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Melvin - 2012-12-02 5:53 PM


Tracker - 2012-12-02 5:02 PM


Melvin - 2012-12-02 1:48 PM

I was being humorous, I was just winding you up, and you bit :-D


Of course you were - the lack of smileys gave you away!


I am sorry you are just like a spoilt child


Now who is taking the bait!!

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As this thread has once again - like so many others - been hijacked by the forum troll, I have no desire to continue. 

It thrives on attention, and the only attention it is capable of mustering is born out of conflict. It turns thread, after thread, after thread into its own personal vehicle to spit bile and torment, and I'm absolutely sick of it.

And so it seems logical to starve it of attention, even as it screams and rants and posts ever more inflammatory and deeply offensive and antagonistic material - little of which is to do with motorhome matters.

Until Warner's protect the interests of this community by banning it (again), from this point on, I personally refuse to directly communicate with it. 

Others may wish to show their objection to its malevolence by doing the same.
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crinklystarfish - 2012-12-03 10:28 AMAs this thread has once again - like so many others - been hijacked by the forum troll, I have no desire to continue. 

It thrives on attention, and the only attention it is capable of mustering is born out of conflict. It turns thread, after thread, after thread into its own personal vehicle to spit bile and torment, and I'm absolutely sick of it.

And so it seems logical to starve it of attention, even as it screams and rants and posts ever more inflammatory and deeply offensive and antagonistic material - little of which is to do with motorhome matters.

Until Warner's protect the interests of this community by banning it (again), from this point on, I personally refuse to directly communicate with it. 

Others may wish to show their objection to its malevolence by doing the same.
Once again you can't resist the opportunity to have another unprovoked stir all the while blaming me for doing exactly the same - but that is what trolls like you do isn't it? Please tell me do just what I said that is so 'deeply offensive and antagonistic' to you - but before you do just have a look at your own rantings?Let me remind you that it was not I but Marvin who chose to take something out of context and feign taking offence - then feign that he was winding me up when I responded - so why not just mention to Marvin the error of his ways - but that of course would not fit into your own blinkered view would it.So once again I am only responding you YOUR provocation and before YOU start again take a good hard look at YOUR own reasons for starting yet another spat? NEVER have I started a spat with you - I only ever respond and just in case you have any doubts that is not about to change because it is your own holier than thou arrogance and inability to make any point without insult or rudeness that starts every new tiff.The cure - communicate your points politely and you will get a polite response - surely even you (and one or two others) can grasp that?Stop feigning offence at every unprovoked opportunity and start behaving and communicating like an adult and you will find that, unlike some, you included, I carry no grudges and will not reignite any old vendetta unless provoked.What else does it take to get the monkey off my back?
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crinklystarfish - 2012-12-03 10:28 AMAs this thread has once again - like so many others - been hijacked by the forum troll, I have no desire to continue. 

It thrives on attention, and the only attention it is capable of mustering is born out of conflict. It turns thread, after thread, after thread into its own personal vehicle to spit bile and torment, and I'm absolutely sick of it.

And so it seems logical to starve it of attention, even as it screams and rants and posts ever more inflammatory and deeply offensive and antagonistic material - little of which is to do with motorhome matters.

Until Warner's protect the interests of this community by banning it (again), from this point on, I personally refuse to directly communicate with it. 

Others may wish to show their objection to its malevolence by doing the same.
Somewhat over the top here crinkly. I have never seen Rich, if you mean him, spit bile and torment or post deeply offensive material unless you are the extra sensitive type. Quite a few, including me, like an argument but it rarely goes over the top. Personally I have only seen one person who I would regard as being really abusive on here but then maybe I am not as sensitive as you.
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Guest JudgeMental
crinklystarfish - 2012-12-03 10:28 AMAs this thread has once again - like so many others - been hijacked by the forum troll, I have no desire to continue. 

It thrives on attention, and the only attention it is capable of mustering is born out of conflict. It turns thread, after thread, after thread into its own personal vehicle to spit bile and torment, and I'm absolutely sick of it.

And so it seems logical to starve it of attention, even as it screams and rants and posts ever more inflammatory and deeply offensive and antagonistic material - little of which is to do with motorhome matters.

Until Warner's protect the interests of this community by banning it (again), from this point on, I personally refuse to directly communicate with it. 

Others may wish to show their objection to its malevolence by doing the same.
Pretty good assesemnet me thinks.. I try and ignore the postings by just flitting over them, fed up of falling into the trap. I lose it, and I am the bad person when compared to this pious creature. So in love with itself it can never ever shut up!lol Should be banned for hardly ever posting on topic for a start. and being the most devious troublemaker on here...Over 40 posts on this thread alone...... 8-)Oh! dont bother replying just to blow your own trumpet, I dont ever run vanvoverweight and wont be looking back in....
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Right on cue the troll's apprentice just has to creep out from under the rickety bridge to poke his oar in once more!


