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It seems some peer called lord brichard thinks we pensioners should be compeled to do voluntary work (wouldn't that be compulsary work) in order to be paid our pensions (I thought I'd already paid over 50 years) is this guy for real! John >:-) >:-)
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Guest pelmetman
I've been trying to do as little as possible for the last 8 years :D...................still got another 12 years til my state pension *-)...........................I'd better start doing even less if I'm going to have to start work at 66 8-)
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Bored in retirement - not me matey!!


It depends on how you want your life to be but I always thought that the state pension was aimed to help towards financial security when you have done your stint for the country's tax needs and are deemed by the country to have earned retirement.


I planned for it over many years and took early retirement in 1999 and we lived on our own savings, downsized home equity and investments for 10 years before I had a penny from the state pension.


Now that I do have what I paid for (with extra voluntary contributions as well) over 40 years I sure as heck don't feel like being told that the goalposts have moved and I now have to earn it.


If today's youngsters are told they will be expected to do enforced voluntary work when they eventually get to retire at 70 plus perhaps it will give them an incentive not to rely on state pension alone and start saving for their own futures?


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teflon2 - 2012-10-25 10:52 PM


It seems some peer called lord brichard thinks we pensioners should be compeled to do voluntary work ................................................. is this guy for real! John >:-) >:-)



No he's not, and should be quietly ignored.


According to various websites, he had a relatively short ( public sector ) career and "retired " at the ripe old age of 54, on a gold plated pension estimated to be around £100,000 a year.



If he really believes that state pensioners are a financial burden on the country maybe he could start by taking a 50% reduction in his own pension.




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More like 75%. What a stupid pillock. I bet he's a toffee nosed tory as well.

As for Clive being bored on retirement, he wants to get a life right now and get the work play balance sorted asap. That's a bit of free advice for you Clive. :D

I don't know how I ever found the time to do a full time job and do the things I do now. Fact is I didn't and the house/garden etc suffered as a consequence.

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Guest pelmetman
CliveH - 2012-10-26 7:57 AM


but the thought of not doing anything in retirement fills me with horror.



if you want any tips Clive let me know ;-).....................I have got very good at doing nothing :D

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peter - 2012-10-26 4:54 PM


More like 75%. What a stupid pillock. I bet he's a toffee nosed tory as well.

As for Clive being bored on retirement, he wants to get a life right now and get the work play balance sorted asap. That's a bit of free advice for you Clive. :D

I don't know how I ever found the time to do a full time job and do the things I do now. Fact is I didn't and the house/garden etc suffered as a consequence.


He is actually a Liberal but that possibly makes his 'crime' even worse.

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Guest pelmetman
Dave225 - 2012-10-26 7:09 PM


He is actually a Liberal but that possibly makes his 'crime' even worse.


Yes I read that ;-)......................Makes them even more scary 8-)...................Just confirms that my next vote should be for none of the usual suspects ;-)

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Guest pelmetman
Corky 8 - 2012-10-26 7:37 PM


I,ll work next to him if I get paid and have the same benefits as his lordship, better still give him a week carrying Coal ,then ask him again.


Talking of coal ;-) ................We had a delivery this week from......... someone who was offering the best deal around here........£160 for half a ton of smokeless stuff for the multi fuel stove............He turned up at gone 7 at night 8-)..................I was in the comfortable stage of getting p****ed ..........and by god he was slow and spoke pure Linclonshire :-S............After 8 years up here I was able to have almost a conversation ;-).............he was telling me as he hobbled that he'll be glad when the youngsters take over..........he was 62 8-)


He asked me to set up his sat nav for his next delivery *-) ............


By Eck I know I've done well by comparison :$...........


Fates a fickle sod :-S

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I always thought it would be good to retire when I left school and then start work at 65 , but having been retired for the last 6 years and coming 65 next month there is no way I would like to start work again at 65 what a stupid idea !!! Still at least I am going to get a better annual pay rise than I ever did when I was working  bring on the OAP.
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Dave225 - 2012-10-26 7:09 PM


peter - 2012-10-26 4:54 PM


More like 75%. What a stupid pillock. I bet he's a toffee nosed tory as well.

As for Clive being bored on retirement, he wants to get a life right now and get the work play balance sorted asap. That's a bit of free advice for you Clive. :D

I don't know how I ever found the time to do a full time job and do the things I do now. Fact is I didn't and the house/garden etc suffered as a consequence.


He is actually a Liberal but that possibly makes his 'crime' even worse.

Nope, he ain't even one of them! He's a Cross-bencher, meaning an independent. Doesn't make the idea any better, though! :-)

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