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Annoying TV editing styles

Tony Jones

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Reading Mel's "annoying ads" thread, reminded me of one of my current TV "hates."


All those factual programmes, from Countryfile to Rogue Traders, where they deal with several stories in one episode, but cut them into little chunks and keep switching between them.

I can't make up my mind whether they just trying to force people to watch the whole programme when there's only one story of interest, or whether they really think our attention span is so limited.


I keep wanting to shout at the TV (never a good sign at my age): "For goodness' sake finish this bit before you go off onto something else!!"

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Tony Jones - 2012-10-04 1:58 PM


Reading Mel's "annoying ads" thread, reminded me of one of my current TV "hates."


All those factual programmes, from Countryfile to Rogue Traders, where they deal with several stories in one episode, but cut them into little chunks and keep switching between them.

I can't make up my mind whether they just trying to force people to watch the whole programme when there's only one story of interest, or whether they really think our attention span is so limited.


I keep wanting to shout at the TV (never a good sign at my age): "For goodness' sake finish this bit before you go off onto something else!!"



I think it's probably an attempt to increase ' tension and interest '.


A bit like those talent shows , where they say " and the winner is............................................................................................................................................................................................................................

( and keep you waiting for five minutes )


In both cases I just switch off.





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