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Adverts on TV that annoy you ...

Mel B

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Apart from the obvious 'Go Compare' ones which seem to irritate everyone, closely followed by the Meercats, the one that really pees me off at the moment is the 'Enterprise Rent-a-car' one - with the American and English reps. The American says to "look for the aluminum sign", and the English one says it's pronounced "aluminium ... because it has an U in it" ... it should of course be because it has an I in it ... it really annoys me....... >:-(
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I find any of the "loud whispering...talking too close to the mic'.." type of advert,go straight through me and immediatley get my nerves on edge..!?!.. 8o|


Currently,there's that "Secret Escapes" advert,with that posh sort,"whispering" at the camera...and also one of the Dyson adverts,with Victoria Wood whispering away ..... *-)


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Downton Abbey is being ruined by the adverts. It appears that many of the scenes have been edited down and clipped just to make room for more adverts.

I hoped that when Sue Barker bazooked the Go Compare advert that would be the end of it. No such luck.

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Rosie likes the Meercats - but they are not as inventive and amusing as they used to be - Simples!


I hate those silly ads where someone climbs through a picture or walks though a doorway into a different room or scene. They seem to be very popular and probably appeal to 13 years olds but I really can't see the point.


Anyway thanks to the magic of the mute button we don't have to listen to any of 'em, although we might be more inclined not to mute it if the sound levels were not raised for the adverts.

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I'm with PJay on this. At the beginning of the week I read through the TV guide and set the recorder for the programmes of interest. We can then decide on the time when we wish to view. I don't like the idea of running my life around the broadcast time of a TV programme. So adverts are simply skipped.
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We hate all TV adverts so we record programs with ads so we can fast wind them , but if we want or need to watch a program with ads the mute button is pressed as soon as the ads come on . Last night I was really p _ off whilst watching Mrs Biggs they rammed as many ads in as they could in the last 40 minutes, What a blessing when BBC won back the F1 GP coverage from ITV.
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PJay - 2012-10-04 9:23 AM


I don't watch the adverts. Usually switch over while they are on. better still we record programes, as quiet often more than one on that we want to watch , so fast forward the ads, saves time as well!!


Yes - this is exactly what we do.


Especially with films.


But we are also in the habit of pausing at the start of any commercial tv programme - making a cuppa, refilling the wine glass, having a short chat or a natural break - and then start the programme a few mins after its official start time.


We then skip ahead during the adverts.


Works well for us.

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T8LEY - 2012-10-04 3:33 PM


Which ones will you remember the longest, annoying ads or bland ads? I think the posts demonstrate which come to mind first.





It's true that irritating ads are the most memorable - but do they persuade you to buy the product ?




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Mel B - 2012-10-03 11:25 PM


Apart from the obvious 'Go Compare' ones which seem to irritate everyone, closely followed by the Meercats, the one that really pees me off at the moment is the 'Enterprise Rent-a-car' one - with the American and English reps. The American says to "look for the aluminum sign", and the English one says it's pronounced "aluminium ... because it has an U in it" ... it should of course be because it has an I in it ... it really annoys me....... >:-(


Funny that, I thought exactly the same thing but presumed it must be me that is an arse. obviously not ................. well not in this particular case :-D

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There are many ads on tv at the moment that i hate,

just one example is the santander one including people from

shrewsbury who pronounce pounds as poynds!!

one i realy like though is the one for Aldi where the woman

i assume works in a school says " I don`t like cheese, I don`t` like kids "



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Hi casey - I too like the Aldi adds.

My favourite one was the lady who says her husband likes this brand of tea - and also the Aldi brand.


She then says "I don't like tea"


"I like gin"


The one with the young girl having mayonase on her cornflakes wondering if she is pregnant also make me laugh.


The advert that I just cannot stand such that I boycott the products (difficult for me because I have a sweet tooth is the :-


Haribo sweets - the one where there was some truly appalling song that made no sense was probably the worst.


and I also despair of ;-


All the bad product financial adds for pay day loans, Life cover/funeral plans and equity release. These plans are dangerously bad and sold via the TV adds because nobody would ever recommend them.


If anyone thinks they might need one of them and is tempted to reply - my advice is don't! Get proper advice on the alternatives from the like of the CAB etc.





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Makes you wonder, if any one takes serious note of the adverts, don't it? Apart from the revenue to commercial TV. Companies pay thousands of ££ to advertise, but do they really work. Seems people know the advert, but NOT the product!
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I think the Aldi ones work for me.


I have certainly visited the stores whereas before chuckling at the adverts i would simply have shopped where i always did.


A GOOD advert should invite a positive response such that when the timing is right you consider that outlet/brand.


A bad advert pi55es people off such that they go elsewhere.


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I've just thought up a new advertising strategy!


If company A and company B are in direct competition with each other for customers, it would make sense for company A to make an advert 'for' company B but do it so badly that no-one would want to use them, then they would go to company A ... what'd ya think!!! :D

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I wonder at the people who tell us their product will kill 99.9% of all germs but have invented an electric soap dispenser so that we don't have to touch a dispensers 'germy' top just before we use the product that will kill 99.9% of all germs!!!
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aultymer - 2012-10-06 2:59 PM


I wonder at the people who tell us their product will kill 99.9% of all germs but have invented an electric soap dispenser so that we don't have to touch a dispensers 'germy' top just before we use the product that will kill 99.9% of all germs!!!


Ah, yes, I thought of that one too ... perhaps it's because of the .1% that they can't kill!!!! :D

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we try not to watch any ads......and like others often record Tv prgrammes so that we cna skip through these - much easuer with DVD recording than the old Fast Forward on VHS tape!

Interestingly,as we are away in the motorhome at present, and can onlyrecord what we actually watch (or anything on timer if we are not uin!), I was looking at ITV i-player to wach one of their series, and saw that for an hours TV programme, the iplayer timing was just 48 mins......ie 12 mins of ads, in other words in a hours 'programme' 20% of it is ads......

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