This latest attack out of nothing to do with either of you says so much more about the pair of you than my words ever can - especially from the troll who keeps asking me to leave HIM alone!


I have never attacked either of you other than in response - so all you have to do is stop poking your oars in on yet more unprovoked attacks and I will not have any need to respond.


You must be pretty thick and arrogant the pair of you to be unable to understand that when you learn to communicate politely I will respond to you politely.


There is nobody else on this forum who behaves in such an insulting and unpleasant way as you two with your lies and false accusations about what I say about my postings and whilst I am not given to seeking the moderators help I am getting pretty brassed off - as are many others - with your continual baiting and snide nastiness spoiling so many threads.


It wouldn't be so bad if either of you came with anything new or original, but no you can't because there is nothing so you constantly whinge on about the same old historical things - but then why would you let honesty and common sense get in the way of a having good whingeing stir eh!!


I was wrong about getting the monkey off my back - it would be nice to get both monkeys off my back!!



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Guest Had Enough

I was a member of this forum for some years. Why did I give up? Just one reason, Tracker.


I have never come across a more sly and insidious man in all of my life. He specialises in subtle little digs, the purpose of which is to annoy or even enrage. For years he spent his time on here having nasty little digs at caravanners and anyone who, unlike him, isn’t too tight to use a site occasionally.


In the end and, like many others I suspect, I just gave up and decided it was better to leave. I popped back to just view the forum after some time to find him no different, except that this time he piously tries to convince everyone how reasonable he is with whatever vomit-inducing signature he’s using at the time.


I really don’t know whether he is just a vile and thoroughly nasty man who enjoys the stirring that he creates or is he is simply so lacking in intelligence that he doesn’t understand what he is doing. I suspect the former.


He is like Joseph Goebbels in that he believes that, if he constantly repeats his lies about how fair he is and how he is the innocent party, that it will somehow be true!


Here is just one example of his craft: In this thread he makes the following post:


‘Does anyone know whether the poor old cyclist has a better chance of survival if hit by a 3600 kg motorhome rather than a 7500 kg truck or 44000 kg HGV?


Answers on the back of a £20 note please!


Still - there's always a silver lining - and one less cyclist weaving around the road out of control in front of us makes it so much safer for all of us oldies with very slow reaction times and no driving ability!’


He knows that such a comment is likely to really annoy any cyclist, and to suggest that the roads will be easier for him if the odd cyclist is killed is appalling. He doesn’t use any smileys and you will notice that, a few posts higher up this thread he castigates Melvin for daring to suggest that he was only joking, as Melvin hadn’t used smileys himself!


So others, if they wish to prove that they’re only joking, must use smileys, but we’re supposed to work out if Tracker is being humorous or not without smileys! I wish he’d make up his mind!


What Tracker should ask himself is this: “Why is it that some people absolutely detest me?” And they don’t just dislike him, they and I absolutely detest him and he is the only person on any forum that I can say I came to loathe in such a way.


As Crinklystarfish said, he has been exposed, but it will make little difference. We can now expect a pious and sick-making attack as he once more tries to convince everyone that he’s the innocent party, that he’s only joking and his nasty little digs and snide and sly attacks are really just a bit of fun. Well they’re not, they are exactly the opposite and show the man’s true character.


He’s been banned once apparently and it’s time he was banned again. He is a thoroughly nasty piece of work and this and any other forum will be happier without him.


Moderators – please, please, try to see the harm he does, the trouble he causes, and get rid of him for good.


And Tracker, once more, ask yourself why you are so detested by a number of people.


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Guest pelmetman

Hello Roger..........or are you Roger?..............there is a simple way not to get riled with Trackers (Rich) posts and that is not to read them ;-)


I dare say there is some history between certain forum members :-S.............which is unfortunate :-( ........but using a fake ID to stir up trouble is beyond the pail *-)


Not wishing to take sides;-)...............you understand, I have met Tracker (Rich) and he seem'd a nice bloke..........when he bought my mixer........Oooop's maybe its my fault :D

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Guest Had Enough
pelmetman - 2012-12-03 5:05 PM


Hello Roger..........or are you Roger?..............there is a simple way not to get riled with Trackers (Rich) posts and that is not to read them ;-)


I dare say there is some history between certain forum members :-S.............which is unfortunate :-( ........but using a fake ID to stir up trouble is beyond the pail *-)


Not wishing to take sides;-)...............you understand, I have met Tracker (Rich) and he seem'd a nice bloke..........when he bought my mixer........Oooop's maybe its my fault :D


I couldn't remember my password and the email address I had is no longer in use so the forum couldn't email me my password reminder, so I had no choice but to create a new user.


