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1footinthegrave - 2012-12-03 8:15 PM


The internet is littered with forums, they all have a common theme,it's argumentative, perhaps the anonymity of the medium brings out the worst in people, I've often thought things would not be said in a face to face situation for fear of a broken nose. :D


Very well said, but as we know, there are forums around where people are polite .............. Just not that many. One reason why I don't participate much on here.


Edit, I do weigh my van and do keep inside the law - the line has to be drawn somewhere, after all

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Guest Had Enough
Tracker - 2012-12-03 6:58 PM


Oh for crying out loud you stupid little man!


A whole posting devoted to deliberate out of context provocation and discrediting based purely on a something from the past that you did not feel inclined to join at the time but now think is a good enough reason to justify carrying on being nasty.


You really are a pathetic little whinger that you have to trawl back through so many threads looking once more for something from the past to take out of context and use as ammunition to have another go at me. Well done you must be very proud to continue your unjustified disruption without regard for other forum users - or did someone else help you?


Perhaps when you do eventually understand how irony works you will be able to recognise it when you see it, but meanwhile may I direct you to the OED for a definition!


For the record the posting by me on shop closures was on 19th Nov - two weeks ago - and the last posting on that thread was on 22nd Nov by which time every other reader had presumably seen my posting and had, presumably, seen it as the irony that it was. Do you really not have anything better to do with your time?


I do not feel the need to justify my shopping preferences to you or to anyone else but just for the record I do not engage in dishonest practise and in point of fact I tend to look online first for background info and ideas about exactly what I want and then try and buy locally when I can. Fortunately King's Lynn and Downham Market both have a good range of local and national shops.


I suggest that your totally unfounded accusation is yet another vain attempt to distort and fabricate your way into another pointless and irrelevant attack. How much lower do you intend to crawl just to justify your own arrogance and nastiness?


I prefer the use of exclamation marks to denote humour when I feel that it applies and if you feel that an explanation is due on any particular posting is it asking too much for you to ask politely - as you will get a polite response - but then you don't don't want a reasoned response do you as that not within your deviously scheming little plan is it?


You started this nastiness for no good reason other than your own ego and I have finished it so for you to continue would just show you in your true light.


I have nothing more to add and if it is OK with you shall we leave it there but if you do choose to carry on you may expect a reply.


I haven't trawled back through any posts. I simply remembered it and noted that it was a typical Tracker comment.


So I suppose then that I have your answer? You appear to be saying that it's not true and you just did it to provoke. Once again, Typical Tracker!


I love your constant whinging about dredging up the past, as though just because you did something disgraceful two weeks ago, it shouldn't count!


I'll try that in court if ever I'm in trouble! "But m'lud, it was three weeks ago, why are you dragging up the past?"


But once more, you should ask yourself this question. Why is it you that is being singled out for this criticism? Why is it always you who makes otherwise rational people detest you? I and Judge and Crinkly don't feel this way about anyone else.


Why is that do you think?


I shall leave you to your pious justification. I shall leave you to your pathetic whinging about how poor old Tracker is totally undeserving of the opprobrium being heaped on him.


But once more before I go, you are without a shadow of a doubt, the slimiest, nastiest and most vile piece of work that I have ever come across on any forum. Yours is a nasty and insidious manner, and I suspect that's why you are now a friendless and lonely man.


Why have you been picked on I wonder? Start to examine yourself, although as Crinkly said recently, you just can't help it, it's in your nature.


Goodbye and good riddance.





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Right ... I've had just about enough of all this bl**dy squabbling, name calling, back-biting, nastiness - call it what you will - on this forum. I come on here to enjoy 'meeting' people and 'talking' to them, helping etc and sometimes having a bit of FUN ... yes FUN! At the moment though this forum is far from that.


Judgemental / Crinkly / Had Enough


Just STOP it NOW! You are no better than bullies and believe me I've had my share of bullies, both in the playground and at work! Having been at the receiving end of this sort of treatment in the past from others on this very forum I can tell you that it is extremely annoying and can be upsetting, especially when EVERYTHING you do is attacked!


It is getting so fl*ming boring reading again and again your snide and just plain nasty attacks on Tracker - no matter what he says you just jump in with your digs and flippant comments - you are like a mob who eagerly encourages each other to pick, pick and pick again until it builds up into such a crescendo that yet another thread degenerates into a stupid p*ssing contest! It is about time you all took a good hard look at yourselves and stopped causing trouble just for the sake of it.


You are no angels on this forum and indeed often go out of your way to make comments about others just for the hell of it ... if that's what you want then go and find another place to play your nasty games as NO ONE on here wants to hear about it any more!


As for you Had Enough ... you've just come on here to cause trouble, pure and simple ... I hope you are pleased with yourself ... it would have been much nicer if you'd just participated pleasantly and we could have welcomed you as a forum member and enjoyed 'your company' instead.


I am ashamed to be part of this forum whilst YOU THREE are on it!


Believe me when I say that if this continues I will ASK THE MODERATOR TO BAN THE LOT OF YOU!


Oh, and before any of you decide to try to give a clever retort or claim they are an angel - don't bother ... I've seen it all before and it doesn't wash with me now.

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Guest 1footinthegrave

I have to say it takes two to tango, and to single out an individual or individuals to defend / castigate is unfair IMO.,I'll say that again, IMO.


Earlier this year I asked for information on"Dog Free" sites, that resulted in me being a hate figure with very many nasty and totally uncalled for comments from a lot of forum users,( I'm sure you remember you contributed to that very thread not overly surprising as I now see from your profile you have three ) I even had PMs telling me what a Dog hating nutter I was. Some users even went as far as changing their picture to a dog presumably in the hope of some effect, so nastiness or bloody mindedness abounds on here, and as you said it gets pretty depressing reading the constant spats, but will it stop, you've got more chance of winning the lottery.



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This is second time in a week I have been requested by other forum users to ban Tracker, Judgemental, and Crinklystarfish.

I am not going to, but I am asking you to please stop bickering

I am also going to freeze this thread.

We understand you don't see eye to eye but there is no need for the personal attacks.

Keep it friendly please.

I feel like I am admonishing my six-year-old twins, not adults.

This is a forum for motorhome enthusiasts to chat, give advice and share experiences in a friendly manner.

Friendly being the key word!




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