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Who got the £375 billion?

Guest Peter James

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Guest Peter James


I wonder if anybody can help my fluffy brain understand this issue because I can't seem to grasp the apparent absurdity of what's going on...

Allow me to spell out my confusion...

The Bank of England is privately owned and now run by a company set up in 1976 called the Bank of England nominees (BOEN) ltd... This LTD company is exempt from having to disclose who owns either of it's shares... The bank BOEN printed £375,000,000,000 in new fiat funds in the last 12 months... The BOEN's 2 private shareholders own all £375,000,000,000 that they have just printed and have now lent a tiny fraction of that new money to HMgov and are charging HMgov (us) approx 5% in interest...

Am I right so far?

HMgov has a Public Sector Net Cash Requirement (overdraft) of £146bn which it borrows from the Bank of England but has to pay back plus interest...?

Printing money out of thin air has always historically caused inflation over the following years which every citizen ends up having to suffer and endure...?

So the 2 private shareholders of the BOE nominees Ltd have become £375,000,000,000 richer whilst the UK citizens have become £375,000,000,000 poorer... That's the bottom line here right?

Now the BOEN ltd have commissioned a report which basically says that UK pensioners are the net beneficiaries of their demented money printing - which to me sounds like an out and out lie and an absolutely outrageously absurd state of affairs - not to mention a monstrous privilege for the 2 owners of the BOEN (who could they be I wonder?)?

What I'm wondering is this - Why doesn't HMgov simply take back the right to print sterling from BOE nominees and while they're at it why don’t they take back the £375,000,000,000 that the BOEN have just printed -

Apparently JFK tried to do just this with the FED with executive order 11110 in June '63 - before he was assassinated?


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Guest pelmetman

Why do you think I want to retire *-)...............Coz eventually the doodoo will hit the fan big time ;-)...........





and we'll all be growing veg as there will be b*gger all left to do :D

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Guest Peter James
BGD - 2012-09-18 10:49 PM


peter - 2012-09-18 9:51 PM


Bloody hell, you couldn't make it up , could you?.





I think you'll find that he did.


(Or he copied it from someone else who made it up)


What part of it do you think is made up ?

BoE Nominees is being used to evade normal company rules that require shareholders to be disclosed.

The Royal Family are exempted from the Freedom Of Information Act.

So whilst our elected leaders have some accountability, our unelected ones have none.


link: http://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/28738/response/74019/attach/2/D.pdf

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Actually I have the 375 billion but it has been a heck of a job to get it all stashed in the van. Only went to the ATM for £20 and this lot came scooshing out. Wife is complaining she cannot get into bed anymore due to £50 notes being stuffed everywhere. As I have no idea what to do with it I will probably be asked to join the Government, or I could just send it all to India and they can shoot it into space.


Do like the new logo on the notes though. 'Monopoly'. Sounds better than B of E.

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Peter James - 2012-09-18 8:45 PM



I wonder if anybody can help my fluffy brain understand this issue because I can't seem to grasp the apparent absurdity of what's going on...

Allow me to spell out my confusion...

The Bank of England is privately owned and now run by a company set up in 1976 called the Bank of England nominees (BOEN) ltd... This LTD company is exempt from having to disclose who owns either of it's shares... The bank BOEN printed £375,000,000,000 in new fiat funds in the last 12 months... The BOEN's 2 private shareholders own all £375,000,000,000 that they have just printed and have now lent a tiny fraction of that new money to HMgov and are charging HMgov (us) approx 5% in interest...

Am I right so far?

HMgov has a Public Sector Net Cash Requirement (overdraft) of £146bn which it borrows from the Bank of England but has to pay back plus interest...?

Printing money out of thin air has always historically caused inflation over the following years which every citizen ends up having to suffer and endure...?

So the 2 private shareholders of the BOE nominees Ltd have become £375,000,000,000 richer whilst the UK citizens have become £375,000,000,000 poorer... That's the bottom line here right?

Now the BOEN ltd have commissioned a report which basically says that UK pensioners are the net beneficiaries of their demented money printing - which to me sounds like an out and out lie and an absolutely outrageously absurd state of affairs - not to mention a monstrous privilege for the 2 owners of the BOEN (who could they be I wonder?)?

What I'm wondering is this - Why doesn't HMgov simply take back the right to print sterling from BOE nominees and while they're at it why don’t they take back the £375,000,000,000 that the BOEN have just printed -

Apparently JFK tried to do just this with the FED with executive order 11110 in June '63 - before he was assassinated?


Peter , are you insinuating John Fitgerald was shot because of the above ? , if so I assume you believe Elvis flew off in a space ship and Prince Charles tinkered with Diana and Dodi's motor in Paris :-D

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Peter James - 2012-09-19 8:11 AM


BGD - 2012-09-18 10:49 PM


peter - 2012-09-18 9:51 PM


Bloody hell, you couldn't make it up , could you?.





I think you'll find that he did.


(Or he copied it from someone else who made it up)


What part of it do you think is made up ?

BoE Nominees is being used to evade normal company rules that require shareholders to be disclosed.

The Royal Family are exempted from the Freedom Of Information Act.

So whilst our elected leaders have some accountability, our unelected ones have none.


link: http://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/28738/response/74019/attach/2/D.pdf


Note the year 2010, since then the BOEN have lost anonimaty, keep up to date.

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Guest Peter James
antony1969 - 2012-09-19 6:28 PM

Peter , are you insinuating John Fitgerald was shot because of the above ? , if so I assume you believe Elvis flew off in a space ship and Prince Charles tinkered with Diana and Dodi's motor in Paris :-D


nice little straw man you have set up there Antony ;-)

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Guest Peter James
colin - 2012-09-19 9:13 PM

Note the year 2010, since then the BOEN have lost anonimaty, keep up to date.


So you can tell us who owns it then *-)

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Guest pelmetman
malc d - 2012-09-20 4:53 PM


Peter James - 2012-09-20 9:24 AM


colin - 2012-09-19 9:13 PM

Note the year 2010, since then the BOEN have lost anonimaty, keep up to date.


So you can tell us who owns it then *-)








No its not ;-)............................Its all mine and I keep it safe by investing in cheap wine :D

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Peter James - 2012-09-20 9:24 AM


colin - 2012-09-19 9:13 PM

Note the year 2010, since then the BOEN have lost anonimaty, keep up to date.


So you can tell us who owns it then *-)


What, on the date that article was writen?

Chairman was J R E Footman

Director A J Bailey


And it is a wholely owned subsidury of the BOE

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