Perhaps you should ask yourself why he has so much history with other members? Is he the only one who is right and they're all wrong?


You'll learn eventually! And yes, he may have been personable when you met him, that's the nature of keyboard warriors. They won't say boo to a goose to your face but when they're on a forum their true nature often comes out. And his true nature is very unpleasant as he continually shows.


Anyway, I'm not here to return permanently. As long as Tracker is on this forum I'm not, so I'll bid you goodbye. I simply wanted to show the members that it's not just Crinkly and Judge that loathe the man, there have been many others. He's a sly and and insidious creep.




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Well well well, it looks as if another nasty minded little vermin has crawled back out of his sewer just in time to have a go at me, taking yet more postings out of context - well done you must be feeling very proud of your efforts to continue the nastiness.


What an amazing coincidence too - just as the other two creeps have chosen this very moment to involve themselves in yet another unprovoked attack on me over something that was said that didn't even involve them in the first place. What a coincidence! Does anyone believe in coincidence?


And yet funnily enough whilst I am building up a bit of irritation with one or two I don't hate anyone, and I have never picked a fight with anyone - so why all the concerted effort of bile and hatred? It does you all no credit, but it does reveal your true personalities - or rather your lack of it.


If you don't like what I say has it never occurred to any of you to politely ask for clarification or is tolerance of other peoples point of view and sense of humour not within your own very limited and blinkered braincell's range of abilities?


No of course it hasn't because for small minded trolls like you three it is much easier to read every posting specifically looking for something that you can indignantly take out of context and use as an excuse to pump yet more vilification and vitriol onto the forum and if you really can't find enough to be really unpleasant, a good old dig around in the past will surely find you an old chestnut to try again, and again, and again.


So far from condemning me without any prior provocation perhaps you could look at your own roles in perpetuating the unpleasantness as if you feel you have the right to attack me then I surely have the equal right to respond.


Just contemplate that if you had not joined in this mass attack this is yet another two postings that would not have happened and it is you that is abusing this forum not I.


You accuse me of being sly and insidious - funnily enough the same words that Judgedmentallyunstable and his cohort (for whom I'm working on a more suitable name likes to use) - what a coincidence - that's truly amazing - just like the continual reference to the past!!


How many times do I need to say it - by all means post your point of view but just stop attacking me without reason and I won't need to respond.


My apologies to all who are as fed up with all the continual bitching and whingeing as I am and just as soon as the three vile monkeys get off my back it will stop.


Simples innit - well it is to me!!


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Guest 1footinthegrave
You know what guys and gals I've had my moments of disagreements online, but I've come to realise life's too short for all this bulls*h*i*t from wherever it comes. ( and yes that includes me )
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Guest Had Enough

Before I go out for the night I'd just like to give you another example of Tracker's craft. In a thread on shop closures in Chatterbox, he wrote this:


'What really worries me is how will we all manage when we are unable to go and look at things in our local shops before going home to buy them off Amazon for less money, a watertight and hassle free guarantee and next day delivery? Worrying innit!'


I was in my local camping/scout shop in summer to buy some new boots. I waited patiently whilst the owner served a customer who also needed new boots. This shop is superb, they even have a simulated slope so that you can test boots on uphill and downhill slopes, which is very important when choosing suitable footwear.


After at least twenty minutes during which he'd been shown shoes in his price range and found a pair that fitted perfectly he told the retailer that he's think about it.


After he'd gone I said: "You'll never see him again. He's now off to search the web for the cheapest price." "I know, said the owner, but what can you do?"


I then chose a pair and bought them as I realise that if this man folds there will be nowhere in my town where I can actually try on new boots, anoraks, crampons etc. I am not so selfish that I will use this shop and then go online to save a tenner.


I've no problem with buying online, I do it all the time but I will not engage in this sort of dishonest practice.


So here's a question for Tracker. Why did you post what you did? There were no smileys, which you tell others are essential to tell everyone that you are joking.


You posted for one of two reasons. Reason one is because you are the kind of person who will go into his local shop and waste their time when you know that you have no intention of buying anything and are just using them so that you can decide what to buy from the Internet.


That in my opinion is dishonest, slimy and makes you no better than a thief. You are stealing the man's time under false pretences and possibly losing him money as he cannot deal with real customers whilst you are engaging him.


The second reason is that you did it simply to provoke, although I suspect that this is actually how you do behave when shopping.


So which is it? Are you the sort of dishonest person I describe or did you simply post to provoke?


I don't really expect an answer, despite it being a simple question, because whatever reason you give shows you in your true light.


You'll now attack and prevaricate and try to defend your actions, but I don't expect an answer!
















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Oh for crying out loud you stupid little man!


A whole posting devoted to deliberate out of context provocation and discrediting based purely on a something from the past that you did not feel inclined to join at the time but now think is a good enough reason to justify carrying on being nasty.


