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Another rampage


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Muslims world wide are flexing their muscles and are literally getting away with murder and IMO politicians world wide appear to be s*** scared of them and wont stand up to them.

And I dont like seeing them in positions of power over here, corruption seems to be indemic with these people, several high ranking Asian policemen have either been sacked or suspended for corrupt activities.

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I haven't paid much attention to this one but wasn't the film maker who " dared " to portray Allah / Islam in a bad way American ?

So why attack British / German embassy's ? .In doing so it then becomes much more than demonstrating about a film it becomes an attack on the Western world and the way me and you lead our lives as non believers in there faith , because for me that's really what it's about and once again the religion of peace has shown it's true colours and total intolerance towards anything or anybody who does not follow there faith .

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Yes, it makes you wonder where all this Muslim fanaticism is going to end up. It seems that tolerance, freedom of choice and democracy do not exactly go hand in hand with that religion. It could be argued that as the EU is such a staunch supporter of citizens freedom of choice, and human rights it could ban the religion, particularly when you see the religions attitude to women, and other religions etc.

Brian B.

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Guest pelmetman
knight of the road - 2012-09-15 1:41 AM


flicka - 2012-09-14 11:39 PM


Careful Malc,

WE don't want to entice FG back, you know how much he loves em >:-)

Dont think FG will be back, he fell out with Dave the pelmet.


Was it something I said? :D

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thebishbus - 2012-09-15 6:18 PM


Yes, it makes you wonder where all this Muslim fanaticism is going to end up. It seems that tolerance, freedom of choice and democracy do not exactly go hand in hand with that religion. It could be argued that as the EU is such a staunch supporter of citizens freedom of choice, and human rights it could ban the religion, particularly when you see the religions attitude to women, and other religions etc.

Brian B.


They certainly don't seem to do 'emselves any favours,do they... :-S


I caught some of the coverage at the tail end of last week(on RT, I think),they we interviewing some "clever chaps" from the region,who were supposedly "clued up" on the whys and wherefores...

"Apparently", they reckon it was down to "...insurgent groups..blah blah...using the film as excuse...blah blah..reacting against western oppression and intervention blah blah...Israel...blah blah Palestine..blah blah..."

...Cut to footage of crowd who,after leaving "Friday prayers",start rioting, smashing and burning sh*t up..all whilst chanting "God is great"... *-)


Medievel f**k wits!! >:-(


Also if, as we are always being told,these peoples' views do not represent the majority of ordinary Muslims,then where is the ordianry Muslims' representation?...Why aren't "they" saying "..these don't speak on our behalf.."? ...Why aren't THEY taking to the streets?..


"Arab Dawn"?..yeah right! .... *-)


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