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Abu Qatada


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Surely there is someone in the UK who can resolve this problem? I suspect I know what the majority of the citizens of this country would feel is the appropriate answer, the problem I suspect is that he will have more protection than the PM.


If there was ever a reason to leave the EU, then he has demonstrated it effectively.

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Guest pelmetman

Yet we lock up at the same time a SAS hero for not ticking the boxes for a weapon he was given as gift for services rendered *-)


I've an idea we keep Abu ;-)..............but kick out all our brain dead judges >:-)

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'Fraid so Pepe. That was Hamza! :-)


IMO, Qatada will eventually go. Much heat being generated in certain quarters, mainly among those who forget the law is to protect the innocent as much as it is to prosecute the guilty. Better to have a UK court (not, incidentally, a European one) decide the government can't just get rid of those it wishes to be rid of at the stroke of a pen. Good too, that Theresa May has shown better judgement than some of her less thoughtful backwoodsmen.


I would far sooner we had prosecuted him ourselves originally, rather than asserting that he is a proto-terrorist who cannot be tried for security reasons. Wonder what we'd be doing with him if Jordan didn't want him? That prospect would have sharpened a few minds. Lifelong imprisonment without trial? There's a comforting thought. Wonder who might be next, eh? :-)

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IMO It's time for change & to send the message globallythat the UK won't stand for political crackpots coming here spouting anti-UK retoric & abusing our country.

This guy has lived on state handouts & abused the country where he sought sanctuary for too many years.

He's also had thousands of £ from the legal system & Human rights organisations to defend his right to remain here.


WHY if he hates the western democracies did he come her in the 1st place :'(


It's time WE changed the Law & ditched the European Court of Human Rights.

We don't have to belong the club, but we can still maintain Human Rights for any individual who doesn't laugh at us, behind his curtains.



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pelmetman - 2012-11-13 6:01 PM


Yet we lock up at the same time a SAS hero for not ticking the boxes for a weapon he was given as gift for services rendered *-)


I've an idea we keep Abu ;-)..............but kick out all our brain dead judges >:-)


I think it was a court martial Dave. Even worse , they named him and showed his face 8-)



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