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Gas Attack


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Hello Fellow Motorhomers,This might take you by supprise but we have just had one of the most frightening experiences of our lives , I had read in these forums about these gas attacks so I was talking to my mate Davy who was in the army and he told me if you going to be gassed you need a thing called a gaspirator so I went on e-bay and purchased two but the only ones I could buy had been left over from the second world war and they are the type with with the filter in the haversack I think you will have seen them, brickies used to use them as bait bags anyway we have just got back from France and were in a sleepy little town called Bacharat and settled down for the night with our Gaspirators on,we were sleeping soundly when in the early hours of the morning there was a loud banging on the door we were woken immeadiatly and answered the door and to our supprise it was the Police ,well when they looked at us they were horrified they must of thought what are these two up to, there we were at the door of the motorhome with our masks on I must admit it took a awful lot of explaining but once they realised these gaspirators were for our own protection there were quite kind to us although one or two were still giggling anyway the moral to this is before you answer the door take your gaspirator off .Happy Camping Henway (lol) (lol) (lol)
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bolero boy - 2012-09-12 7:23 AM


...Is your name Fiona.....


Seems very likely (though she seems to have taken some spelling lessons and ditched using emoticons as punctuation). This search shows henway's previous postings:




I suspect that this is also a 'Fiona' effort:



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colin - 2012-09-12 10:57 AMI'm afraid Davy has given you poor advice, what you need is a NBC suit, the newer versions can be worn with body armour and kevlar helmet, I find wearing one the only way to get a decent nights sleep


You forgot to mention the S10 respirator Colin........during the first Gulf war I found they were great for muffling the snores of fellow warriors.....:-)


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Far be it from me to lower the tone of this forum but.....................(there is always a but isn't there? So you know I am going to!)

A friend of mine some 30 years ago made a fortune selling ex WW2 gasmasks to the Japanese (I think or maybe Chinese can't remember exactly)

You won't believe this but it is gospel truth-they apparently used them for sex and it was quite a craze in the late 1970s!

It always raises a smile on my face when I think of all these horny orientals running round naked in gasmasks!!! :-D


Oh and this story is true-unlike this posting from Henway I'm sure!



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nowtelse2do - 2012-09-12 9:39 PM


colin - 2012-09-12 3:15 PM


they proboly used them as feltching masks


Bl**dy hell Colin, had to look that one up *-) Wish I hadn't 8-) You've not lead a sheltered life have you? :D Not going to ask what NSFW means :$




Not Safe For Work, i.e. if you've got a monitored internet connection you might have some difficult questions to answer ;-)

it's just occured to me that might also be termed Not Safe From Wife :D who might also ask some difficult questions.

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It is one of these words you would rather not know what it means so you never use my accident in the wrong company. Yes, dear, I am just going out to some f..........on the shed roof. Oops, meant felting.

I remember once when friends put up a dado rail in their living room and I next visited (I actually do not like dado rails in homes - to Hotellish for me) , but I was polite and said "oh I love your new dildo rail".


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Hello again fellow motorhomers and wavers, I feel there is a little bit of ribbing going on here 8-) when I had a trailer tent I would look across the site at the big shiny motorhomes dreaming of the day I could get one and I read all the forums avidly so when my dream came true I would be ready for that day :D well it happened and I thought I now could now join these forums to give some helpful advice with my mate Dave who is a mind of information and has helped me solve a lot of problems (lol) and it seems I am being chided for this advice with silly acronyms 8o| so all I can say to all the nice motorhomers out there who read these forums and give nice replys is happy holidays and keep waving and look out for Henway BFN
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Guest JudgeMental
Fiona how about getting a life and just rejoin as your good self...Really what is the point in all this nonsense, unless you are of course certifiable as def more out then in. I mean you only have to look around on here to see clear evidence of that!
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Hello Again Iam sorry the reason the Police knocked us up was that the van next door had been broken into and my name is not Fiona,Cybil,Vanessa,Vicky Peggy,Marcia ,Mary,Nancy,Ruthie,Clara,Ellen, Margie, Cybil Ann, Mike and Sid it is Keith Henway so keep on waving 8-) 8-) :-D
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Hello Again Iam sorry the reason the Police knocked us up was that the van next door had been broken into and my name is not Fiona,Cybil,Vanessa,Vicky Peggy,Marcia ,Mary,Nancy,Ruthie,Clara,Ellen, Margie, Cybil Ann, Mike and Sid it is Keith Henway so keep on waving 8-) 8-) :-D
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