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UK Border Agency


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Yes, another rant but I feel better for it.


IDon’t you just love our UK Border Agency or Immigration as they used to be known. We have returned through Hull twice this year and each time the experience has been something that really put a dampener on our holiday, after we had had such a lovely time. Well, maybe not as significant as that but highly irritating. Due to my bad luck we have travelled either with solo car or with caravan and each time managed to get stuck until about the last off the boat. Tried all things to avoid this, arrive early, arrive late, use solo car etc but Sod’s Law got me each time. Anyway, once we finally left the boat we were faced with a triple line queue of about 100 yards to the Immigration desks. We looked at each other and said ‘this will not take too long as we are all Brits’ Wrong! 45 minutes later we limped up to the Immigration Officer. Not bad for 100 yards. Handed over the 2 passports. He looked at one, swiped it in a machine and then studied the screen for a good 2 minutes. Then he looked at it again. Then he put it down and repeated it all for the second passport. Now you can guess what would have happened if I had said what I was thinking which was ‘What the H..l are you actually doing’? But I did not and sat dumb until he slowly handed them back with a ‘Thank You’ I nearly said ‘what for?’ but again did not, just drove up absolutely p....d off as we had lost nearly 1 hour of travel time to get home.


Now maybe others can tell me if this happens at other ports or is Hull the only one with eager staff. Of course I should have realised that a queue of elderly Caucasian Brits with UK registered caravans and cars are top of the list for suspects and of course they had already checked the car decks while we were at sea so why in the name of the Wee Man could they not have one of their numpties walk up the line check passports as he went and indicated those he felt required extra attention. Now of course this screen that required so much studious attention maybe told him whether I had paid my Council Tax, TV Licence or had upset an ethnic or some other serious offence, but as it gets scanned by other EU Border agencies and is handed back immediately, I guess I am not on Interpol’s most wanted list just yet. Airports are bad and you kinda expect that as all nationalities are coming through, but a car ferry with 98% Brits on board?? A walk around the dining deck would have soon spotted any persons that could in the slightest way be called suspicious. Well, there was the quiet couple hiding at the back, Welsh i think and they did not drink, so must be suspicious. Sorry Wales, could not resist.


No we do not do it the sensible way in the UK. We do it to inflict as much inconvenience as we can on our tax paying population. We now have an amalgam of Stalin’s oppression and a bit of Gestapo thrown in for good measure. No mobiles allowed, no pictures to be taken, say nothing, well you all know the scene. One small protest and you are beaten to a pulp, or at the very minimum Tasered. And then of course Ali Ben what ever walks in with 10 wives dressed in black and is waved through with a ‘taxi is waiting to take you to the Benefits Office’. The policy is to ensure no Brit says a dicky bird in protest and keep them all afraid, very afraid. I just wonder when we will reach final stage and rebel. Now I would accept it all happily if we had low immigration and our towns and cities were not bursting, but........


It used to be Customs we all worried about and would they find the extra bottle of gin stashed in the loo, but now it is just pure fear. And to think I have booked to do it all again next year.


Now I feel better, I think. A bit like confessing your sins but I never did that. Wrong crowd.


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Guest pelmetman
You want to use the chunnel Dave ;-).......................You clear UK customs in France, and once back in the UK you literally drive of the train and within 5 mins your on the M20 ;-)
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I would but it is 500 miles from my home, and the same back. Plus we have done it in the past and guess what?? I was searched on the way out by rather abnoxious Customs officials at Ashford. They must look at the Scots Reg Plate and say' he is a troublemaker, let's get him'. Maybe should not have had that 'The English are Plonkers' sticker on the back window.


I have worked it all ways but once fuel, stops and sheer hassle are included, going through Hull is, on paper at least the best.way for us. Going out is fine, it is only in the last year that coming back has been a pain in the a..e'. It is all so disappointing after a cheery wave at Zeebrugge.,

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I would but it is 500 miles from my home, and the same back. Plus we have done it in the past and guess what?? I was searched on the way out by rather abnoxious Customs officials at Ashford. They must look at the Scots Reg Plate and say' he is a troublemaker, let's get him'. Maybe should not have had that 'The English are Plonkers' sticker on the back window.


