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do OAP'S do this?


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been washing and polishing the beast today...7hrs.. holy moly!!!

new van, winter polish for it

sent the missus on the roof wash an polish it...says its unreasonable!! 3mtr up

i say you are 55kg im 100kg much better for you to go up, she says there is no way the oap's(over 60 ) do this, she is 63!

i said they do!!

the question is do you oap's go on the roof an do this? (!)

plus i was having a brew an a fag (lol)

not unresnable i dont think...tonque in cheek!!


ps i think abit ott on her part!!

or am i being unreasonable? (lol)


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Guest pelmetman

I've noticed that *-).............after 30 years they start moaning all the time ;-)..........



But I do think you ought to get her some rubber gloves :D

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thebishbus - 2012-10-21 9:29 AMYou know how our wives claim to be so good at multitasking. After all they are only doing, the shopping, cooking,cleaning washing ironing and gardening, cleaning the van roof should be no problem, and at least they would say that it had been done properly. :-D Brian B.


You can explode the multi tasking myth, I've noticed that she cant 'attend to my needs' and have a headache at the same time ;-)

As an OAP I can polish the roof but I prefer to have a large piece of ply on there to spread any point loads.


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silverback - 2012-10-20 11:40 PM


been washing and polishing the beast today...7hrs.. holy moly!!!

new van, winter polish for it

sent the missus on the roof wash an polish it...says its unreasonable!! 3mtr up

i say you are 55kg im 100kg much better for you to go up, she says there is no way the oap's(over 60 ) do this, she is 63!

i said they do!!



The question is do you oap's go on the roof an do this? (!)



NO.........i'd go straight through it if i did. For one mine isn't meant for climbing on, but even if it was....i'd get it done at a wash by some youngsters less likely to break a leg than me. (lol)


I've got a Pressure washer but to be perfectly honest it would need servicing as it's not been used for years now.....it's far cheaper to run my car or van into one of the numerous wash facilities which charge as little as £1.75 (car) for a basic wash. I only pay £4 to have my van done and they do an excellent job too.


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silverback - 2012-10-20 11:40 PM


sent the missus on the roof wash an polish it...says its unreasonable!! 3mtr up

i say you are 55kg im 100kg much better for you to go up, she says there is no way the oap's(over 60 ) do this, she is 63!

i said they do!!

ps i think abit ott on her part!!

or am i being unreasonable? (lol)


Not unreasonable at all Johnathon, but answering you back shows she hasn't had he correct training. I'm sorry to say this.........but its your fault. Your training regime as been a total failure. I am available (for a fee) to offer advice on correct methods of training, with the emphasis on correction. If you have a cellar, this would a good start. >:-)


We have on here, a lady forum member, who has got all of the good qualities of being very well trained. An expert on DIY, Drive and Patio construction. Motorhome Maintenance among many other jobs, the list goes on. This is all due to correct and proper training by no doubt her better half. Full marks to him. Will not embarrass her by mention her name as she is very sensitive and emotional when given accolades. :$ *-)


Dave :D :D


PS. She may PM me to give me her thanks, if she wishes. 8-) (lol)

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I certainly do but I must confess I'm only in my early seventies. I polish ours every spring and autum using good quality marine polish. Being retired with plenty of time I do the roof one day, one side and the front the next and the other side and the back the following day.


I've just come in from a hard day with a big concrete breaker. Wife wants an additional downstairs toilet we can access from the garden. You wouldn't believe the amount of work involved in ground work and building the dam thing even though we are using a saniflo unit.


I thought about pointing out to her that the work involved is probably the equivalent of taking ones gardening shoes off when required for the next 273 years but I can't afford a devorce now I've spent all the money on said toilet project so I'll keep me trap shut.


Actualy to be truthful I do get a bit bored in the winter months when we don't use the motorhome so I do enjoy a bit of a project. Keeps me fit and active.

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Funny you should ask that; the OH and I spent yesterday steam cleaning all the 'nasty green bits' from around the windows, lockers, etc and today he went up to clean the roof.  (I offered but he wanted to do it!!)  Tomorrow will be final wash off and winter polish.  BTW he's 67 and I'm 57.
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Madmaggott - 2012-10-22 4:54 PM


Funny you should ask that; the OH and I spent yesterday steam cleaning all the 'nasty green bits' from around the windows, lockers, etc and today he went up to clean the roof.  (I offered but he wanted to do it!!)  Tomorrow will be final wash off and winter polish.  BTW he's 67 and I'm 57.


Not sure what others think but there's no way I would steam clean my van, especially around any seams or rubber surrounds. If you did, I'd hope you didn't get to close. I would be inclined to get a good polish on it asap.



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Guest pelmetman

All your wimmen sound like whimps *-) ...................When I redesigned the garden here after buying a bit more land, we needed 13 tons of hardcore which had to be barrow'd in......... followed by 18 tons of top soil *-)


But I did buy her a new wheelbarrow :D


Now she moans about having a bad back *-)

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pelmetman - 2012-10-22 7:22 PM


All your wimmen sound like whimps *-) ...................When I redesigned the garden here after buying a bit more land, we needed 13 tons of hardcore which had to be barrow'd in......... followed by 18 tons of top soil *-)


But I did buy her a new wheelbarrow :D


Now she moans about having a bad back *-)


Oi!!!! I'll give you 'wimp' you pontificating pouffee stuffer !!!! (lol)


When we decided to remove a large part of our drive, made of about 8inch reinforced concrete, I was the one who used the hired 'jack hammer' and ended up putting the rubble in skips whilst hubby was at his mates sorting out some car gear they'd bought ... *-)

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Mel B - 2012-10-22 8:58 PM


pelmetman - 2012-10-22 7:22 PM


All your wimmen sound like whimps *-) ...................When I redesigned the garden here after buying a bit more land, we needed 13 tons of hardcore which had to be barrow'd in......... followed by 18 tons of top soil *-)


But I did buy her a new wheelbarrow :D


Now she moans about having a bad back *-)


Oi!!!! I'll give you 'wimp' you pontificating pouffee stuffer !!!! (lol)


When we decided to remove a large part of our drive, made of about 8inch reinforced concrete, I was the one who used the hired 'jack hammer' and ended up putting the rubble in skips whilst hubby was at his mates sorting out some car gear they'd bought ... *-)


Well trained.... :-D Hubby better trained... :D :D



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