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Lincoln Showground


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If its wet really wet then its a "s*** hole " the parking can be NOT fun and they usually put  straw and metal matting down between the stands, been there and got the wet feet to prove it , if its nice its a good show and by all accounts the forcast looks good. May go and then may not ,but the NEC in October looks favourable.
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Thinking of going to this too. Forecast looks like some light rain / showers Thursday and Friday but 5 day forecasts change daily!


As we are not booked we would be in the 'general' area. Is this far from the show itself and is it anywhere near the 'entertainment area': that'd be the worst thing ........... we were pitched right by the 'entertainment' one year at Newbury. Horendous noise all afternoon while they were practising and all evening while doing it for real ......... I seem to have drifted off subject a bit :-S


Stoneleisure shows have a map on their website showing where everything is but can't find any such thing for this Warners show .....



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Harvey - 2012-09-17 9:03 AM


Thinking of going to this too. Forecast looks like some light rain / showers Thursday and Friday but 5 day forecasts change daily!


As we are not booked we would be in the 'general' area. Is this far from the show itself and is it anywhere near the 'entertainment area': that'd be the worst thing ........... we were pitched right by the 'entertainment' one year at Newbury. Horendous noise all afternoon while they were practising and all evening while doing it for real ......... I seem to have drifted off subject a bit :-S


Stoneleisure shows have a map on their website showing where everything is but can't find any such thing for this Warners show .....








Hi Harvey,


even though Warners print a map of the site they NEVER stick to it.


I haven`t been to a show yet that matches the maps given out either

in advance or on the day if you are Non-Booked.


I`m sure there`s a disclaimer somewhere so you can`t hold the to it.



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When i asked what it`s like at Lincoln i was thinking more along the lines

of some who is " Actually " in the area, somewhere near the showground.


I was wondering what the few days before and leading up to the show are

actually like and what the ground conditions really are ?


I trust " Weather forecasters " about as far as i can throw them and what

beats me is " How " they manage to keep their jobs when they get it consistently



In the real world if someone else consistently got their job wrong they`d soon

be out of a job, or am i the only one who thinks like that ?


Looking forward to hear from someone that is in Lincoln or very near the






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No worse than Malvern. better than Peterborough, for ground conditions. I`ve had 7tonne R-V on there for the Steam Fair in the wet, and got away OK. On my side (North) of the river (Humber) we have not had that much rain lately, a lot less that Cumbria so it could be OK. I do not think the yellowbellies have had much more.

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Wooie - 2012-09-18 7:12 PM

I trust " Weather forecasters " about as far as i can throw them and what

beats me is " How " they manage to keep their jobs when they get it consistently

wrong. In the real world if someone else consistently got their job wrong they`d soon

be out of a job,


Unless they were a banker, politician, estate agent, teacher, civil servant or trades union official!!


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Wooie - 2012-09-18 7:12 PM


When i asked what it`s like at Lincoln i was thinking more along the lines

of some who is " Actually " in the area, somewhere near the showground.


I was wondering what the few days before and leading up to the show are

actually like and what the ground conditions really are ?

Looking forward to hear from someone that is in Lincoln or very near the




Hello Wooie;

Well' as a born and bred Lincolnian and Yellowbelly I'm likely to be as good as Michael Fish when it comes to getting weather right, but you could try website "yr.no", the Norwegian weather forecasting site, who are pretty accurate in our experience.


Down here in Drage, Croatia they've been pretty spot on with their forecasts for the last 10 days.

I'd try phoning the Lincolnshire Showground direct for the "ground level info" that you're looking for.


From personal experience, I'd say that being located to the north of lincoln, on limestone, it ought to be pretty good unless it's been persistently bad weather for the last week.



alan b



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Just hope I [and the real one in charge] enjoy.

We usually do. I say "see you later"..the good lady says "???" and I go!.

Usually meet up just before closing time. {Is the secret of 52 years of wedded bliss?

We are booked in for Thurs..but I believe the practice of opening on Thurs for "the regulars" to look round has now ceased..?so I am going am tomorrow [wasted £2..but hey..its only money??]

If it rains..?hope they have Tractors available..if it doesn't..I am at the bar..its my Shout

Hope you all have a great time I will



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Having read on the Oaktree Motorhome web site, that they will not be displaying there and will not be paying the £20,000 stand fee 8-) . I never bother to go to these overpriced outdoor events, just not value for money.


If one is offered a special deal on say a motorhome when the dealer is paying that kind of stand fee, well it just does not add up.


I have never bought anything at a acsessory trade stand that I could not have got at my local camping shop for the same price or cheaper. The writing is on the wall for these overpriced shows, it just takes a while for it to sink in with some folk, still its a weekend away in the cold and mud. :D

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If you think that £20,000 is a lot of money for a motorhome trade stand on a show ground the cost of a stand at the NEC is eye watering but then again it will come out of a companies sales and marketing budget for the year. Usually at the NEC you are allowed a four day build period and then two or three days to remove it plus of course the exhibition time. All the necessary services like water and electricity are extra. Advertising graphics and sales brochures have to be considered as well plus staffing accomodation in hotels etc. The list goes on.
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rolandrat - 2012-09-24 8:59 AM


If you think that £20,000 is a lot of money for a motorhome trade stand on a show ground the cost of a stand at the NEC is eye watering but then again it will come out of a companies sales and marketing budget for the year. Usually at the NEC you are allowed a four day build period and then two or three days to remove it plus of course the exhibition time. All the necessary services like water and electricity are extra. Advertising graphics and sales brochures have to be considered as well plus staffing accomodation in hotels etc. The list goes on.

I agree all these extra costs will be incurred however these have to be funded from sales so if the basic cost is £20000 + Transporting the vans to and from the show personnel to do this plus the fuel. Sales staff to man the exhibition and the fact that whist the exhibition is in progress sales may be lost from the usual sales premises due to lack of display vehicles, perhaps they are better avoiding the extra hassle to sell a van or two and concentrate on the core sales site.

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Around 15 years ago I did the build up and breakdown at a 7 day furniture exhibition in the Messa in Cologne with ferry / hotel acc / hall costs / staffing etc the total cost was around £140.000.00 18 months later the company almost went bust , but luckily survived and is still producing to-day.
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I went..WE enjoyed [the boss put in the capitals] Must admit I booked Thurs to Mon..but did not arrive till Friday am [got lost?? Its a long way from Barnsley]

Met some great people..and made some great friends whom i hope we meet again on our travels.

Intended to stay Sunday night but my old friend..Vertigo arrived..and I know he gets stronger as the days go by..so up sticks and left Sunday tea time.

Had a great time..Sat was a nice `sunny?` day Ground was firm and hard..no problems.

To answer Tracker..its great even when it rains..Hard /level ..but there are a "few `dodgy` spots and it depends upon which area you are posted to?

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Bit off topic here sorry, but we were at the Shepton Show a few weeks ago and were dismayed to see that they have dropped the Firework Display which was always a feature of the show, and something we enjoyed, the show price was not reduced however so as a previous poster has said the writing may be on the wall for these shows.The content of the show was also down with  noticeable absence of regular traders .
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