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Wind Farm Row


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Energy minister John Hayes has felt the wrath of his eco loon "boss" Davey after his comments on wind farms.


What he says makes a whole lot of sense to me - the damn things blight the countryside, destroy birds and bats, require us all to sponsor them with our taxes as they are appallingly inefficient.


Best comment I have seen so far is that:-


"Wind farms will only ever work if we constuct a huge Nuclear Powered fan in front of them"


(lol) (lol) (lol)

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Wait for a few years to pass by when the funding for maintenance of these monstrosities drys up, there will be wind turbines in a dilapidated state dropping to the ground (or into the sea) and we will have the rusting remnants everywhere no one will want to fund the decommissioning and we will suddenly realise that this exercise was a massive white elephant in which the governments of the world were all duped into funding.
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Looks like Scotland is waking up to the reality of Salmonds energy policy:-


This from the Scottish Express:-



"ALEX Salmond’s plan to make Scotland totally dependent on wind farms for its energy will cost an extra £1billion, which will be added to household electricity bills.


Every one of Scotland’s 2.4 million households would pay an extra £410 a year, according to respected think tank the Renewable Energy Foundation (REF).


The organisation’s director, Dr John Constable, said that if Scottish consumers have to pay the total subsidy the First Minister is aiming for by 2020, each household will have to stump up an extra £300 per annum for onshore wind.


He added: “If one adds on the offshore as well, that will cost Scottish households an extra £110 per annum.”


To make matters worse, the cost of subsidising wind farms is borne by the entire United Kingdom at the moment, but an independent Scotland would lose cash support from south of the Border, and would have to shoulder the entire burden.


It is a complete false economy, and it is leading us to blackouts

Conservative MEP Struan Stevenson


Subsidies worth £300million would be in jeopardy if the UK Government decides it has enough wind farms, but Scotland continues to build them.


UK energy minister John Hayes has already said that the UK could cease production of onshore turbines, although the UK Government has not confirmed this.


Just last week, First Minister Alex Salmond said half of Scotland’s electricity would come from renewable energy, mainly onshore wind, by 2015.


Conservative MEP Struan Stevenson, an opponent of wind farms, said: “There are already about 900,000 in Scotland in fuel poverty because of rising energy prices, which are due to Alex Salmond’s policy of renewable energy or bust.


“What happens if Scotland votes for independence? Do we really think the English will be happy to continue subsidising this programme of wind turbines in Scotland? Of course they won’t. The cost would then be directly on the Scottish consumers.”


Mr Stevenson believes wind farms are inefficient and do not provide any real green benefits.


He added: “For every megawatt of installed capacity for wind, you have to install one megawatt for gas, coal or nuclear back-up for when the wind is not blowing.


“It is a complete false economy, and it is leading us to blackouts.”


In a further blow to the First Minister’s plan for total dependence on wind farms, a survey carried out for the prestigious conservation charity the John Muir Trust has revealed the widespread farms could devastate the £11billion tourism industry.


It revealed that half the British public would be put off visiting scenic areas blighted by wind farms.


A Scottish Government spokesman said: “We will face greater price rises and volatility if we rely more on fossil fuels than on low carbon sources.”




Certainly I dislike the visual disturbance created by rows upon rows of these modern day follies. As for the damage they do to Bat and Bird life ................ :-S


Best quote I have seen re wind power of late is that wind turbines only make sense if you have a nuclear powered fan in front of them.

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CliveH - 2012-11-05 9:04 AM


Looks like Scotland is waking up to the reality of Salmonds energy policy:-


This from the Scottish Express:-



"ALEX Salmond’s plan to make Scotland totally dependent on wind farms for its energy will cost an extra £1billion, which will be added to household electricity bills.


Every one of Scotland’s 2.4 million households would pay an extra £410 a year, according to respected think tank the Renewable Energy Foundation (REF).


The organisation’s director, Dr John Constable, said that if Scottish consumers have to pay the total subsidy the First Minister is aiming for by 2020, each household will have to stump up an extra £300 per annum for onshore wind.


He added: “If one adds on the offshore as well, that will cost Scottish households an extra £110 per annum.”


To make matters worse, the cost of subsidising wind farms is borne by the entire United Kingdom at the moment, but an independent Scotland would lose cash support from south of the Border, and would have to shoulder the entire burden.


It is a complete false economy, and it is leading us to blackouts

Conservative MEP Struan Stevenson


Subsidies worth £300million would be in jeopardy if the UK Government decides it has enough wind farms, but Scotland continues to build them.


UK energy minister John Hayes has already said that the UK could cease production of onshore turbines, although the UK Government has not confirmed this.


Just last week, First Minister Alex Salmond said half of Scotland’s electricity would come from renewable energy, mainly onshore wind, by 2015.


Conservative MEP Struan Stevenson, an opponent of wind farms, said: “There are already about 900,000 in Scotland in fuel poverty because of rising energy prices, which are due to Alex Salmond’s policy of renewable energy or bust.


“What happens if Scotland votes for independence? Do we really think the English will be happy to continue subsidising this programme of wind turbines in Scotland? Of course they won’t. The cost would then be directly on the Scottish consumers.”


Mr Stevenson believes wind farms are inefficient and do not provide any real green benefits.


He added: “For every megawatt of installed capacity for wind, you have to install one megawatt for gas, coal or nuclear back-up for when the wind is not blowing.


“It is a complete false economy, and it is leading us to blackouts.”


In a further blow to the First Minister’s plan for total dependence on wind farms, a survey carried out for the prestigious conservation charity the John Muir Trust has revealed the widespread farms could devastate the £11billion tourism industry.


It revealed that half the British public would be put off visiting scenic areas blighted by wind farms.


A Scottish Government spokesman said: “We will face greater price rises and volatility if we rely more on fossil fuels than on low carbon sources.”




Certainly I dislike the visual disturbance created by rows upon rows of these modern day follies. As for the damage they do to Bat and Bird life ................ :-S


Best quote I have seen re wind power of late is that wind turbines only make sense if you have a nuclear powered fan in front of them.


I am certainly no fan of wind power either but the article does contain some discrepancies. After all the Express is published by a soft porn owner.




Fuel poverty has nothing to do with the SNP policy as the prices are imposed by the energy Companies following rules laid down by Westminster. and the profit requirement of foreign owners. All the energy we generate here goes to the National Grid and is spread over the whole of the UK, so we for example pay for the hydro power we generate. Now I am not familiar with the technical details but it does seem that providing power for 4 million souls is a bit easier than 70 million. As we already have oil/gas and hydro ( another big one is being oped) then maybe wind power is not required for 100%. Wave power is also an option.


England does not subsidise wind turbines in Scotland, they are subsidised again by the tax payers of the UK regardless of where they are built.


4 giant offshore farms have been proposed, which would do the job, but 'discarded' in favour of onshore ones. No one knows why but we may assume 'forces' are at work.


As the OP's title states Scotland is waking up and an election usually focuses the politicians eyes on what matters. I suspect Salmond is doing his usual 'spouting nonsense in the hope he will get something in return.

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We could establish a business uprooting wind turbines from all over England and exporting them all to Scotland using the money raised to build nice shiny new nuclear power stations then when all the lights go out in Haggis County we can sell them some our very reriable nuclear generated electricity compliments of Hitachi.


Money makes the world go round innit!

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