You really are a pathetic little whinger that you have to trawl back through so many threads looking once more for something from the past to take out of context and use as ammunition to have another go at me. Well done you must be very proud to continue your unjustified disruption without regard for other forum users - or did someone else help you?


Perhaps when you do eventually understand how irony works you will be able to recognise it when you see it, but meanwhile may I direct you to the OED for a definition!


For the record the posting by me on shop closures was on 19th Nov - two weeks ago - and the last posting on that thread was on 22nd Nov by which time every other reader had presumably seen my posting and had, presumably, seen it as the irony that it was. Do you really not have anything better to do with your time?


I do not feel the need to justify my shopping preferences to you or to anyone else but just for the record I do not engage in dishonest practise and in point of fact I tend to look online first for background info and ideas about exactly what I want and then try and buy locally when I can. Fortunately King's Lynn and Downham Market both have a good range of local and national shops.


I suggest that your totally unfounded accusation is yet another vain attempt to distort and fabricate your way into another pointless and irrelevant attack. How much lower do you intend to crawl just to justify your own arrogance and nastiness?


I prefer the use of exclamation marks to denote humour when I feel that it applies and if you feel that an explanation is due on any particular posting is it asking too much for you to ask politely - as you will get a polite response - but then you don't don't want a reasoned response do you as that not within your deviously scheming little plan is it?


You started this nastiness for no good reason other than your own ego and I have finished it so for you to continue would just show you in your true light.


I have nothing more to add and if it is OK with you shall we leave it there but if you do choose to carry on you may expect a reply.

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pelmetman - 2012-12-03 6:35 PM


Another thread destined for the freezer *-)


Yeah... :-S But unfortunately,binning it probably won't gain anything...because it'll only end up sparking up again in another thread......


As has been said, "..it's tiresome..". and is probably putting other members off posting... :-S

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pepe63 - 2012-12-03 7:01 PM


pelmetman - 2012-12-03 6:35 PM


Another thread destined for the freezer *-)


Yeah... :-S But unfortunately,binning it probably won't gain anything...because it'll only end up sparking up again in another thread......


As has been said, "..it's tiresome..". and is probably putting other members off posting... :-S


Fair comment - but it won't be me who picks a quarrel!!


Do you honestly think that I should let all these out of context, offensive and unjustified attacks go unanswered and just give in to the dark side of the 'holier but nastier than thou brigade' - well do ya!!

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Guest 1footinthegrave
In a word YES, cus it gets you nor anyone else anywhere, wake up and smell the coffee as the yanks say, I have. ;-)
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Fair comment guys but perhaps you can help me a little?


With respect it is easy for you to sit back and tell me to ignore the vitriol and bile but honestly guys, would you be happy to ignore unpredictable but regular attacks that use distortions, untruths and out of context quotations from the past in a coordinated attempt to destroy your own integrity, honesty, and good nature?


Having responded to an attack I have repeatedly ask the attacker to leave it there at 'even stevens' - one blast each - but these three are unique on here in that they are just unable to let it go - ever - and even when they do they start up again sooner rather than later.


I've tried to make peace with Judgedmentallyunstable on several occasions and it lasts for a few weeks and then completely out of the blue he starts again, although to be fair he didn't start this one, but neither did he miss the opportunity to stick his oar in where it was not needed.


You think you are fed up with it - how do you think I feel - but I like this forum and I respect most of the people on it and all I want is to get on with helping, learning and having a chuckle.

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Guest pelmetman
Tracker - 2012-12-03 7:40 PM


Having responded to an attack


There's the answer Rich ;-)................Don't react :D...............

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pelmetman - 2012-12-03 7:48 PM


Tracker - 2012-12-03 7:40 PM


Having responded to an attack


There's the answer Rich ;-)................Don't react :D...............


Believe me Dave I do take your point, but I kinda feel that to allow these disgraceful oiks to repeatedly sully my name unanswered just so that they can exercise their nastiness without fear of a response whenever the mood takes them just does not really seem the best way forward for me?


I keep asking them to stop as I will stop replying - how can that be so unreasonable - but history shows that even when they do stop they soon start again?


I would never dream of asking for them to be banned, as they do to me, as I am simply not a vindictive guy and I feel well able to defend myself - but why should I have to keep on doing so?


With respect Dave, you should try being sat here reading all this claptrap of bile and distortions - it ain't very nice - and even worse it ain't justified!


This was an interesting thread with some lively discussion and it is wrong that these oiks have been allowed to destroy that process of sharing of knowledge and experiences.


See - I can do holier than thou too!!

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Guest 1footinthegrave
The internet is littered with forums, they all have a common theme,it's argumentative, perhaps the anonymity of the medium brings out the worst in people, I've often thought things would not be said in a face to face situation for fear of a broken nose. :D
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