in the UK but because they cannot live like 'lords' on the cheap, life is terrible. I am not suprised the Spanish are getting p....d off with them as they do not contribute, try to keep UK cars in Spain all year with no MOT's, and take all the medical treatment they can get and in doing so, make life harder for us genuine tourists. Of course there are many who do play by the rules, but there appears to be many who do not. I am sympathetic up to a point as where we are many have bought houses from cowboy builders and have properties they will never re sell. However, it was, at least to my ignorant mind, a daft place to buy in the 1st place and the Dutch who owned many originally agreed, and happily re sold to dumb Brits.


Sp, if you do wish to 'retire to the sun' do ypour homework and do not expect paradise or miracles, and then enjoy what you are getting. We do as half yearly visitors.

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Guest pelmetman
Dave225 - 2012-09-06 7:47 PM


Sp, if you do wish to 'retire to the sun' do ypour homework and do not expect paradise or miracles, and then enjoy what you are getting. We do as half yearly visitors.


I agree Dave ;-)...............Can't see the point of buying a place anywhere abroad when we have a camper B-)


Plus we really only go to the bottom right hand corner of Spain for the winter sun, if I'm honest I prefer the top left hand bit ;-)...........and either the sun or the cheap wine makes all the difference to the arthritis in my ankle :D

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Guest Peter James
pepe63 - 2012-09-06 3:43 PM


antony1969 - 2012-09-06 2:12 PM

..doesn't the mass immigration to this country tell you something Peter that our benefits are more than REASONABLE .


...Still on about the Royals then?... ;-)



Couldn't have put it better myself (lol)

The Saxe-Coburgs, descended from the illegitmate Richard III, who changed their name to Windsor

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Peter James - 2012-09-08 8:41 AM


pepe63 - 2012-09-06 3:43 PM


antony1969 - 2012-09-06 2:12 PM

..doesn't the mass immigration to this country tell you something Peter that our benefits are more than REASONABLE .


...Still on about the Royals then?... ;-)



Couldn't have put it better myself (lol)

The Saxe-Coburgs, descended from the illegitmate Richard III, who changed their name to Windsor


And ? . Until recently we had an unelected Jock as our Lord and Master . On second thought's I see what ya mean .

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Guest Peter James
antony1969 - 2012-09-08 11:35 AM

Until recently we had an unelected Jock as our Lord and Master


Yes, but we got rid of him. We are not stuck with him, plus all his hangers on, plus all his descendants, plus all his descendants hangers on, whatever they turn out to be like, forevermore, with no way of getting rid of any of them.


I am not particularly against the royals. If they were elected I would support them.

I just think the people should be able to choose who they pay to rule or represent them.

People may not make the best choice, but its their choice.

And if they get it wrong they can choose again in a few years time.

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Peter James - 2012-09-08 1:17 PM


antony1969 - 2012-09-08 11:35 AM

Until recently we had an unelected Jock as our Lord and Master


Yes, but we got rid of him. We are not stuck with him, plus all his hangers on, plus all his descendants, plus all his descendants hangers on, whatever they turn out to be like, forevermore, with no way of getting rid of any of them.


I am not particularly against the royals. If they were elected I would support them.

I just think the people should be able to choose who they pay to rule or represent them.

People may not make the best choice, but its their choice.

And if they get it wrong they can choose again in a few years time.


Yes we got rid of him Peter but we are left for years to come to live with the mess him and his fellow countryman boyfriend before him got us in .

As for the Royals ruling us , come on that finished years ago didn't it ? . I would like to see £ for £ spent on them and the money they bring into the country just if they give value for money .

Personally I think with the younger generation been less " stuffy " they are more popular than ever . God Save The Queen eh Pete , I can here ya singing it now . :-D

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Hang on, now getting lost. Is the discussion about Britain or the Royals, or both?? Both are disasters at the moment and we can possibly change one, if we set our minds to it, but the other is probably beyond our control. Now which is which?


Both adsorb large sums of money with no accountability and both include people with little brain but lots of self importance. In both cases the British taxpayer exists solely as a source of cash with no say in how it is spent.

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Dave225 - 2012-09-09 3:28 PM


Hang on, now getting lost. Is the discussion about Britain or the Royals, or both?? Both are disasters at the moment and we can possibly change one, if we set our minds to it, but the other is probably beyond our control. Now which is which?


Both adsorb large sums of money with no accountability and both include people with little brain but lots of self importance. In both cases the British taxpayer exists solely as a source of cash with no say in how it is spent.


As I already said I am no Royalist but to say The Royal Family at the moment is a disaster is a bit harsh . I think the problems they had in the 90s have made for a more open Royal Family of today . The Jubilee and Royal Wedding were both successes for The Royals .

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antony1969 - 2012-09-08 6:26 PM


Peter James - 2012-09-08 1:17 PM


antony1969 - 2012-09-08 11:35 AM

Until recently we had an unelected Jock as our Lord and Master


Yes, but we got rid of him. We are not stuck with him, plus all his hangers on, plus all his descendants, plus all his descendants hangers on, whatever they turn out to be like, forevermore, with no way of getting rid of any of them.




Yes we got rid of him Peter but we are left for years to come to live with the mess him and his fellow countryman boyfriend before him got us in .

As for the Royals ruling us , come on that finished years ago didn't it ? . I would like to see £ for £ spent . :-D


You are making a big assumption that if 'The Other Lot' were in charge during the same period that they would not have made the same mistakes. Most unlikely. Boy George in three years has done nothing to restore the UK economy, by most measures he has made it worse, except of course for his rich chums. Bring on Predistribution.



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Klyne - 2012-09-09 8:14 PM


antony1969 - 2012-09-08 6:26 PM


Peter James - 2012-09-08 1:17 PM


antony1969 - 2012-09-08 11:35 AM

Until recently we had an unelected Jock as our Lord and Master


Yes, but we got rid of him. We are not stuck with him, plus all his hangers on, plus all his descendants, plus all his descendants hangers on, whatever they turn out to be like, forevermore, with no way of getting rid of any of them.




Yes we got rid of him Peter but we are left for years to come to live with the mess him and his fellow countryman boyfriend before him got us in .

As for the Royals ruling us , come on that finished years ago didn't it ? . I would like to see £ for £ spent . :-D


You are making a big assumption that if 'The Other Lot' were in charge during the same period that they would not have made the same mistakes. Most unlikely. Boy George in three years has done nothing to restore the UK economy, by most measures he has made it worse, except of course for his rich chums. Bring on Predistribution.




With respect David I am not assuming anything about " The Other Lot " just remarking on the wonderful years we had under Blur and Brown . We can all say what if ? had the others been in power but the harsh truth is they were not so we will never know .


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