I have worked it all ways but once fuel, stops and sheer hassle are included, going through Hull is, on paper at least the best.way for us. Going out is fine, it is only in the last year that coming back has been a pain in the a..e'. It is all so disappointing after a cheery wave at Zeebrugge.,

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I would but it is 500 miles from my home, and the same back. Plus we have done it in the past and guess what?? I was searched on the way out by rather abnoxious Customs officials at Ashford. They must look at the Scots Reg Plate and say' he is a troublemaker, let's get him'. Maybe should not have had that 'The English are Plonkers' sticker on the back window.


I have worked it all ways but once fuel, stops and sheer hassle are included, going through Hull is, on paper at least the best.way for us. Going out is fine, it is only in the last year that coming back has been a pain in the a..e'. It is all so disappointing after a cheery wave at Zeebrugge.,

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I thought it was all supposed to be better now that the EU stated that we in the UK as UK citizens could have alcohol and tobacco the same as EU citizens. I too got remarkably pi$$ed at being held up at Poole being asked if the wine etc was for "my personal consumption" knowing that if they (at that time) decided that what I had was excessive the UK law stated that everything - including the vehicle could be seized.


Thankfully the EU stated that the UK authorities were in the wrong.


That said - having seen what seems to be no border control at all via the Chunnel and at other south coast ports - I am wondering why Hull seems to be the only port that has any controls whatsoever.


Is the "checking" for a purpose at Hull?

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The government know and understand that who in their right mind would ever want to return to Hull unless they were up to no good?


What's the best thing that ever came out of Hull - why the ferry of course!


Anyway you Jocks - just wait till we are independent from you and see what happens to proper foreigners when they try to get back into OUR England!

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Tracker - 2012-10-21 8:31 PM


The government know and understand that who in their right mind would ever want to return to Hull unless they were up to no good?


What's the best thing that ever came out of Hull - why the ferry of course!



Having spent 6 months working in Hull I've got to agree, anyone wanting to return there is mad, do we know any such person I wonder :D

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colin - 2012-10-21 9:57 PM


Tracker - 2012-10-21 8:31 PM


The government know and understand that who in their right mind would ever want to return to Hull unless they were up to no good?


What's the best thing that ever came out of Hull - why the ferry of course!



Having spent 6 months working in Hull I've got to agree, anyone wanting to return there is mad, do we know any such person I wonder :D


Ahem .... 'scuse me you two ignoramuses (ignorami??) just because you two don't like Hull don't mean there's owt wrong wivit!!!


As for what's the best thing that ever came out of Hull ... MEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! :D

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Guest pelmetman
Mel B - 2012-10-22 10:10 PM


As for what's the best thing that ever came out of Hull ... MEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! :D


And the case for Hull is now closed :D

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Mel B - 2012-10-22 10:10 PM


Ahem .... 'scuse me you two ignoramuses (ignorami??) just because you two don't like Hull don't mean there's owt wrong wivit!!!


As for what's the best thing that ever came out of Hull ... MEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! :D


Arh but Mel, the Border Agency are more interested in what comes INTO Hull >:-)

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Tracker - 2012-10-21 8:31 PM


The government know and understand that who in their right mind would ever want to return to Hull unless they were up to no good?


What's the best thing that ever came out of Hull - why the ferry of course!


Anyway you Jocks - just wait till we are independent from you and see what happens to proper foreigners when they try to get back into OUR England!


I totall y agree the best thing out of Hull is the ferry but unfortunately it comes back in again as well. As for going independent well, I guess we will have to sit at the border and beg. Would a case of whisky be sufficient do you think?


As mentioned I have priced all the various ways up and down and at the end of the day the Hull route suits best for reasonable costs and less hassle...............except the bl...y Border Agency who have been told to tick boxes.

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We got stoped and searched some years ago when we were off to the 1/5 scale model cars World Champion Ships with the boys two cars in the boot through the tunnel. I was worried about the four gallons of highly volatile racing fuel we had on board but the officials were facinated by cars. Wished the boys good luck and waved us through!
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