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Pet Pasport


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Guest pelmetman

We use a vet at Forges les Eaux, its about 3 and a half hours from Calais, a nice town with an aire 10 minute walk from the vets.


Patrick Pattyn,

1 Rue de Neufchatel

76440 Forges Les Euax

tel 02 35 90 55 55


He's not the cheapest but he speaks good English ;-)


We have an email address somewhere :-S

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There is a good Vet only a few miles out of Calais just of the 16 at Marquis they are beside the supermarket where there is easy parking.






MARQUISE tel; 333219289912


we have always found them very easy to talk to and not expensive like the ones in Calais.


last year we used a Vet in Muzzon as the 5 day deadline makes it easier to get it done on route back to Calais and she was very reasonable as well. If I was you I would study your route and just look for a reasonably sized village, ask anyone you see with a dog where the Vet clinique is, they all outside of the larger ports are reasonable Im told.

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pelmetman - 2012-11-25 12:52 PM


We use a vet at Forges les Eaux, its about 3 and a half hours from Calais, a nice town with an aire 10 minute walk from the vets.


Patrick Pattyn,

1 Rue de Neufchatel

76440 Forges Les Euax

tel 02 35 90 55 55


He's not the cheapest but he speaks good English ;-)


We have an email address somewhere :-S


Used this vet once, never again, made appointment by phone 24hrs in advance.


He whined on and on that we must give him more notice.


Charlie our dog at that time would not take a tablet, so it became easier to have him injected, all previous vets before and after this visit injected in the kneck, with no reaction what so ever from Charlie.


Pattyn injected into his rear causing him to stoop and with an obvious painfull reaction.


Parking difficult for us with a 8mtr MH, but his English is good.


Now where poss we go to Dr Guy Terwagen rte Mont Saint Michel Pontorson tel 08 99 10 36 20


Excellent English 25 euros Aire opposite or camping cheque site 5 mins walk


Nice chap lovely wife who also speaks English.


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As you cannot leave France for the UK until 24 hours after the visit to your vet we used a vet in Evreux in the afternoon and then spent the night at the aires in Cleres. It was then an easy drive to Calais for the ferry the next day. The vet will administer your own medication and they do speak a little English if you have no French. Parking easy at the rear of the surgery.

As you now have up to 5 days to reach the UK after the visit to the vet you can actually visit a vet almost anywhere in France and still reach the coast in plenty of time for your boat. We have found that the further from the channel ports the cheaper the service, probably only a generalisation but true for us.


Clinique Veterinaire de Navarre

95 Rue Saint-Germain




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