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Who will be the winners Croatia or the EU


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As Croatia prepares to join the EU what does it as country bring to the table? Do we have another prosperous country joining such as the likes of Rumania, Bulgaria?


There is a referendum next week in Croatia to whether they should join the European Union. One person interviewed on their thoughts remarked "I will vote 'Yes' because Croatia is going nowhere”


Croatia's unemployment rate is continuing to rise, for August alone it rose 17.5 percent, an increase of 0.2 percent from the previous month, in in the past four years more than 30,000 construction workers have lost their jobs. So I wonder were their next port of call would be?


So my question is what can Croatia offer the EU and how will it benefit the UK

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Yet another country for the UK to support and allow yet more legal immigration and for Germany to sell it's cars buses and trains to prior to bailing them out in five years time!


By all means lets welcome Croatia to the theoretical free trade area but other benefits should be earned not given away.

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Time they kicked all these mickey mouse so called countries out. Either that, or get us out. I'm all for the common market but it's getting ludicrous with all these mickey mouse states that make absolutely nothing of note and consequently also contribute almost nothing to the european pot. Merely becoming net beneficiaries of all the successful economies.

I despair of the utter stupidity of these bloody eurocrats.

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