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Constant rain


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Solid rain here for over 24 hours, sent the lads out to do some bush cutting that they could do in the rain, they came back to base at 1pm saturated, whats up? I said, can't work in this they said, I said theres hours of daylight left yet, have a brew while you dry off then get back out and do at least another couple of hedgecutting jobs and dont come back without a couple of hundred quid in your pocket, bills have got to be paid I'm not paying for the diesel so you two can swan about driving around and parking up outside Mary's caff, the cheek of it, must want jam on it.
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pelmetman - 2012-09-25 9:32 AM


I should send up the chimneys Malcolm ;-)................at least they'd be dry :D

sent them out again this morning, well why not? I went out in all weathers to earn a bob or two, i said to them money can't be made while you are sat in front of my fire.

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Guest pelmetman
knight of the road - 2012-09-25 10:39 AM


Hey Dave,

Things are awfully quiet of late on here, start a fight and I will jump in with you, nowt doin of facebook either.


Are you missing FG too Malcolm? :'( ....................I know Antony and me are :-(..................we miss our regular abuse sessions from Francis :D

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Guest pelmetman
antony1969 - 2012-09-25 12:16 PM


I do miss my daily beating from Sir Francis , his kind words and repeated accusations to me of been a vile racist thug were an essential part of my day which I cherish still .


Oh how we miss his kindly mean't words :'( .................

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antony1969 - 2012-09-25 12:16 PM


I do miss my daily beating from Sir Francis , his kind words and repeated accusations to me of been a vile racist thug were an essential part of my day which I cherish still .


Oh yes! - I have kept his PM to me that was so over the top as to be the butt of many emails to friends and colleagues etc as to how to deal with a Troll. Interestingly one of the guys on a Land Rover Forums posted back one he had had on sent to him (not on the LR Forum) that was remarkably similar in tone and vitriol. The writer was anti 4x4 and vented his spleen against this chap because he had a Range Rover.


Amazing similarities - I will see if I can retrieve it.


As I say I still have FG's to me (bless him (lol) (lol) ) because I need a laugh from time to time the same as the next bloke B-)


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