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Connecting a TV to aerial in a motorhome


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I have a motorhome with a white saucer type aerial which seems to connect to a Teleco AT36 device in a cupboard. The Teleco has 3 outlets with TV2 TV1 and ANT on them. The two with TV have brown cables (like aerial cables) while the ANT one has a white cable. My understanding is that the Teleco device is a signal booster but I don't really know much about it.


My question is how do I connect my Tv to the aerial and are there any problems I should be aware of. (The Tv will be a new 19inch one). Hope someone can help out, thanks, Col

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Hi Col


I believe the Teleco is a booster. The white ANT cable goes to the aerial (or antenna) so you shouldn't touch that, however as the TV1 and TV2 have brown aerial cables connected already, you need to either find out where they go to in your van (there may be aerial points already in it - sometimes they are part of the 12v or 230v outlet, or a separate one), or alternatively remove them and wire in your own aerial cable to where you want it. Before you do anything, though, I'd suggest connecting a lead from a TV to one of the TV points on the booster and making sure that you can receive signals to ensure that the aerial and booster are working correctly. Once you have done this you can be confident that it should work with your new TV.


Your aerial appears to be what is commonly referred to as a 'flying saucer' type (probably a Status 315) and is omnidirectional so should pick up a signal from whatever direction it is being transmitted, however, these don't always work as well as a directional aerial (such as the Status 530) which you have to point in the direction of the transmitter). We normally have the directional type on our motorhomes, but on our new van conversion it has the 'flying saucer' type and we've found so far that it has been extremely good.


This is the one I think you have:



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If we do not switch on the booster on our Omni Directional aerial (Flying Saucer) we usually do not pick up any stations but with the booster on it works quite well in a reasonable reception area.


I agree with previous post that the way to go is satelite dish. We ahve the Maplins dish in a briefcase (£70)which has served us well as far south as south west France and East as far as Austria and Northern Italy.


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Oddly enough the flying saucer type omnidirectional arials which were originally rubbish work very well with digital signals which for technical reasons which were once explains to me but I have now forgotten. One thing you should bear in mind some TVs can be swamped if the digital signal is too strong. We sometimes find we need to reduce the boost adjustment or even switch the boost off altogether if we are using the built in entertainment centre in our AutoTrail but the Avtex we have in the bedroom area seems immune to such problems.
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Thanks everyone for you comments. Mel you were right, there are two aerial points in the van - one above the sink! and a cable behind a side partition in a cupboard (had to ask Autosleepers where it was). I have disconnected one and will now run a new cable to the TV when I get round to fitting it. Thanks again. Col
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