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Celebrity Jungle Garbage Thing


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I do hope that her employers - us - are not paying her wages or expenses whilst she is absent from duty as a constituency MP - but why do I doubt that she will be out of pocket?


Is it perhaps that she does not have a proper job working for a proper company with responsibilities that are taken seriously by those who wish to keep their jobs?

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antony1969 - 2012-11-07 7:10 PM

and if she was my MP then she'd get a kicking come next election time aswell for craving fame instead of working for her constituency .


Around here if it has a blue rosette it gets voted in!

The MP before her was kicked out for being a crook, and the one before that was given a large (undisclosed) sum of taxpayers money by Mary Archer to stop him going bankrupt.

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I was listening to the Jeremy Vine show on Radio 2 when it was being discussed - Lembit Opik was on defending her and someone else (can't remember who) was in the opposite camp. It would appear that she could make up to £75k for being there - she'll have to stay for the full period of the show apparently, regardless of when she gets kicked out, so she won't be back in the constituency at all for a month.


I 'assume' she asked her 'boss' - Davey boy - and he must have given approval for her to do it. I don't agree with it at all as, quite apart from her not being a celebrity (except possibly in her own mind like many MPs), she appears to be under the mistaken belief that she's going to be able to talk politics and get people more interested in it by taking part in the show, however, what she hasn't though of is that the show makers won't show the 'boring' stuff (ie politics) so what she has to say probably won't be shown anyway!


So, that leaves her either being 'greedy' and wanting the lovely dosh, or a twit for not thinking through how it will play out in reality ... *-)

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