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VW T5 Camper


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Hi All

We have been followinghe thread, Life with a Panel Van with great interest. We are in our seventies and have our beloved CI 6m Caricoa in which we tend to spend 8-9 weeks in the summer and 4 weeks in April travelling around mainland Europe. Rather like the Judge, we have enjoyed Croatia and Italy but, unlike the Judge, love France. :-D Have any members any experience with a T5? We'd be grateful for any comments. We do realise this is downsizing!!


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Guest JudgeMental

like many on here spent many years in a VW. Had a lovely T3 Californian import Westphalia with all the bells and whistles..Had it 7 years and more or less got our money back. kids where baby's when we got it and it suited us fine.


Now..I need a little more comfort. Of the opinion that anything less then 6 metres does not really work. My van has all the facilities of our last CB but less space...A VW would now drive me nuts and they are not cheap!


France is OK for a quick week, If you come across a paedophile on the run put his lights out for me please and bring the girl home..... *-)

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Hi - we had a 2002 T4 (just a little smaller than the T5) Auto-Sleepers Trident which suited us well for 6 and a half years but changed in 2008 to a Symbol ES on a Boxer partly for greater space and an on-board loo rather than a porta-potti and a toilet tent. We loved life in the T4 Trident and did live in it for up to 8 weeks in Europe , staying at full facility sites.

However, we would not now like to go back to that size and lay out. We find that our 5.65 metres van provides all we need. If you go to certain T5 layouts I guess you will miss the space and on board facilities of your present van. However you may wish to consider the T5 Auto-Sleepers Topaz which does have a loo and shower or one of the Bilbo's or Danbury conversions. The AS VW T5s are very expensive.

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Like eddie we had a T25(or T3 if you like), was very good for what we used it for, i.e. it was my daily transport to work and holidays of up to 2 weeks.

If it was us considering downsizing to as small as possible van to be used for extended holidays then I'd look at whats availible in MWB X250 (or similier), compared to a T5 they seem to offer better value and are only a little bit bigger. Another option would be East Nueks SWB X250.

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Hi All

Thanks for your really useful comments which we have duly noted. When we first started off in the

CI campervan we tended to use 80% aires or the like, and 20% campsites, but over the last two holidays we reverted to 80% campsites and 20% aires, so our style of camping has altered drastically. We don't use motorways at all and rather like visiting the small hilltop towns and we thought the T5 would be ideal. There is only two of us in the camper so it won't be overcrowded (I will no doubt be confined to the driver's seat!). No decision has yet been made but my money at present is on a Denby conversion, but we've got a couple of shows to go to and a lot more research to do. Any further comments would be most welcome.



PS - Judge: if I see the paeodofile that'll be both of us pleased!


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